An essential ally for school leaders at all levels. Comprehensively planned CPD, reliable resource packs and extensive guidance created with you in mind.
An essential ally for school leaders at all levels. Comprehensively planned CPD, reliable resource packs and extensive guidance created with you in mind.
Do you have tried and trusted safeguarding INSET training but need to quickly deliver this year’s KCSIE 2024 updates to staff? Look no further - this PowerPoint and handout does exactly that! Based on the 2024 KCSIE, it’s a brilliant time-saver for anyone delivering safeguarding training and updates.
You can find this available free and more resources by visiting
Want to check that staff understand Part One of KCSIE 2024? This Quick Quiz is time-saving and adaptable, meaning you can create quizzes on your school’s internal platform or cherry pick questions for use in meetings and briefings. The quiz document has 10 multiple-choice questions but the answers aren’t obvious, helping to assure you that staff really do know safeguarding inside and out. These 6 editable quiz documents contain 10 multiple-choice questions each. This Quiz focuses on KCSIE and Principles of Safeguarding.
Our full pack of 6 Safeguarding Quizes can be found at
Looking for safeguarding scenarios as outlined in KCSIE? Try Honeyguide SLS. For more support on safeguarding, you can download our Safeguarding Audit Pack.
You can find more safeguarding information and resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS.
Please note the following disclaimer attached to this resource bundle: These resources address potentially sensitive and/or distressing subjects and are intended to be used for training purposes only. They may also contain strong language as well as terms, themes and content that depict child abuse, neglect and exploitation. All of this could elicit emotional responses and be triggering for staff using them. You must fully read each snapshot before use and it is your duty to carefully assess their appropriateness based on your staff and your context. If you deem each one to be suitable, you must ensure that adequate support is accessible for anyone who may be impacted by the content.
Looking for an in-tray task to support the recruitment process for an assistant or deputy headteacher? This task requires the candidate to order and prioritise a set of communication tasks and provide a suggested response with any further actions needed. They would need to demonstrate their ability to delegate, manage time, work under pressure and meet deadlines.
This fully editable resource is useful for those recruiting for an assistant headteacher or deputy headteacher position, as well as those applying as a candidate for the role to help prepare for the interview. Included are 6 different tasks, with template information including space for candidates to add their response to each piece of communication and their intended next steps. You may also find this task useful to support coaching and mentoring conversations with staff members who need support in prioritisation.
Looking for more interview tasks, take a look at our other options or interview task bundle.
Visit our website to find more Honeyguide SLS.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Are you looking for a thorough and comprehensive safeguarding and child protection training INSET pack to inform school staff about the KCSIE 2024 updates this September? This cost-effective, ready-to-deliver safeguarding refresher PowerPoint, including accompanying scenarios and quizzes, is exactly what you need! In line with Part one of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, it’s an excellent time-saver for anyone responsible for delivering safeguarding training and updates at the beginning of the academic year, during INSET sessions and beyond.
This 73-slide Annual Safeguarding Refresher Training has been created from the most up-to-date version of the 2024 KCSIE.
Throughout the training, you’ll explore the fundamental aspects of safeguarding children and our role as school staff in helping to keep children and young people safe from harm. Utilising statutory safeguarding documentation, including Working Together to Safeguarding Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, the training covers the signs and indicators of the following safeguarding issues:
The four types of child abuse:
Physical Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Other safeguarding aspects, including:
Domestic Abuse
Online Safety
Child Exploitation, including Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Extremism, Radicalisation and Terrorism (The Prevent Duty)
Child-On-Child Abuse
Harmful Practices, including Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Children Missing Education
Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Taking Disclosures, Reporting Concerns and Asking Non-Leading Questions
Throughout the training there are key safeguarding discussion points, relatable scenarios and supportive quizzes to gauge staff knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding issues and approaches to keeping children safe covered.
Further safeguarding training materials can be found at
Use this Teaching Assistant (TA) skills audit as part of your appraisal and performance management process, or to identify training needs.
This is also helpful for TAs to use to identify progression and next steps.
For more resources, visit out website Honeyguide SLS.
