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TENSES - REVISION OF ALL TENSES (180 Questions) All the verb tenses are included in this worksheet. IF a student is able to do ths worksheet , that means she knows tenses very well !! GREAT WORKSHEET!
Looking for a job

Looking for a job

Reading comprehension exercises about jobs; past simple vs. present perfect; future with will and going to; adjectives+prepositions; writing about the students´ ideal workplace. You can also find Let’s study on https://www.instagram.com/lets_study/
Giving directions

Giving directions

This is a pair work activity that can be used with the cards or without them. If you use the cards, one of the students will read the sentences giving the directions and the other student will try to guess the name of the public place from the main card.
Seasons and Weather

Seasons and Weather

Seasons and Weather Pictionary + Taboo game cards - learn or revise words related to weather and seasons. I hope you like it and find it useful.
Let´s talk about - A Conversation Card Game. Speaking activity. Part 3.

Let´s talk about - A Conversation Card Game. Speaking activity. Part 3.

Let’s talk about …(speaking activity) 25themes. This worksheet contains 3 9 0 conversation cards/ 2 5 different themes: Annoyances Animals Art Birthdays Business Cars Clothes Controversial opinions Current affairs Fame 11.The future Getting to know each other Halloween Holidays Sleep Humour Jobs Law Music Politics The unexplained Past simple: childhood Past simple: recent events Present continuous Present perfect: life history Teach conversation skills in a highly structured way with this fun game that teaches asking questions, making comments, taking turns, and having a conversation about a variety of topics! The cards can be cut out if desired and be used as conversation questions. Can be used with both young learners and adults (elementary to intermediate). If you’re looking for next part of cards, you might also like: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12049880 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12696778 Please leave feedback at my store if you purchase this product and you will receive credits towards tpt purchases at any tpt store!
Simple present or present continuous Board Game

Simple present or present continuous Board Game

FOCU S ON ACTI VIT Y: BOARD GAME Simple Present X Present Continuous Tense board game: • Divide the students into pairs or groups of three. • Each group must have a copy of the board game and a set of verb cards. • Each player must throw the dice and make a correct sentence. • When they reach a “verb card” square, pick one card from the pile and make a sentence using that verb in the required tense. • They cannot repeat the sentences. • The first player to reach Finish! is the winner. If you like this BOARD GAME, you might also like: HAVE-GOT-BOARD-GAME Would-you-like-a-some-board-game Halloween-Board game Present-simple-tense-boardgame Christmas-board-game What-time-is-it-board-game Activity-board-game-CAN-CANT All-about-Me-Board-Game Comparative-and-Superlative-board-game Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. Follow Me! Click the green star next to my store logo and be the first to know about my new products, sales, and freebies.
Christmas Activities

Christmas Activities

Some more Christmas activities for your classes. -Bingo -Code breakers -Mixed up sentences -Word search -Mixed up paragraphs Please write a review! It’s important to me. Thank you very much. Have a nice day!!!


SUMMER D O B B L E - This is a quick and funny game which is irreplaceable while learning and reviewing summer vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. As there are no words on cards you can play this game in different languages. It develops visual perception, attentiveness and reaction. It’s also a great entertainment for summer camps and speaking clubs. All students love it!
Coloring Summer

Coloring Summer

Kids love summers for various reasons. It is during this time of the year when schools give summer break, giving them time to indulge in their favorite activities. We present you summer coloring sheets printable to make your kid’s day a little brighter. Have a nice holidays! You can also find Let’s study on https://www.instagram.com/lets_study/ Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. Follow Me! Click the green star next to my store logo and be the first to know about my new products, sales, and freebies.


Power Point presentation to practice “Possessive Adjectives”. Excellent multiple choice game to practice possessive adjectives.
Christmas colouring

Christmas colouring

Christmas coloring worksheets. Revision of Christmas words, numbers and colours for your younger students who have just started English and cannot do much. Ask them to colour the page by following the instructions
A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

The well- known story: A Christmas Carol (drama playscript) Here you have the story of A Christmas Carol adapted in a playscript for drama / role-play use. Have fun in class!
New Year & Christmas board game

New Year & Christmas board game

This is a nice communicative board game. Ask your students to throw a die and answer the questions they get. I hope you’ll enjoy working with it.
BREAD, CAKES, AND HOME BAKING Word Search Puzzle Worksheet Activities

BREAD, CAKES, AND HOME BAKING Word Search Puzzle Worksheet Activities

Word Search Puzzle Worksheet Activities The hidden vocabulary words are: baguette bread rolls brown bread white bread garlic bread pitta bread sliced loaf cake Danish pastry quiche sponge cake baking powder plain flour self-raising flour cornflour sugar brown sugar icing sugar pastry yeast dried apricots prunes dates raisins sultanas Level - Advanced 23 x 16 grid Words hidden across, down, diagonally, and backwards Smallest font size Recommended for grades 5 and up Solution included. If you like this Word Search, you might also like: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12689930 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12689934 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12689940 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12689938 Please leave FEEDBACK!
Present Simple verbs +s, +es, +ies

Present Simple verbs +s, +es, +ies

For 4 children at once - just cut 2 tasks are given - 1.Make a table with +s, +es, +ies. Fill it with the verbs, 2 - fill the text with the correct form of the verbs.
Crafting Engaging Stories: The Power of Varied Sentences.

Crafting Engaging Stories: The Power of Varied Sentences.

In this task, students will explore the art of crafting engaging stories by harnessing the power of varied sentences. By employing a variety of sentence structures, lengths, and types, students will learn how to create more dynamic and captivating narratives. Through this exercise, students will enhance their writing skills, allowing them to effectively engage readers and keep them hooked from beginning to end. Whether it’s incorporating short, punchy sentences for emphasis or using longer, descriptive sentences to set the scene, students will discover the impact that sentence variation can have on storytelling. Get ready to unleash your creativity and master the art of crafting engaging stories through the power of varied sentences!


Here is a short TEXT about the legend of KING ARTHUR ( reading comprehension)+ a QUIZ ( questions ) .A Worksheet of 3 pages ( TEXT + QUIZ + KEY included) . Level A2/ B1 for reading and writing skill.


CHRISTMAS GRAMMAR ACTIVITY. This resource is a fun set of Christmas-themed worksheets to review parts of speech - Present Simple, Present Cont, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, question words ets