
WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 5 Landforms in the Lower Course
This lesson is the fifth lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
--> A powerpoint presentation that goes through the formation of a floodplain and levees. Tasks throughout to get pupils consolidating the information that they have learnt and tasks that help pupils to recall what I have gone through in the lesson. Exam practise questions that will help pupils to put what they have learnt into context of an exam question. This also includes the mark schemes and model answers.
--> A lesson plan that covers every step of the lesson.
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 8 Hydrographs
This lesson is the eighth lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
--> A powerpoint that goes through what a hydrograph is and how to create one.
-->A worksheet that gets pupils to draw and interpret a hydrograph using a set of data.
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 7 River Management
This lesson is the seventh lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
--> A powerpoint that goes through different river channel and drainage basin management and conflicting views of this scheme (with EXAMPLES!!)
-->Information cards on different schemes that rivers can be managed- this is used for the marketplace activity.
-->A worksheet that will help pupils to complete marketplace activity.
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 6 Floods
This lesson is the sixth lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
--> A powerpoint that goes through what flooding is, the causes of flooding and the impacts of flooding on a named location.
-->Worksheet to support pupils on a task which looks at the impacts of flooding on Bangladesh- it also contains exam-style questions to get pupils thinking about how they could apply their knowledge to an exam question.
--> A lesson plan that covers every step of the lesson.
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 5- Lesson 16- Rainforest Sustainable Management
This lesson is the 16th lesson in the fifth theme of the new WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at different strategies that can be used to sustainably manage the rainforest. The 10 minutes on sheet is the starter to get pupils thinking about what they have learnt already about rainforests by recapping over previous lessons worth of work. The idea for the sheet came from the marvelous Jen Monk (@Jennnnnn_x). The keep it, bin it, build it sheet came from the brilliant Paul (@ploguey).
The lesson contains exam practise with the marking sheet so you can easily mark students work and students can get use to a consistent and easy marking sheet.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 3 Landforms in the Upper Course
This lesson is the third lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
--> A powerpoint presentation that goes through waterfall formation and V-shaped valley formation.
It contains an engaging starter to get pupils recalling information about what they have learnt in the past few lessons. Tasks throughout to get pupils consolidating the information that they have learnt and tasks that help them practise the skills need in their exam. A plenary that contains an exam question to summarise what they have learnt but also a model answer to see what else they could add to get full marks and an exam style mark scheme to get pupils familiar with how their exam is going to be marked.
--> It contains the plenary question being layout like how they could get it presented to them in their exam.
--> A lesson plan that covers every step of the lesson.
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 9 Boscastle
This lesson is the ninth lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
--> A powerpoint that allows pupils to understand what the task is for the Boscastle investigation, starter answers, plenary reflection.
-->A starter worksheet, worksheet for the main task.
-->Assessed homework and detailed mark scheme that will help you to mark the assessed paper.
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 2 River Processes in the Drainage Basin
This lesson is the second lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
-->starter worksheet that covers the key terms of the drainage basin taught in the last lesson.
-->Worksheets for all the tasks
-->Images/tables that pupils need to be stuck into their books
-->The powerpoint that runs through what they need to know about the processes that occur within the drainage basin
-->A lesson plan that runs through each section time by time
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 3- Lesson 3- Tectonic Features
This is the 3rd lesson in the 3rd theme of the new WJEC/Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at the formation of shield and stratovolcanoes and characteristics of each of them. It also looks at hotspots and geysers and as homework pupils are to research small scale features such as cinder cones and to answer the questions on the sheet.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help as they will help to improve future lessons that I upload.

WJEC/ Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 3- Lesson 7- Managing Tectonic Hazards and Assessed Homework
This is the 7th lesson in the 3rd theme of the new WJEC/Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at different strategies that can be used to predict volcanic eruptions, what hazard mapping is and the 3P’s. There is an assessed homework that pupils should complete as homework and this is usually given out and handed in before the revision session, so during the revision session I would go through the assessed homework and anything else that pupils didn’t understand. The assessed homework would count towards their overall grade for that theme. A detailed markscheme and grade boundaries are included.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help as they will help to improve future lessons that I upload.