Our Skills Audit Bundle includes this and audits for a variety of other roles. Available on our website
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Prevent Duty Update 2023
Need to update colleagues and yourself on the changes to the 2023 Prevent duty? This brilliant PowerPoint and checklist bundle does the job.
Full Prevent duty Awareness training pack for 2023 updates can be found on our website for £5
You can find more safeguarding resources by visiting our website - Honeyguide SLS
Updated in line with the 2024 Ofsted handbook changes. This pack is available for £15 on our website
A comprehensive guidance pack with accompanying templates to help you navigate what the pre-inspection Ofsted phone call will entail and ensure your team is prepared for an upcoming inspection. From the pre-inspection call to the moment the inspectors arrive (and everything in between!) this pack will provide you with hints and tips as to what might be useful for you to do, say and have at hand as that phone rings.
Throughout the pack, we’ll explain concepts, guide your thinking and provide scaffolds if you need them so you can focus on adapting everything to the needs of your pupils and staff, allowing you to be confident and well-prepared for when that call comes through.
Ofsted is spoken about at great length, but we often don’t know what to expect until we are in the moment. This pack helps to break away from the myths and rumours and focuses on what will really take place, allowing you to prepare for an Ofsted inspection at your own pace.
When you make your purchase, you’ll receive a ZIP file containing the whole pack, including:
A 16 -page PDF in full colour containing all the guidance and information you need on how the Ofsted phone call process works.
5 fully editable and easy-to-use templates that can be adapted for your setting. These include:
Example Ofsted Phone Call Questions with over 30 potential questions to discuss
Ofsted Phone Call Crib Sheet
Notification List - to have at hand when Ofsted do call so you can quickly inform all necessary parties.
Pre-Inspection Documentation Checklist
Ofsted Folder Checklist
Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more.
Visit Honeyguide SLS website for more information.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Expecting Ofsted or want to be prepared for when the Ofsted call comes through?
If you decide that a folder (or similar) is an appropriate route for you, you’ll want to collate all relevant documentation and evidence you have that demonstrates your school is meeting the required standards and expectations. Our Ofsted Folder Checklist gives a comprehensive outline so that you can have everything you need within reach when the call comes through.
This fully editable word document template can help you and your team prepare.
Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more. Visit for further information.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Looking to recruit an assistant or deputy headteacher or looking to apply for the role? This bundle will support you with the interview process. It includes example interview questions with guidance on what to look for in the response, as well as 9 example interview tasks that can be fully edited to meet the needs of your school.
Visit our website to find more Honeyguide SLS.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
This Improving Literacy in Secondary - Audit Template Bundle contains two editable templates that allow you to audit your literacy provision in a secondary school setting by using EEF recommendations on improving literacy. It’s ideal if you know literacy development needs to take place because it’s stopping your pupils from reaching their full potential, and the bundle allows you to audit your current strengths and weaknesses, including how reading, writing and other literacy skills can be taught through the full range of curriculum subjects that your school teaches.
The templates included in this bundle are:
Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools - Audit - explore disciplinary literacy, vocabulary, reading, writing, structured talk and interventions across your setting with this audit. (23-page document)
Disciplinary Literacy - Audit - dig deeper in disciplinary literacy and how staff from different departments support the teaching of literacy through their subject specialisms. Duplicate and disseminate the audit to different subject teams, allowing them to consider how effectively they currently support your school’s endeavours to improve literacy. (3-page document)
The Improving Literacy audit contains the EEF recommendations, split into handy, digestible sections so you can work through the audit at a pace to suit your school and your capacity. There are questions you may wish to ask staff for each section, as well as the specialised audit on disciplinary literacy, allowing you to RAG-rate your current position and identify next steps. The bundle is ideal for any leader in secondary with responsibility for improving literacy, reading and writing, raising standards and pupil outcomes, or curriculum improvement leaders. Those with responsibility for pupils interventions, tutoring or catch-up may also find this pack supportive.
In secondary schools, the challenge of improving pupil literacy exists beyond just the subject of English, but how can secondary teachers with other subject specialisms be supported to see literacy as being integral to students’ learning? This bundle, created from EEF literacy research, is designed to help those with responsibility for raising standards in literacy in secondary schools to identify their setting’s current strengths and weaknesses in reading, writing, speaking and listening across the breadth of all subjects. From this, an action plan can be created to develop staff skills in supporting pupils with literacy needs no matter what subject is being taught.
