I've made a PPT of the key 20 number facts (number sentences) that bridge 10. I use this to model on ten frames how to recombine to make 10.
I've added animations to show the transition and movement of the coins.
e.g. 8 + 7
10 + 5
= 15
Hopefully you find it useful!
I've turned the Year 4 White Rose - Mastery & Greater Depth into a PPT
I also created a word doc with them on to easily print (multiple on each page)
I've turned the Year 6 White Rose - Mastery & Greater Depth into a PPT
I also created a word doc with them on to easily print (multiple on each page)
Includes Autumn 1 + Autumn 2 + Spring 1 PPT (daily slides/activities)
yearly coverage overview document (work in progress doc)
*updated 27th Oct to include Autumn 2 and Spring 1 as well. Will continue to add as the year goes on.
Using within my class to build fluency within 20.
Includes all key facts within 20; 240 of them.
The PPT animations slowly reveal the answers to self assess
gives an example of a bar model/associated facts
Low threshold, high ceiling task that allows your less able children to recap addition and subtraction, but for your more able to apply what they know in a range of others ways.
5 ‘deepen your thinking’ tasks added at the bottom of each slide/same on each.
Hi there,
This resource includes: History, geography, science, art, DT, cooking and nutrition, music, computing, languages and PE for Y1-Y6, colour coded and you can skip easily between year groups to spot what's changed or been added.
It also includes key Science vocabulary from the National Curriculum for each year group and each key topic.
It also includes PSHE year groups objectives.
Hope this helps!
Hi there,
I've updated my editable Year 3 long term planning. It includes a general overview of weekly planning focuses in English, Maths and SEALs. It also includes the key focus in Science/key half term question etc.
You can find the Maths planning + English planning + Learning Challenge + Science planning all uploaded through my account.
Hope it helps :)
Quick 5 minute recap sessions to use as warm ups and slot into other sessions to keep these skills active in my my children’s minds without spending too much time on them. I get them to self-assess as well so = no marking.
1 activity per page, duplicated so it’s easy to print.
WALT: adding and subtracting fractions x28
WALT: to shade the correct fraction x 9
WALT: write shaded portion as a fraction x 13
WALT: convert a model into a fraction, decimal and a percentage x 12
WALT: to compare fractions x4
WALT: to record equivalent fractions x3
15 other fractions (word problem. Fractions of quantity etc)
I made some ‘mini sessions’ - quick 5 minute recap sessions to use as warm ups and slot into other sessions to keep these skills active in my my children’s minds without spending too much time on them. I get them to self-assess as well so = no marking.
x58 mini sessions over all. 1 activity per page, duplicated so it’s easy to print. Will need to print each page roughly 5 times to cover a whole class. Each has a WALT on it making it easy for the children to quickly tick or draw a face next to etc for self-assessment.
One document is time (to the past hour, quarter hour and 5 minute sessions).
The other is split into weight, length and then temperature.
I use them all the time, so thought I’d upload in case others would find it useful.
I made some ‘mini sessions’ - quick 5 minute recap sessions to use as warm ups and slot into other sessions to keep these skills active in my my children’s minds without spending too much time on them. I get them to self-assess as well so = no marking.
x32 mini sessions over all. 1 activity per page, duplicated so it’s easy to print. Will need to print each page roughly 3-4 times to cover a whole class. Each has a WALT on it making it easy for the children to quickly tick or draw a face next to etc for self-assessment.
WALT: to solve money word problems (doubling and halving link) x4
WALT: to solve money word problems (buying multiple items - addition) x4
WALT: to solve money word problems (finding change - subtraction) x4
WALT: to solve money word problems (difference) x4
WALT: to solve money word problems (ordering) x4
WALT: to solve money word problems (multiplication) x4
WALT: to solve money word problems (division) x4
WALT: to solve money word problems (halves and quarters) x4
Hi there, I've uploaded my 'working document' which includes a break down of the national curriculum objectives for Year 3 (Excluding Maths and English) in case it's useful for other people new to the year group to see how I'll be covering them over the year.
Hope it helps!
