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Online Teaching Resources

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Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.




Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
House of Games - Romeo and Juliet

House of Games - Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet’s House of Games (151-slide PowerPoint presentation) Welcome to Romeo and Juliet’s House of Games - an animated Romeo and Juliet themed quiz inspired by the House of Games television show. It works with both individuals and teams and is a fun way to recap and revise the text. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for more Romeo and Juliet resources: Romeo and Juliet - The Prologue Romeo and Juliet - Act 1 Romeo and Juliet - Act 1 Scene 5 Romeo and Juliet - The Prince’s Speech Romeo and Juliet - Tybalt and Mercutio Romeo and Juliet – Women in Elizabethan England Romeo and Juliet - Act 2 Romeo and Juliet - The Balcony Scene Romeo and Juliet - Friar Lawrence Romeo and Juliet - Act 3 Romeo and Juliet – Act 3, Scene 1 Romeo and Juliet - Act 4 Romeo and Juliet - Act 5 Romeo and Juliet - The Deaths of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet - GCSE Unit of Work Romeo and Juliet - AQA GCSE English Literature Exam Preparation Romeo and Juliet - KS2 Unit of Work
The Subordinate Clause

The Subordinate Clause

The Subordinate Clause Upper KS2 and Lower KS3 English Teaching Resource In ‘The Subordinate Clause’ pupils learn how to correctly use and identify subordinate clauses in sentences. This engaging and animated PowerPoint lesson includes: Definition of a clause Definition of a main clause Definition of a subordinate clause Definition of a complex sentence Examples of subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns Adding a relevant subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun activity Identifying the subordinate clause activity with accompanying worksheet Adding a subordinate clause to a main clause activity with accompanying worksheet 1 further worksheet with answers As with all our PowerPoint teaching resources, ‘The Subordinate Clause’ is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required.
Edexcel GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry

Edexcel GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry

Edexcel GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry 'Edexcel GCSE English Literature Unseen Poetry' is perfect for preparing students for the unseen poetry question on the Edexcel GCSE English Literature Paper 2. Contents include a 68 slide PowerPoint presentation and 10 accompanying worksheets. This teaching resource covers the following: Example examination question and poems A mnemonic to give students a structured approach to answering the unseen poetry questions How to write about content, imagery, poetic techniques, structure, mood and theme How to construct a personal response How to write a comparison of two unseen poems An example model answer
Volcanoes - Non-Fiction Unit

Volcanoes - Non-Fiction Unit

Volcanoes - Non-Fiction Reading and Writing Unit (56-slide PowerPoint presentation with 14 worksheets) This engaging resource will develop children’s knowledge of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius through several English reading and writing activities. The PowerPoint includes a number of individual, paired and group activities which will encourage discussion and focus on language choices for writing. Ideal for UKS2 or LKS3. Learning outcomes include: Find and retrieve comprehension skills Dictionary activities Poetry First person recounts. And lots more! Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more KS2 non-fiction resources: Climate Change - Non-Fiction Reading and Writing Unit Autobiography Unit Retrieving and Recording Information Boy - Roald Dahl’s Autobiography
GCSE English Writing Fiction - Descriptive Writing

GCSE English Writing Fiction - Descriptive Writing

This unit of work is designed to cover GCSE Descriptive Writing as required by the AQA and WJEC Eduqas GCSE English Language exam. GCSE English Writing Fiction - Descriptive Writing is a complete lesson by lesson unit of work (includes lessons and activities, a 91 slide PowerPoint presentation and 8 accompanying worksheets). Activities for pupils include: An introduction to descriptive writing Examples of GCSE English Language examination tasks and questions Planning and structuring writing Using the senses to create effective imagery How to use devices in writing Using the MASSIVE mnemonic How to write using metaphors, adjectives, similes, sentence variety, imagery, vocabulary, effective verbs and powerful adverbs Creating setting using the 5Ws Transforming notes into prose Checking, drafting and redrafting descriptive writing
Complex Sentences - KS2 and KS3

