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Rock fact file and reading comprehension
Rock fact file and reading comprehension for lower/middle/high ability

Greek Gods/Goddesses Match Up
Used in a year 5 class - I cut the sheet up and the children had to try and match the picture to the name and also the description. For lower ability I left the name of the god/goddess and picture attached to match up with description only.

Diary Entry (Varjak Paw)
An example of a diary entry based on the children's novel 'Varjak Paw' - used to deconstruct the key features.

Structure of the Earth cut, stick, colour and label
The children cut out the circles and stick one on top of the other (biggest to smallest) and finish by stick the 3/4 Earth on top. They then colour and label the layers (crust, mantle, outer core, inner core). Differentiated for 3 abilities.

Perimeter/Area of Rectangles, Polygons and Compound Shapes
3 worksheets used for differentiation in year 5 class:
1) Rectangles
2) Polygons and compound shapes
3) Compound shapes
Left blank to insert own numbers by hand to suit ability.

Non-Chronological Report Planning Template
Children planned a non-chronological report (about winged horses) using this format. Easily adapted for a report on just about anything.

Place Value and Relating Thousandths
Worksheet for place value knowledge and relating thousandths to tenths and hundredths. Differentiated for lower/middle/higher.

Decimal and Fraction Equivalents
Small worksheet for converting decimals to fractions and vice versa - differentiated for lower/middle/higher

Transformations Investigation (rotating, reflecting and translating)
Children investigating how the shape has been transformed, used in year 5 class.

World map poster x 2 (with and without names of countries)
World map to cut out and laminate before sticking together and placing on wall.
Two versions - one with the names of countries and the other without)
Map picture taken from: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Internet_Censorship_World_Map_suggested.svg/2000px-Internet_Censorship_World_Map_suggested.svg.png

Spaghetti Bridge Design Worksheet
Children designed a spaghetti bridge using the pictures on the worksheet for inspiration. Used as a part of STEM week.

Lava Lamp Experiment Recording Sheet
Children created their own lava lamps (google how to do this, very easy!) and filled out the sheet as they went to record their predictions and observations.

Plotting Shapes using Coordinates
2 x Worksheet for plotting shapes using coordinates.
Extension sheet - found online, cannot find source to give credit.
Used for year 5

Angles in Triangles Investigation
Children investigated true or false statement to identify the angles within different types of triangles. Children also labelled triangles. Differentiated for lower and middle/higher. Used in year 5 class.

Thought Bubbles
Children used these thought bubbles to write a character's thoughts within a freeze frame they created.

Labelling Plants
A worksheet for children to label the parts of a plant and their functions (roots,
stem/trunk, leaves and flowers).