More available at
Support staff in responding to challenging pupil behaviour by exploring calm responses, a practical and positive behaviour management strategy. Ideal for behaviour leads or anyone looking to strengthen staff behaviour management skills, this PowerPoint training session, designed to last for up to an hour, allows for collaboration and discussion, and is perfect for INSET days or staff meetings on behaviour management.
This training session can be foundon our website Honeyguide SLS for £5.
A 26-slide PowerPoint designed to last between 30 minutes to 1 hour, this time-saving and ready-made CPD session on responding calmly as an effective behaviour management strategy focuses on reducing behaviour escalation and creating a more positive learning environment.
The Routes Forward section is split into three parts, covering:
How staff can evaluate their own natural reactions to difficult situations, and how this can sometimes make responding calmly more difficult
What support staff can seek, including scripting conversations to plan ahead for common behaviour issues
How to avoid common pitfalls which lead to behaviour escalating, such as public confrontation between a pupil and staff member
A school self-evaluation form, commonly known by the acronym ‘SEF’, is a tool used by schools to assess their own performance and identify areas for improvement. This form typically includes a series of questions and prompts that guide the school through a process of reflection and self-assessment. The questions may cover a variety of topics, such as curriculum development, pupil achievement, staff development, school culture and climate, and community engagement.
Our self-evaluation template covers the key areas that Ofsted makes judgments on, including Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and Early Years Foundation Stage. This will enable you to make an overall judgement on your school’s effectiveness.
To make the form more manageable, you could divide it into sections that can be completed in one sitting or split between team members. Remember to note who analysed the document and the last time it was reviewed, along with the version number.
Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more. Visit for further information.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Is your setting looking to recruit a new headteacher, principal, head of school or executive head? If you’re a chair of governors, a trustee or MAT leader looking for the right interview questions to ask a prospective headteacher, as well as interview tasks that will test their strengths and skills, this Headteacher Interview Pack is here to support you through the process. Equally, if you’re a assistant or deputy head, aspiring headteacher or due to attend an interview for a headteacher position soon, this pack will help you to feel prepared.
This pack with accompanying templates is designed help your school setting plan and prepare the interview day, including interview questions and tasks, when recruiting a headteacher. This pack contains concise guidance that allows you to consider the setup of the interview day itself, but if you’re new to recruitment or want to ensure the entire recruitment process is smooth, you may find it help to purchase the Recruitment, Interview and Employment Compliance Guidance Pack alongside this interview pack.
Included in this headteacher and principal interview pack are nine different editable interview tasks plus a wide variety of example interview questions so you can find a brilliant headteacher to lead your your school. The job description and person specification for will also support you in advertising for a new head so you attract the right candidates. Use these, alongside the interview tasks and headteacher interview questions to create a recruitment package that’s tailored to exactly what your school is looking for in a new school leader.
While the pack is tailored towards appointing a new headteacher, it can be used to support the recruitment process for any similar role, such as an academy headteacher, a head of school, executive head or a school or college principal.
You can find further interview preparation resources on our website at
Support staff in dealing with low level disruption with this CPD session focusing on low-level behaviour management. Ideal for behaviour leads or anyone looking to strengthen staff behaviour management skills, this PowerPoint training session, designed to last for up to an hour, allows for collaboration and discussion, and is perfect for INSET days or staff meetings on tackling low-level disruption before it escalates.
This training session can be found on our website Honeyguide SLS for £5.
A 29-slide PowerPoint designed to last between 30 minutes to 1 hour, this time-saving and ready-to-roll CPD session on managing low-level disruption is a perfect way to train staff in the different ways they can redirect a pupil’s behaviour to get learning back on track for all. With examples, mini scenarios and thoughtful questions, the session allows for collaboration and sharing between staff members so you can be sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to managing disruptive behaviour.