Complex Sentences - KS2 and KS3

Complex Sentences - KS2 and KS3 'Complex Sentences - KS2 and KS3' is a handy PowerPoint resource designed to help pupils learn how to create complex sentences to improve writing as per the curriculum objectives of the KS2 and KS3 English programmes of study. The resource can be tweaked, edited and differentiated to suit your teaching needs and is easy to update over time. Content includes: 1. Definition and examples of a complex sentence 2. How to recognise the main clause in a complex sentence 3. Identifying the main clause activity with accompanying worksheet 4. How to recognise the subordinate clause in a complex sentence 5. Identifying the subordinate clause activity with accompanying worksheet 6. Adding a subordinate clause activity with accompanying worksheet 7. 1 further worksheet
Back to School Icebreaker Activities

Back to School Icebreaker Activities

Back to School Icebreaker Activities ‘Icebreaker Activities’ is an editable PowerPoint teaching resource (with 2 worksheets) which is perfect for starting the school year with a group of pupils that are new to yourself and/or each other. The resource can be used from KS2 to KS4 and includes three cool (see what we did there?!) icebreaker activities: Desert Island, Would I Lie to You? And Whodunnit? Perfect for the back to school period. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources: Back to School - All About Me
The Emigree by Carol Rumens (PowerPoint and worksheets)

The Emigree by Carol Rumens (PowerPoint and worksheets)

The Emigree - AQA GCSE Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology This two-lesson unit teaches students about Carol Rumens’ ‘The Emigree’ in detail. Designed for GCSE pupils studying AQA Power and Conflict poetry, the resource explores the poem in depth and explains how to compare it to other poems from the anthology. It is made up of a 47-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and 4 accompanying worksheets. The lessons contain the following: Lesson One Context - An introduction to Carol Rumens and ‘The Emigree’. First Reading - A reading of ‘The Emigree’ with comprehension / consolidation questions - answers included. Language and imagery - Analysing the poem line by line. Exploring language and answering questions that delve deeper. Model answers provided. Essay Writing - An essay question to assess students’ initial understanding of the poem. An example response is included. Lesson Two Imagery - Analysing Rumens’ use of imagery. Themes - Discussing ‘The Emigree’s’ themes. Structure and Form - Considering how Rumens uses form, structure, rhythm and rhyme. The GCSE exam - Comparing ‘The Emigree’ with ‘Poppies’ and explaining how to write a comparison essay in the exam. This is a comprehensive resource containing a range of activities, however it can also be edited, personalised and differentiated to suit your teaching needs. To preview a selection of pages from the resource, please click on the images. Click below to see more AQA GCSE Anthology Power and Conflict Poetry resources: Ozymandias London The Prelude - Stealing the Boat My Last Duchess The Charge of the Light Brigade Exposure Storm on the Island War Photographer Bayonet Charge Remains Checking Out Me History Poppies Tissue Kamikaze AQA GCSE Anthology Poetry Power and Conflict Pack
My Last Duchess - AQA GCSE

My Last Duchess - AQA GCSE

My Last Duchess - Robert Browning This free lesson is designed to help you teach Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess’ to pupils studying the AQA GCSE English Literature Love and Relationships Anthology poetry. It is made up of a 33-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and 2 worksheets and is the first part of our mini-unit on My Last Duchess. The complete resource can be downloaded here - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11062465 This first lesson contains the following: The lessons contain the following: Lesson One Context – A brief outline of Robert Browning’s life. First Reading – A reading of ‘My Last Duchess’ with glossary and comprehension / consolidation questions - answers included. Language and imagery – Analysing ‘My Last Duchess’ in detail. Exploring language and answering questions that delve deeper. Model answers provided. Essay Writing – An essay question to assess students’ initial understanding of the poem. An example response is included. This free lesson is the first part of our teaching unit on ‘My Last Duchess’. The complete resource can be downloaded here - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11062465
A Christmas Carol - Scrooge and the Charity Collectors

