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Let's discover a French movie : Les Choristes for year 6 and above
A nice way to discover French culture: a world famous French movie with kids and songs.
The lesson content is: a quick description of what is the movie about, a link to the movie in French with english subtitiles, three questions sheets about the movie.
I also mentionned a few sessions in the movie that should be skipped in order not to chock a young audience. Please double check beforehands.

What would you like to eat? talking about food in key stage 2
Complete powerpoint: lesson plan, games and pronunciation.
A fun way to learn about food

Culture: Christmas and Easter in France
two powerpoints about how we celebrate Christmas and Eastier in France
Quizz, explanations and songs
How to learn about French culture in a fun way

Culture for Key stage 2 ( famous French song, Famous French people Famous sayings)
three powepoint about French culture for Key stage 2
Famous French song ( aux champs elysees)
Famous French people
Famous French sayings
learning about French culture in a fun way

Greetings in French ( what's your name? how are you? how old are you?
Three lessons in one.
Complete powerpoint: lesson plan, games and pronunciation.
A fun way to learn about introduction ( name-age-mood)

Human body in French (year 5/year 6)
Complete powerpoint: lesson plan, games and pronunciation.
A fun way to learn about human body and adjectives agreement

The weather for key stage 2
Complete powerpoint: lesson plan, games and pronunciation.
A fun way to learn about the weather

Classroom objects classroom topics and places at school
Threelessons in one: classroom topics, classroom objects and places at school
Complete powerpoint: lesson plan, games and pronunciation.
A fun way to learn about school’s topics and materials

Do you have any pets?
Complete lesson about animals: games, lesson plan and pronunciation included.
A fun way to learn about animals.

Numbers and Time key stage 2
Complete powerpoint: lesson plan, games and pronunciation.
A fun way to learn about numbers and time

Colors Key stage 2
Complete powerpoint: lesson plan, games and pronunciation.
A fun way to learn about colors

Numbers up to infinity in French Key stage 2
Presentation+lesson plan+ worksheets.
Games and activities are explained.
Fun and enjoyable way to learn numbers in French.