WJEC 2016 SPEC- Theme 1- RIVERS- Lesson 4 Landforms in the Middle Course
This lesson is the fourth lesson of the river's section of Theme 1 of the new WJEC Geography GCSE course.
This lesson pack includes:
--> A powerpoint presentation that goes through the formation of a meander and an oxbow lake. Tasks throughout to get pupils consolidating the information that they have learnt and tasks that help pupils to recall what I have gone through in the lesson. A plenary that contains a challenge question on what they have learnt about meanders in the lesson- a model answer is also the slide so pupils can take down anything that they may find relevant to make their answer a model answer.
--> A lesson plan that covers every step of the lesson.
Visit here for the full river topic: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wjec-eduqas-2016-spec-theme-1-full-river-section-11821723
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 1-COASTS-Lesson 4- Landslides, Rock Fall and Slumping
This lesson is the 4th lesson in the first theme of the WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography- COASTS.
This lesson looks at what landslides, rock fall and slumping is and how they occur.
Most of the activities are on the powerpoint and on the worksheet.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 1-Lesson 1- Intro lesson to the course & Distinctive Landscapes
This lesson is the 1st lesson in the first theme of the WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson gives students an overview of the course that they are undertaking and starts the first topic by looking at distinctive landscapes.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 6- Lesson 6- Responding to Inequality
This lesson is the 6th lesson in the sixth theme of the WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at the different ways that we can respond towards inequality.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 2- Lesson 18- Cardiff- A welsh global city and Assessed Homework
This is the eighteenth lesson in the second theme of the new WJEC/ Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at Cardiff as a global city. As Cardiff is a fairly local example, the information on the slides is just what the students need to know for the exam. The lesson like the others also contains exam practise. There is an attached assessed homework which can be started in the lesson and finished off as homework. The mark scheme is also attached.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help as they will help to improve future lessons that I upload.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 6- Lesson 8- India's Water Issue
This lesson is the 8th lesson in the sixth theme of the WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at the ways that India can help solve its water issue. The lesson contains an exam question and a range of different tasks which helps to develop pupils understanding of the topic.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 6- Lesson 10- UK's North-South Divide and Assessed Homework
This lesson is the 10th lesson in the sixth theme of the WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at the North-South Divide that exists within the UK. It looks at the social and economic reasons for it and the effects of the divide. The lesson also covers the case study of deindustrialisation of Sheffield.
This lesson also contains an assessed homework which is used to help students revise for their test but also used as another form of assessment. The markscheme is detailed which will help you as teachers to be able to mark the assessed homework with ease.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 5- Lesson 14- Human Activity on the Rainforest
This lesson is the 14th lesson in the fifth theme of the new WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at how humans are impacting the tropical rainforest. Pupils learn this through an example of the Amazon Rainforest and pupils look at the positives and negatives of human activity.
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.

WJEC/ Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 2- Lesson 16 and 17- MUMBAI- Everything that you need to know.
This is the sixteenth and seventeenth lesson in the second theme of the new WJEC/ Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at Mumbai as a whole. It focuses on every aspect that pupils need to know about it and it is split into two lessons. The lesson focuses a lot on exam practise and teacher and pupil mark schemes are attached onto this. The keep it, build it and bin it, feedback sheet came from the brilliant- Paul (@ploguey).
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help as they will help to improve future lessons that I upload.

WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 SPEC- Theme 5- Lesson 17- Sustainable Management of Savannah and Assessed H/W
This lesson is the 17th lesson in the fifth theme of the new WJEC/ WJEC Eduqas 2016 specification for geography.
This lesson looks at how the savannah can be managed sustainably. The 10 minutes on sheet helps students engage and recap on previous lessons work on the savannah- the sheet idea came from Jen Monk. Most of the activities are on the powerpoint. As this is the last teaching lesson, pupils will as homework have to complete the assessed homework, which helps them to focus their revision on areas of weakness after it is marked. The markscheme is detailed which will help you as teachers to be able to mark the assessed homework with ease. The other homework is to research a small scale ecosystem of sand dunes (this can obviously be changed).
Any feedback on this lesson would be a great help for future lessons uploaded onto here.