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Multiplication - Challenge on Arrival #1

Multiplication - Challenge on Arrival #1

Here’s a set of 40  ‘Challenge on Arrival’ cards with a focus on multiplication. The resource consists of a series of different  challenge ‘cards’ suitable for children in Key-Stage 2. The cards come in sets of 4, each set having different multiplication calculations. When the children arrive in the classroom in the morning (or at the start of a maths session) its useful to make good use of that time. Some teachers use Challenge on Arrival task, (sometimes called “Bell Work”). These are short, self contained tasks, maths challenges which the children complete as soon as they arrive. These challenges are useful since they enable children to put themselves quickly into a mathematical frame of mind from the very start of the session. They can also provide assessment opportunities and initial ‘talking points’ once the session starts. Some maths challenges rely on repetition, and can be uninteresting. The mathsticks Challenges are different. With our maths challenges… marking is negligible explaining what to do is simple the tasks are varied and interesting so each day is different there are enough challenges to cater for different abilities The 10 pages of Challenges each feature a set of Multiplication challenge grids. Each page is divided into 4 ‘cards’ and each card contains an incomplete 4-column grid. The children complete each grid (on their own or with a partner). The grids are designed so that as well as calculating the children have to use their reasoning skills. For example, in most grids a number of the ‘Header’ values are missing and the children will have to use their knowledge of multiplication and division facts to complete these. On each grid there are five selected numbers, these need to be transferred to the final column and the last challenge is to sum all of these numbers. This final addition calculation produces a Check Number. For ease of marking, this is the only number needed to determine if specific calculations are correct. The download comes with detailed teaching points and an answer key.