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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Maths MarkbookAn interactive markbook with sheets

Maths MarkbookAn interactive markbook with sheets

The mark sheet allows for 3 assessments to be averaged using a weighted mean then levelled via % to a NC level. The markbook also contains a timer and a hyperlinked FrontPage to resources. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to have the ‘Analysis toolpak’ and ‘VBA analysis toolpak’ installed in order to run these sheets correctly. These might have been installed initially when Excel was installed for the first time but, if not, you will need your original MS Office disk. To install them, select ‘Tools’ , then ‘add ins’. Put a tick in the two boxes next to each toolpack.
3-D shape investigation. Lesson plan. KS3.

3-D shape investigation. Lesson plan. KS3.

This unit is made up of three mini interactive activities focusing on the properties of 3D shapes. The first activity is based on Euler’s theory. The pupils need to find a rule that links the faces, edges and vertices together. The interactive activity allows them to manipulate the shapes on screen to count the faces, edges and vertices. The second activity has them using their knowledge of the properties of 3D shapes to form a polyhedral chain. The third activity allows the pupils to investigate which edges will meet when a net folds to form a 3D shape.
Numeracy Skills Booklet

Numeracy Skills Booklet

An interactive whiteboard resources based on Excel (also useable on a network as individual pupil sheets or as a worksheet creator) to practice the four rules of number. The workbook contains self-marking worksheets, including differentiable worksheets on the four rules that will start with basic number bonds to 10 and will progress through number bonds to addition, subtraction, multiplication (by powers of 10, 100, 1000) and division (by powers of 10, 100, 1000) to long multiplication and division. All worksheets will be useable as computer worksheets.


An interactive whiteboard resources based on Excel (also useable on a network as individual pupil sheets or as a worksheet creator) to practice the four rules of number with decimals. Attention is also given to place value and number type, ordering decimals (use of >,
Data Handling

Data Handling

A resource which presents how to sort, search, graph and create a database. This resource is divided into 5 parts: Sorting Searching one field Searching two field Graphing Creating a database All the units follow the same pattern e.g., searching: Teacher notes Starter activity - an animation which shows what searching means. Session 1 - interactive activities which give the pupils an opportunity to see if they have understood what was presented in the Starter Activity. Session 2 - An introduction to a computer simulation. The animation presents how to search with data handling software.
Packaging - Design task

Packaging - Design task

Packaging is a series of Powerpoints that form a Unit of Work that supports the teaching of Design, in particular Packaging. Packaging is aimed at developing the skills needed to understand the process of Packaging and how to design a suitable product that fits the needs of the consumer. The aim is for the pupils to study the process of packaging, use 3D shapes from nets, develop their own ideas and design a cereal packet. There is an optional unit to advertise the finished product.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Investigating number patterns. Sequences. KS3.

Investigating number patterns. Sequences. KS3.

These activities introduce pupils to a fully open ended maths investigation focusing on number patterns. There are detailed teacher notes aimed at non-maths specialist for support in the teaching of this topic. The unit is aimed at upper KS2 – KS3. It can be used as a transition project or as assessment of AT1. Other topics covered: Number
Shape and Space Investigation - KS2/KS3

Shape and Space Investigation - KS2/KS3

This is a simple open ended shape and space investigation focussing on the formula for the perimeter of a shape. This is an ideal unit to introduce younger KS2 children to maths investigation skills as the patterns are simple to spot. The unit can be used to assess AT1 or as a KS2/3 transition project. This can be used as a lesson with a starter, main and plenary included with animations. Teachers notes are also included.