Primary Pros is a small team that creates high quality Key Stage 2 resources for all teachers, new and old. We strive to create work that is of outstanding quality, exceptionally intuitive and of immense help to children.
Within our resources, we always include differentiated success criteria, learning objectives and animated countdown timers so that your children know the skill they are trying to learn, how they know they are achieving it and how long they have left to do so.
Primary Pros is a small team that creates high quality Key Stage 2 resources for all teachers, new and old. We strive to create work that is of outstanding quality, exceptionally intuitive and of immense help to children.
Within our resources, we always include differentiated success criteria, learning objectives and animated countdown timers so that your children know the skill they are trying to learn, how they know they are achieving it and how long they have left to do so.
A fictional tale about a scientist travelling to another planet and writing a report about a beautifully cute animal that is native to it. The plight of these cute animals and the dangers they face provides an intriguing text for children to read.
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 5 & 6
→ Perfect for SATs preparation
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 5 & 6
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions, designed to mimic national testing for the following areas: retrieval, inference, comparison, prediction and summarisation
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries and thesauri to identify meanings of words, find synonyms and antonyms
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Answers are provided in the word document and a purpose made PowerPoint that ‘picks apart’ each question and explains it clearly
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document (if you don’t want to use the PowerPoint)
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Explore our other Year 5 & 6 Guided Reading Texts:
Coming soon!
A poem about one seedlings pursuit of life, growth and desire to succeed in all that it does. The poem takes the reader through the journey of the seedlings life: from the moment it sprouts into existence to the decline in its old age.
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 5 & 6
→ Perfect for SATs preparation
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 5 & 6
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions, designed to mimic national testing for the following areas: retrieval, inference, comparison, prediction and summarisation
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries and thesauri to identify meanings of words, find synonyms and antonyms
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Answers are provided in the word document and a purpose made PowerPoint that ‘picks apart’ each question and explains it clearly
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document (if you don’t want to use the PowerPoint)
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Explore our other Year 5 & 6 Guided Reading Texts:
Coming soon!
A diary entry from the perspective of the last man on Earth written after terrible events have taken place leading to his isolation and lonliness.
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 5 & 6
→ Perfect for SATs preparation
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 5 & 6
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions, designed to mimic national testing for the following areas: retrieval, inference, comparison, prediction and summarisation
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries and thesauri to identify meanings of words, find synonyms and antonyms
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Answers are provided in the word document and a purpose made PowerPoint that ‘picks apart’ each question and explains it clearly
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document (if you don’t want to use the PowerPoint)
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Explore our other Year 5 & 6 Guided Reading Texts:
Coming soon!
A short story about an elephant safari, set in India during the 1800s. A pompous and privileged individual sets out to capture a tiger. Little does this individual know but the tiger is stalking him…
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 5 & 6
→ Perfect for SATs preparation
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 5 & 6
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions, designed to mimic national testing for the following areas: retrieval, inference, comparison, prediction and summarisation
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries and thesauri to identify meanings of words, find synonyms and antonyms
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Answers are provided in the word document and a purpose made PowerPoint that ‘picks apart’ each question and explains it clearly
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document (if you don’t want to use the PowerPoint)
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Explore our other Year 5 & 6 Guided Reading Texts:
Coming soon!
A short story about a dragon named Elearion. Sold as an egg, treated unfairly in his youth and seeking revenge in his adulthood. Inspire boys to read with this energetic and descriptive fictional writing.
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 5 & 6
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 5 & 6
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions, designed to mimic national testing for the following areas: retrieval, inference, comparison, prediction and summarisation
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries and thesauri to identify meanings of words, find synonyms and antonyms
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Answers are provided in the word document and a purpose made PowerPoint that ‘picks apart’ each question and explains it clearly
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document (if you don’t want to use the PowerPoint)
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Explore our other Year 5 & 6 Guided Reading Texts:
Coming soon!
A revolutionary new spaceship that allows for faster-than-light travel is about to be used for the first time in the history of humanity - what could possibly go wrong?
