Updated Volver quote cards x60
Now with more uncommon quotes which exemplify themes by secondary characters and also a picture of who said each quote on each card.
A starter activity to check how well students have understood the plot. It does make make you realise as well how many small plot lines are running at the same time. Answers given as well in teacher copy.
A menu of traditional platos típicos with phonetic translations (albeit these are my own). A model for saying what you would like to try at the bottom of page 1.
A lesson on some of the controversies surrounding the World Cup in Qatar. Students will learn the vocabulary for some of the issues, compare them with a comparative grid and then write whether they are for or against.
Hopefully this PDF is editable. Each box has a text field input which should be printable. If it doesn’t work then get in touch.
The idea is that circle questions are easy, diamonds are moderatly challenging and star questions are challenging. I’ve made this with questions such as “what can you use to find new vocabulary”, very simple and reinforces some basic classroom routines.
Next time I do this I will change the star questions to diamonds and move everything else up a row so a circle row disappears off the top. I will then write new star questions at the bottom.
The quote at the top is from Kate Jones’s brilliant Retrieval Practice book.
A rather tricky task putting together a family tree based off of people’s explanations of how they are related to Nuria.
A vocab bank on page 2 will help.
Write the name of each family member in the box on the tree (or beside).
Colour code the box according to male/female.
Some boxes will not be filled.
A perfect task before moving onto creating your own family trees.
Note: Some family vocabuary has been left out of the box on page 2. Going over step-parents and siblings will be essential.
Made with ChatGPT just for fun, completely subjective.
Tally up the values of your answers and read your personalised description on the last page. Follow up task is to translate your paragraph.
A grid to revise some thematic content.
In column one students clarify what they know about the theme in English. In column two they write down any key vocabulary using vocabulary lists from Hodder/Kerboodle and in column three we write down a fact gleaned from a Boletín using the index to cherry pick editions.
Hopefully this formats okay although I suspect the font (New Atten Round) is protected. If it looks awful then let me know and I’ll re-upload with print screens of each slide pasted over the slides themselves.
I have been teaching es bueno que sea (where bueno can be substituted for any adjective) for a few years now and it has been successful so decided it was time to take it a small step further.