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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
The mystery of the missing dice

The mystery of the missing dice

The presentation is designed to be used primarily with upper key stage 2 children but may be adapted as appropriate. It is intended that the package be used over a series of lessons, with a number of mathematical problems having to be solved at strategic points. All of the activities have a whole class teacher led input with some lessons then leading on to additional activities for the children.
French for beginners

French for beginners

This course aims at allowing primary school teachers who have little or no French at all to deliver effectively French lessons for year 5/6. The course is made of 15 units that will allow the pupils to cover NC levels 1 to 4. The course caters for the 4 necessary skills of modern language acquisition: Listening (AT1) Speaking (AT2) Reading (AT3) Writing (AT3)
My Square Mile

My Square Mile

My Square Mile was initiated by the Design Commission for Wales to encourage the use of the local built environment as an educational resource. * It explores relationships between buildings, space and people to develop design awareness. * It helps children understand how the environment is shaped and managed. * It celebrates local distinctiveness and local identity. * It nurtures emotional attachments and belonging-a sense of place. * It raises issues about what the environment might be like in the future.
Textiles Technology - Mood Boards

Textiles Technology - Mood Boards

A comprehensive series of multimedia materials to support the teaching of the GCSE Design and Technology Textiles Technology course. The materials can be downloaded as a complete Moodle course or as individual elements. The bilingual resources include video clips, animations, text and quizzes within Moodle and can be used on an interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching or by students on individual computers. The images included in this work, to the best of our knowledge, are from sources that their use do not breach any copyright rules. Please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
weather symbols

weather symbols

Within these activities pupils will learn interactively to: * identify different kinds of weather * describe the weather * identify different weather symbols * collect, record and present information in simple graph form * create a simple weather forecast using labels, symbols and maps * identify activities that can be done in different sorts of weather * learn what adjectives are and how they can be used to describe the weather
3-D shape investigation. Lesson plan. KS3.

3-D shape investigation. Lesson plan. KS3.

This unit is made up of three mini interactive activities focusing on the properties of 3D shapes. The first activity is based on Euler’s theory. The pupils need to find a rule that links the faces, edges and vertices together. The interactive activity allows them to manipulate the shapes on screen to count the faces, edges and vertices. The second activity has them using their knowledge of the properties of 3D shapes to form a polyhedral chain. The third activity allows the pupils to investigate which edges will meet when a net folds to form a 3D shape.
Fairy tale comparisons

Fairy tale comparisons

This resource pack allows pupils to find differences and similarities between well-known fairy stories. They look at six scenes and characters from six fairy tales and then put them into the correct storybook. Pupils make a chart that compares characters and incidents in fairy tales. Pupils have the opportunity to make their own fairy tale, adding pictures and text from a large bank of images and props.
WJEC PH 5.4 Resources

WJEC PH 5.4 Resources

Radioactivity and Radioisotopes This resource is divided in 10 lessons. All lessons are in PowerPoint 2003 format and are accompanied by a notes version of each PowerPoint lesson. Includes information on: Alpha Beta and Gamma Distinguishing Radiation Radiation Detectors IDs GM tube Half-life Decay constant
Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety

Read the teacher notes to gain maximum effect for the lesson. The resource is listed in the most effective order to conduct the lesson.These resources are for a Cybersafety and Cyberbullying lesson. The resources will enable you to: highlight the effects that Cyberbullying can have on an individual; provide information on what to do in cases of Cyberbullying; provide greater awareness of the risks that may be encountered when using the internet; give basic tips on ways to keep safer online. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
History starter activities

History starter activities

This resource consists of a series interactive games using the Developing Thinking models that can be used as starter or plenary activities. The unit covers: * Civil War key terms o Conundrums * Causes of the Civil War o Fishbone diagram * Oliver Cromwell o Picture Jigsaw o Questions Jigsaw * Civil War revision – 4 in a row o Two out of Four o Which two o Stop the bomb
Innovative tasks

Innovative tasks

This is a collection of work from around 20 teachers, who were happy to exemplify how, digital media assists and excite the learning that occurs in their classroom. The selection of tasks and products are varied and some may seem eclectic, but these are the methods and products used and made by the participating schools and ones that they have achieved success with.
Die Gesundheit : E1 – Gute Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr

Die Gesundheit : E1 – Gute Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr

This unit introduces pupils to the vocabulary associated with New Year Resolutions and the use of ‘WERDEN’ to form the future tense. This is one of four units consisting of a variety of interactive reading, listening and writing activities. Pupils are encouraged to seek and identify patterns in language, to use cognates to understand text, to discuss their language learning and to acquire memorising techniques.
3D shape investigation

3D shape investigation

This unit is made up of three mini interactive activities focusing on the properties of 3D shapes. The first activity is based on Euler’s theory. The pupils need to find a rule that links the faces, edges and vertices together. The interactive activity allows them to manipulate the shapes on screen to count the faces, edges and vertices. The second activity has them using their knowledge of the properties of 3D shapes to form a polyhedral chain. The third activity allows the pupils to investigate which edges will meet when a net folds to form a 3D shape.


Interactive activities for whiteboard or computer on the Nativity story and how Christians celebrate Christmas today. Activities are differentiated at various levels. They include an electronic version of the Nativity story, discussion topics on the meaning of Christmas, matching and sequencing activities, multiple choice question games, creating nativity pictures, matching pairs games and jigsaws.
Spanish Pocket Money - La Paga

Spanish Pocket Money - La Paga

In this Unit, pupils will learn to talk and write about how much pocket money they receive and how they spend it. They will also learn to talk about money earned through part time jobs. The Unit comprises of activities for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing and includes printable vocabulary lists. Pupils are encouraged to use numeracy and problem solving skills to complete tasks and guess the meaning of new vocabulary. Each section is accompanied by teachers’ notes with suggestions on how to use each resource.