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 3 & 4
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 3 & 4
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions designed to test children’s knowledge of retrieval, inference and comparison in line with the National Curriculum requirements
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries to identify meanings of words
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Requires children to summarise information from the text
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
<em><strong>Explore our other Year 3 & 4 Guided Reading Texts:</strong></em>
<strong><a href=“”> Roaring Rockets </a></strong>
<strong><a href=“”> Are We Alone? </a></strong>
<strong><a href=“”> Night Flight </a></strong>
A beautifully created fact sheet that spans five pages with outstanding presentation. The engaging pictures and information along with question and answer sheets will engage even the most reluctant of readers!
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 3 & 4
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 3 & 4
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions designed to test children’s knowledge of retrieval, inference and comparison in line with the National Curriculum requirements
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries to identify meanings of words
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Requires children to summarise information from the text
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA, Mastery and Greater Depth) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this Year 6 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division statement: divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Shows how to divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders
→ Careful step by step guidance that can be moved forwards and backwards through
→ Many opportunities for AfL
→ Plenary activity
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities from SEN to greater depth
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date which automatically show the correct date
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 6 Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division lessons:
Multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication
Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context
Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context
Perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers
Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
A famous astronaut from humble beginnings is chosen for a special mission to the Moon to investigate a glowing metallic object near Ice Field 9. What begins as a simple, even routine, mission rapidly descends into something that will change the shape of humankind's destiny forever more...
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 3 & 4
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 3 & 4
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions designed to test children's knowledge of retrieval, inference and comparison in line with the National Curriculum requirements
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries to identify meanings of words
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Requires children to summarise information from the text
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
Explore our other Year 3 & 4 Guided Reading Texts:
Anxious In Antarctica
Roaring Rockets
Are We Alone?
Night Flight
Tiger Stripes
Shiver Me Timbers
The School
Cauldron Bubble
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA, Mastery and Greater Depth) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this Year 4 addition and subtraction statement: add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate.
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Shows how to change a question of 3419 - 2139 = into a correctly set out column subtraction problem.
→ Clearly explains each stage of subtracting four digit numbers from one another.
→ Offers the opportunity for children to solve problems linked to the objective: add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate
→ Learning Objective & differentiated success criteria which is clearly visible for all children
→ Animated count-down timer so children know how long they have left of the lesson
→ AfL built into the lesson through careful example questions.
→ Plenary activity to assess the progress they have made throughout the lesson
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities from SEN to greater depth
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date which automatically show the correct date
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Lessons:
Add numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition
Subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar subtraction
Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation
Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which methods to use and why
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA & Mastery) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this National Curriculum Statement: Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three-digit number and 100s.
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Learning Objective and differentiated success criteria
→ Animated count-down timer so children know how long they have left of the lesson
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities on one sheet from SEN, LA, MA, HA and Mastery Challenge
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date (which automatically updates to the day you open the document)
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 3 Addition & Subtraction Lessons:
Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three digit number and 1s
Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three digit number and 10s
Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three digit number and 100s
Add numbers with up to 3 digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
Subtract numbers with up to 3 digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
Estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers
Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA & Mastery) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this National Curriculum Statement: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole [for example, 5/7 + 1/7 = 6/7 ].
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity (plus extension)
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Learning Objective and differentiated success criteria which is clearly visible for all children
→ Animated count-down timer so children know how long they have left of the lesson (this is also good for teachers as it reminds you when to do mini-plenaries/feedback/etc).
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities on one sheet from SEN, LA, MA, HA and Mastery Challenge
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date (which automatically updates to the day you open the document)
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 3 Fraction Lessons:
Count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into ten equal parts
Recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominator
Recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole
Compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators
Recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit
An elderly doctor finally cracks how to build a spaceship engine that can reduce flights from planet to planet down to days, not years! His friend, Captain Koop of Earth's Navy, finally is able to use the engine for the good of Earth, but the doctor can't wait to explore the stars...
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 3 & 4
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 3 & 4
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions designed to test children's knowledge of retrieval, inference and comparison in line with the National Curriculum requirements
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries to identify meanings of words
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Requires children to summarise information from the text
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
Explore our other Year 3 & 4 Guided Reading Texts:
Anxious In Antarctica
Roaring Rockets
Are We Alone?
Night Flight
Tiger Stripes
Shiver Me Timbers
The School
Cauldron Bubble
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA, Mastery and Greater Depth) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this Year 6 fractions statement: multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form (for example, 1/4 × 1/2 = 1/8).
