This file clearly explains the rule to follow to form the past participle according to its group (1st/ 2nd or 3rd).
The explanations are clearly given in French with examples followed by the rules given in English with step-by-step explanations and examples given.
Everything you need to master how to form the past participles in French!
Especially designed for a better understanding of the verbs that have to use the auxiliary "être" in the past tense as well as the ones using both "être" and "avoir".
Encourage your students to find reasons to respect each other.
In this presentation, they have to imagine a future where "someone" will help them and imagine that maybe today that same "someone" is being bullied. Would they have bullied that "someone" if they would have known the future?
Everyone has the potential to help or even save someone else's life. There is an activity with examples for your students to draw or write about an imaginary future and two present situations (one bullying and one not bullying/ respect). There are clear examples of structured sentences, working on present tense, infinitive and present participle)
You will find:
-a PPT with 47 slides including many audio sequences. It also refers to the worksheets.
-two detailed lesson plans.
-four worksheets (one to practice each skill required in French: listening/ speaking/ writing/ reading)
-Count up to 12 Easter eggs+ describe the colours
(pronounciation+ order 'noun+colour')
-Describe the colour of the eggs looking at their position (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) and make full sentences (Le premier oeuf est rouge.)
-Practice speaking in pairs asking 'De quelle couleur est le deuxième oeuf?' and answering 'il est jaune.'
-Practice reading sentences and colouring eggs accordingly.
- Practice listening to a description and colouring eggs accordingly.
-Practice writing sentences to describe colourfull Easter eggs.
-Say 'Happy Easter!' in French.
I confirm that I have designed all the cliparts and everthing else. They are my own copyrights.
High quality Advent Calendar:
25 mini cards to print back to back and give away to your students each day in December.
On one side, there is a beautiful Christmas background with the date.
On the other side, there is a very nice picture with the expression written in French.
Tell your student about the origin of the Advent Calendar, when people used to give away little religious cards to the children during the Advent, before Christmas. Here, the cards are not religious but they remind us of the origin of the Advent Calendar and it is a nice way to share something useful with your students at a low price. They will love collecting their mini Christmas cards!!
As an idea, you can also print it larger to display in your classroom.
Please leave me a comment after your purchase! Thank you!!!
You will find a PowerPoint Presentation with questions and answers about the cultural origins of the Advent Calendar.
There are 3 types of worksheets for your students according to their level of ability:
Easy (facile)- where the students have to pick one of the correct answers amongst 3 possibilities.
Average (moyen)- where the students have to fill up the answers with a missing expression.
Difficult (Difficile)- where the students have to write down their own answers.
Power Point
- to practice using the past tense in French (le passé-composé) with "la voix active" and "la voix passive"
- to learn about the expression "se faire +infinitif"
- to review parts of the body
Basically, the gingerbread man is trying to run away from the bat. Little at a time, the bat manages to eat a piece of the gingerbread man (one hand, one harm, the second hand...).
The students learn to say:
"The bat ate one hand of the gingerbread man.
La chauve-souris a mangé une main du bonhomme en pain d'épice.
One hand of the gingerbread man has been eaten by the bat.
Une main du bonhomme en pain d'épice a été mangée par la chauve-souris.
The gingerbread man had one of his hand eaten by the bat.
Le bonhomme en pain d'épice s'est fait manger une de ses mains par la chauve-souris."
The rules about the tenses are clearly given in this PPT.
All correct answers have been recorded properly by a native French speaker.
At the end, you will find a listening activity in which you need to match each listening to its correct image.
I have designed all the images by myself.
This teaching resource can be used to review the past tense, extend knowledge using the passive form and learn new common expressions in French.
I have designed this package especially for Halloween.
You will find:
-An Interactive power point presentation with audio sequences on most of the 38 slides, with activities that will enhance students speaking skills, especially their pronunciation and the order of the words in French (eg un petit monstre jaune meaning a small yellow monster...)
- 60 mini flashcards with colourful monsters in 5 different shapes that can be used for different games.
- a set of 6 double entrance tables with shapes and colours. (link with maths)
- a set of 3 different monster masks to decorate for Halloween.
- a set of 6 workseets with 5 different patterns each (30 all together) with different level of difficulties.
- a set of 3 worksheets with monsters t cut ut and order in a sequence (size)
- a worksheet to practice adding monsters and write the answers in French (un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq)
I hope you will find this package very useful and fun for your students.
MERCI de me faire confiance!