A Christmas Carol - Scrooge and the Charity Collectors

A Christmas Carol - Scrooge and the Charity Collectors This GCSE resource enables learners to explore Scrooge’s response to the charity collectors in Stave One of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. It includes a differentiated ‘Do Now’ activity, in which pupils work in pairs to answer ten short-answer questions under timed conditions. In order to answer these questions, learners will need to have read from the beginning of the novella up until to Fred’s departure. Learners feedback their answers to ‘earn’ the right to participate in a ‘Catchphrase’-style activity in which they must work out what the picture behind the squares is showing. (The image is Hogarth’s ‘In the Madhouse’, a representation of the inside of Bedlam.) After this, learners will read from ‘There’s another fellow…’ down to ‘…a more facetious temper than was usual with him’. The main activity is for learners to analyse how Dickens presents Scrooge’s wilful ignorance of the harsh reality of life for the poor. They will use the information and ideas in a context sheet to consider the significance of five important quotations from the passage. This task contains three levels of challenge. At higher levels, learners will reflect on the methods that Dickens is using to convey Scrooge’s ignorance of the hardship that others face. The lesson concludes with learners writing down five things they have learnt during the lesson. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more GCSE resources for Stave 1 of A Christmas Carol: Introducing A Christmas Carol at GCSE A Christmas Carol - Introducing Scrooge A Christmas Carol - Scrooge Vs Fred A Christmas Carol - The Workhouse A Christmas Carol - Thomas Malthus A Christmas Carol - Marley’s Ghost A Christmas Carol - The Penitent Spirits A Christmas Carol - The Rich and the Poor
Measuring Capacity Using Non-Standard Units - Year 1

Measuring Capacity Using Non-Standard Units - Year 1

Measuring Capacity Using Non-Standard Units - Year 1 Maths Teaching Resources – Measuring Capacity Using Non-Standard Units. In this teaching resource, pupils will learn how to measure capacity using non-standard units of measurement as per the statutory requirements of the year 1 maths programme of study (Measurement). This colourful and animated 29 slide PowerPoint presentation includes a link to a video introducing the subject of capacity, class activity and one accompanying worksheet. The PowerPoint can be used exactly as it is or it can be edited, personalised and differentiated to suit your teaching needs. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar resources: Comparing Weight - Year 1 Comparing Capacity and Volume - Year 1 Measuring Capacity Using Standard Units - Year 1 Measuring Mass Using Non-Standard Units - Year 1 Measuring Mass Using Standard Units - Year 1
Measuring Length and Height - Year 2

Measuring Length and Height - Year 2

Measuring Length and Height - Year 2 In this Year 2 teaching resource pupils are taught to choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length and height. They are also required to compare and order lengths and record the results using >, < and = (as per the Year 2 Programme of Study – Measurement). Content includes: Interactive activities with 6 accompanying worksheets As with all our PowerPoint teaching resources, ‘Measuring Length and Height - Year 2’ is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources: Measuring Capacity and Volume - Year 2 Measuring Mass - Year 2 Money - Year 2 Telling the Time - Year 2 Comparing and Ordering Time - Year 2
Factors - Year 6

Factors - Year 6

Factors - Year 6 This Year 6 maths teaching resource includes a PowerPoint lesson and differentiated worksheet for independent learning, to guide your class through identifying factors and multiples of numbers. It will help the children understand how to solve problems involving factors in context, along with deepening their understanding of the four operations, as they will need to use a range of skills including multiplication and division. They will learn to represent factors in a variety of ways, including pictorial representations. The worksheet contains varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. The resource supports the White Rose Small Steps guidance, and is designed to support a mastery approach to teaching maths. Content includes: Lesson 1: Common factors with 1 accompanying worksheet and answers ‘Factors - Year 6’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs. ‘Factors - Year 6’ is included in our complete teaching unit ‘Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6’. Click on the link below to take a closer look. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources: Multiples - Year 6 Prime Numbers - Year 6 Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes - Year 6 Factors, Multiples, Primes, Squares and Cubes Challenge Cards - Year 6 Square and Cube Numbers - Year 6 Multiplication - Year 6 The Four Operations - Year 6 The Four Operations Challenge Cards - Year 6
Number and Place Value - Year 5

Number and Place Value - Year 5

Number and Place Value - Year 5 Numbers to 10,000, Roman Numerals and Rounding Numbers up to 1000 This Year 5 maths teaching resource has been created following the White Rose Small Steps guidance for week 1 - Autumn - Block 1 - Place Value. The resource consists of 5 lessons, including a PowerPoint presentation and differentiated worksheets for independent learning, to guide your class through the curriculum objectives of the Year 5 maths programme of study (Number and Place Value). The worksheets contain varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving to reinforce and consolidate the children’s learning. Content includes: Lessons 1 and 2: Numbers to 10,000 with accompanying worksheets Lesson 3: Roman numerals to 100 (M) with accompanying worksheet Lesson 4: Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000 with accompanying worksheet Lesson 5: Consolidation of skills learned so far with challenge cards ‘Number and Place Value - Year 5’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 5 place value resources: Place Value - Year 5
Number 1 - EYFS