The Routes Forward section is split into three parts, covering:
How expectation, identification and diagnosis of low-level disruption in classrooms is as important as tackling it
Multiple practical strategies to deal with low-level disruption
When and why staff should follow up and tackle the root causes of the behaviour
Looking for an in-tray task to support the recruitment process for an assistant or deputy headteacher? This ‘goldfish bowl’ task requires the candidate to undertake a set task alongside other candidates while being observed doing so. They would need to demonstrate their ability to lead, work with others, communicate, listen, feedback and persuade.
This fully editable resource is useful for those recruiting for an assistant headteacher or deputy headteacher position, as well as those applying as a candidate for the role to help prepare for the interview. It includes templates for both the candidate and the staff members observing the task in play.
Looking for more interview tasks, take a look at our other options or interview task bundle.
Visit our website to find more Honeyguide SLS.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
This pack is available on our website Honeyguide SLS for £8.50.
Looking to recruit a new school business manager, school business lead or finance officer? If you’re thinking about the interview process and what tasks and questions to ask at interview to recruit the right candidate for your school, this School Business Manager (SBM) Interview Pack will support your thinking and save you time in the recruitment process
A pack with accompanying templates to help your school setting plan and prepare the interview day, including interview questions and tasks, when recruiting a SBM, school finance manager, bursar or similar. This pack contains shortened guidance that allows you to consider the setup of the interview day itself, but if you’re new to recruitment or want to ensure the entire recruitment process is smooth, you may find it help to purchase the Recruitment, Interview and Employment Compliance Guidance Pack alongside this interview pack.
Included in this school business manager interview pack are four different editable interview tasks plus a wide variety of example interview questions so you can find a brilliant school finance operations lead and business manager for your school or academy trust. The job description and person specification will also support you in advertising for a new SBM so you can attract the right candidates. Use these, alongside the interview tasks and school business manager interview questions to create a recruitment package that’s tailored to exactly what your school is looking for in a new finance, business and operations lead.
For more resources, visit out website
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
This EYFS Learning Environment and Resource Audit Bundle is ideal for any early years leader who’s looking to explore how the learning environment and resources across their early years setting supports children’s early development.
The Learning Environment Audit template walks you through different reflective questions about your areas of indoor provision, outdoor provision and how you structure your spaces and resources to support development in the seven areas of learning. This allows you to identify the current strengths of your EYFS spaces and rooms, and make a plan for any areas of development. The following types of questions are included - why not see if you can answer them about your setting?
Are items and equipment labelled? Is this in a child-friendly font? Are photographs also used?
Is furniture adapted for any children with special educational needs and/or disabilities?
What natural materials are available for children to interact with and observe?
What first aid provision is in place for the outdoor space(s)?
Questions like these can help you critically reflect on your early years learning environment in order to makes changes to give your children the best possible experiences. Also included is an EYFS Resource Audit and Inventory template which covers the types of early years resources, furnishings and equipment that you might have. This can help you to identify any gaps in your resource stock as well as finding where old equipment needs replacing or updating. This template also allows you to consider different resource types, such as those that support different areas of learning, sensory and therapeutic resources, technology and digital resources, and health and safety equipment.
Further EYFS resources can be found on our website,
A school improvement plan (SIP) is sometimes referred to as a school development plan (SDP), School Improvement and Development Plan (SIDP) or a strategic plan. All of these refer to a whole-school plan that tackles improvement.
Our fully editable and easy to use word document outlines the actions, success criteria, milestones and progress towards each priority.
Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more. Visit for further information.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Expecting an Ofsted inspection? One item that may be helpful to have at hand during the call is an Ofsted Phone Call Crib Sheet with important details and figures. While this is information you certainly already know, it can be easy for your mind to go blank during the call. Having the crib sheet ready on your desk that you can refer to during the telephone conversation can help you to feel prepared. An updated 2024 Ofsted Phone Call Preparation Pack can be found on our website Honeyguide SLS for £15.
This easy to use and fully editable word document can ensure you and your team are prepared for when that call comes through.
Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more. Visit for further information.
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
This easy-to-use learning walk / lesson observation template provides an effective outline for the process from start to finish. From planning the learning walk, to your observation notes and analysing what you’ve seen afterwards, this template will help to identify positives and areas for development and future training needs.
Our full Subject Leader Pack includes this and so much more.
Available on our website
Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.