Each of the below WILFs have a slide with a visually modelled example (x2)
WALT: column addition
WILF 1: to use column addition without crossing the 10s
WILF 2: to add a single digit and cross the 10s
WILF 3: to add a single digit and cross the 10s and 100s
WILF 4: to add a two digit number
WALT: column subtraction
WILF 1: to use column subtraction without crossing the 10s
WILF 2: to subtract a single digit and cross the 10s
WILF 3: to subtract a single digit and cross the 10s/100s
WILF 4: to subtract a two digit number
WALT: column multiplication (as repeated addition)
WILF 1: to be able to set out a multiplication as a repeated column addition
WILF 2: to be able to set it out both ways and discuss which is easiest
WILF 3: to use repeated column addition without crossing the 10s
WILF 4: to use repeated column addition crossing the 10s
WALT: column multiplication
WILF 1: to correctly set it out
WILF 2: to multiply by a single digit without crossing the 10s
WILF 3: to multiply by a single digit crossing the 10s
WILF 4: to multiply by a two digit number without crossing the 10s
WILF 5: to multiply by a two digit number crossing the 10s
WALT: bus stop method (division)
WILF 1: to correctly set it out
WILF 2: to divide by a single digit without crossing the 10s
WILF 3: to divide by a single digit crossing over once
WILF 4: and carrying across multiple times
WILF 5: to divide by a single digit and find a remainder
Maths fluency aid (See below for ‘mini sessions’ included (115)
To be used as a starting point, to ensure all progression steps to fluency have been covered. Something to be stuck into books, work from and assess from.
Easily printable.
WALT: to visually represent bridging 10 using a ten-frame x 4
WALT: to visually represent bridging 10 using a number-line x 4
WALT: to solve and visually represent doubles x 2
WALT: to solve and visually represent near doubles x 2
WALT: to add two numbers using the ‘2 apart strategy x 5
WALT: to add 9 x 2
WALT: to subtract 9 x 2
WALT: adding and subtracting 1 x 4
WALT: adding 2 (to even numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 2 (to odd numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 2 x 1
WALT: subtracting 2 (from even numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 2 (from odd numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 2 x 1
WALT: adding 3 (to odd numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 3 (to even numbers) x 2
WALT: adding 3 x 1
WALT: subtracting 3 (from odd numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 3 (from even numbers) x 2
WALT: subtracting 3 x 1
WALT: adding and subtracting 0 x 2
WALT: multiplying by 0 x 2
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out what is missing (Addition) x 6
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out what is missing (subtraction) x 6
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out what is missing (mixed) x 4
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 20 to work out what is missing (addition) x 8
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 20 to work out what is missing (subtraction) x 4
WALT: apply knowledge of number bonds to 20 to work out what is missing (mixed) x 8
WALT: to use the most effective method to add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number x 3
WALT: write all the associated facts for these number sentences (addition) x 2
WALT: write all the associated facts for these number sentences (subtraction) x 2
WALT: write all the associated facts for these number sentences (mixed) x 2
WALT: solve these by adding the tens and ones before recombing x 4
WALT: partition these numbers into 10s and 1s x 2
WALT: partition these numbers in non-standard ways x 3
WALT: subtracting a number from itself (without counting) x 2
WALT: pattern spotting – finding half of a number through subtraction x 3
WALT: pattern spotting – adding and subtracting 1 ten x 3
WALT: pattern spotting – adding and subtracting multiples of ten x 3
I use this as warm ups or when I have a free 5 minutes. I get the children to self-mark, create their own and then set their friends challenges.
Great for recapping key skills regularly without additional work load.
I use this as warm ups or when I have a free 5 minutes. I get the children to self-mark, create their own and then set their friends challenges.
Great for recapping key skills regularly without additional work load.
I use this as warm ups or when I have a free 5 minutes. I get the children to self-mark, create their own and then set their friends challenges.
Great for recapping key skills regularly without additional work load.
I use this as warm ups or when I have a free 5 minutes. I get the children to self-mark, create their own and then set their friends challenges.
Great for recapping key skills regularly without additional work load.
I use this as warm ups or when I have a free 5 minutes. I get the children to self-mark, create their own and then set their friends challenges.
Great for recapping key skills regularly without additional work load.
I use this as warm ups or when I have a free 5 minutes. I get the children to self-mark, create their own and then set their friends challenges.
Great for recapping key skills regularly without additional work load.
I use this as warm ups or when I have a free 5 minutes. I get the children to self-mark, create their own and then set their friends challenges.
Great for recapping key skills regularly without additional work load.