Number 1 - EYFS

Number 1 - EYFS FREE Maths Teaching Resource In this teaching resource pupils are introduced to the number 1 as per the statutory framework of the EYFS programme of study. This engaging animated PowerPoint presentation includes: interactive activities two worksheets one colouring page ‘Number 1 - EYFS’ is completely editable so that teachers have the freedom to adapt the presentation to suit their individual teaching requirements. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Early Years number resources: The Number 2 The Number 3 The Number 4 The Number 5
Comparing and Ordering Fractions  - Year 3

Comparing and Ordering Fractions - Year 3

Comparing and Ordering Fractions - Year 3 This KS2 maths teaching resource covers the curriculum objectives in the year 3 maths programme of study (Number - fractions). Pupils begin to compare and order unit fractions, fractions with like denominators and fractions with like numerators. This animated PowerPoint presentation has 8 accompanying worksheets and is suitable for mixed abilities. Content includes: What are fractions recap How to compare and order fractions with like denominators Comparing fractions with the same denominators activity and differentiated worksheet How to compare and order fractions with like numerators Comparing fractions with the same numerators activity and differentiated worksheet Ordering fractions on a number line activity and worksheet Ordering fractions activity and worksheet Comparing fractions true or false activity and worksheet Fraction word problems activity and worksheet Link to a comparing fractions game 1 further comparing fractions differentiated worksheet with answers 1 further ordering fractions worksheet with answers ‘Comparing and Ordering Fractions - Year 3’ is fully editable so teachers can adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching requirements. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 3 resources: Tenths - Year 3 Unit Fractions of an Amount - Year 3 Non-unit Fractions of an Amount - Year 3 Equivalent Fractions - Year 3 Adding and Subtracting Fractions - Year 3
The Solar System - Year 5

The Solar System - Year 5

The Solar System - Year 5 In this science teaching resource, pupils are introduced to the Solar System covering the curriculum objectives of the Year 5 science programme of study (Earth and space). This engaging and animated PowerPoint lesson includes: An introduction to the Solar System with a video link An explanation of the Sun The order of the 8 planets in our Solar System and a mnemonic activity with an accompanying worksheet Facts about each planet with 3-D models of each one (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) An ordering the planets class activity with flashcards An explanation of rings, Pluto, moons, asteroids and comets with accompanying video links A Solar System quiz with an accompanying worksheet A research task with an accompanying worksheet ‘The Solar System - Year 5’ is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required.
Pictograms - Year 2

Pictograms - Year 2

Pictograms - Year 2 In this Year 2 statistics teaching resource, pupils practise drawing and interpreting pictograms where the picture represents 1, 2, 5 or 10 as per the curriculum objectives of the maths Year 2 Programme of Study - Statistics. Content includes: 1. PowerPoint teaching presentation 2. Activities to support the teaching of this objective with 6 accompanying worksheets 3. Three further differentiated worksheets with answers ‘Pictograms - Year 2’ can be edited allowing teachers to adapt the resource if needed to suit each class they teach.
Tanka Poetry - Year 7

Tanka Poetry - Year 7

Tanka Poetry - Year 7 Designed for low ability Year 7, this tanka teaching resource is a fun and engaging way of studying and writing poetry. The lesson begins with an example tanka and an explanation of the ‘rules’ of tanka poetry. Learners are then provided with scaffolding to help them construct a group tanka. The differentiated worksheets (higher, medium and lower) then provide learners with an opportunity to write an individual tanka with appropriate support. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar poetry resources: Tanka Poetry - KS2 Acrostic Poetry - KS2 Acrostic Poetry - KS3 Cinquain Poetry - KS2 Cinquain Poetry - KS3 Sonnets - KS2 Sonnets - KS3 Free Verse Poetry - KS2 Haiku Poetry - KS2 Narrative Poetry - KS2
Halves - Year 1

Halves - Year 1

Halves - Year 1 In this maths teaching resource pupils are introduced to fractions and begin to recognise and find a half of an object, shape or quantity as per the curriculum objectives of the Year 1 maths programme of study (Number - fractions). Content includes: 1. What is half of an object or shape explanation 2. Half of a shape activity with an accompanying worksheet 3. What is half of a quantity explanation 4. Half of a quantity activity with an accompanying worksheet 5. A link to a halves video 6. 1 further worksheet with answers 'Halves - Year 1' is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it to suit their individual teaching requirements.