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Shows how to multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form (for example, 1/4 × 1/2 = 1/8)
→ Careful step by step guidance that can be moved forwards and backwards through
→ Many opportunities for AfL
→ Plenary activity
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities from SEN to greater depth
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date which automatically show the correct date
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 6 fraction lessons:
Coming soon!
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA, Mastery and Greater Depth) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this Year 6 fractions statement: recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in different contexts.
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Shows how to recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in different contexts
→ Careful step by step guidance that can be moved forwards and backwards through
→ Many opportunities for AfL
→ Plenary activity
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities from SEN to greater depth
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date which automatically show the correct date
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 6 fraction lessons:
Coming soon!
Football crazy? Football mad? You sure will be after taking part in this reading comprehension exercise! A beautifully written and illustrated non-fiction fact sheet all about football.
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 3 & 4
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 3 & 4
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions designed to test children’s knowledge of retrieval, inference and comparison in line with the National Curriculum requirements
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries to identify meanings of words
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Requires children to summarise information from the text
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA & Mastery) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this National Curriculum Statement: Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods.
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity (plus extension)
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Learning Objective and differentiated success criteria which is clearly visible for all children
→ Animated count-down timer so children know how long they have left of the lesson (this is also good for teachers as it reminds you when to do mini-plenaries/feedback/etc).
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities on one sheet from SEN, LA, MA, HA and Mastery Challenge
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date (which automatically updates to the day you open the document)
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 3 Multiplication & Division Lessons:
Recall and use multiplication facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables
Write and calculate mathematical statements for division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods.
Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods
Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects
A short story about a dragon named Elearion. Sold as an egg, treated unfairly in his youth and seeking revenge in his adulthood. Inspire boys to read with this energetic and descriptive fictional writing.
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 5 & 6
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 5 & 6
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions, designed to mimic national testing for the following areas: retrieval, inference, comparison, prediction and summarisation
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries and thesauri to identify meanings of words, find synonyms and antonyms
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Answers are provided in the word document and a purpose made PowerPoint that ‘picks apart’ each question and explains it clearly
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document (if you don’t want to use the PowerPoint)
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Explore our other Year 5 & 6 Guided Reading Texts:
Coming soon!
Clare had always been the type of girl to behave well. All her life in fact. So imagine her reaction when she woke up early Christmas morning to no presents! Thankfully, there is a happy ending.
This document has the following features:
→ An individually, purpose wrote text, specifically tailored for years 3 & 4
→ Frequent use of exception words from the National Curriculum years 3 & 4
→ A range of questions specifically taken from across the content domains
→ An appropriate range of questions designed to test children's knowledge of retrieval, inference and comparison in line with the National Curriculum requirements
→ Promotes the use of dictionaries to identify meanings of words
→ Requires children to use evidence and quotes from the text to back up their arguments
→ Requires children to summarise information from the text
→ Answers to the questions are provided within the same document
→ Beautifully hand-drawn watercolour images to bring the text to life
We have worked hard to analyse the content domains and the percentage coverage of these in end of year assessment papers from a range of assessment companies and has tailored the questions for this text to reflect those percentages children will face in assessment papers giving them the opportunity to practise answering questions of a similar nature.
All text, images and documents belong to Primary Pros and cannot be reproduced without express permission from the author.
Explore our other Year 3 & 4 Guided Reading Texts:
Anxious In Antarctica
Roaring Rockets
Are We Alone?
Night Flight
Tiger Stripes
The School
Cauldron Bubble
Please find within this download:
A detailed and engaging PowerPoint, Differentiated (SEN, LA, MA, HA, Mastery and Greater Depth) Worksheet with Answer Sheet for a complete lesson on this Year 6 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division statement: multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication.
The PowerPoint has the following features:
→ Differentiated starter activity
→ Extremely logical and simplistic explanations with animated examples and pictures to aid learning
→ Shows how to multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication
→ Careful step by step guidance that can be moved forwards and backwards through
→ Many opportunities for AfL
→ Plenary activity
The Word Document has the following features:
→ Differentiated activities from SEN to greater depth
→ Coloured activity boxes to help you quickly assign tasks to children
→ Learning objective and short date which automatically show the correct date
→ Differentiated success criteria that link with the PowerPoint
→ Answer sheet included for all questions
Explore our other Year 6 Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division lessons:
Multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication
Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context
Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context
Perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers
Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers