Set of five worksheets each with 30 questions for practising the order of operations rule. Separate answer sheets provided. Exit ticket included ( learning evaluation).
Each of the 10 folders contains a set of 10 worksheets plus 10 answer sheets.
The activities focus on basic number skills, and increase slightly in difficulty through the sets. They can be used in a number of ways, according to the individual teacher and the class:
starter activity
for supply or cover teachers
assessment to find gaps in knowledge
to encourage independent working (pupils given different version from neighbours)
However you decide to use them, it might be wise to use one of the sheets as a whole class example so that pupils don’t waste time working out what they are expected to do.
Five worksheets with eight questions each. Task is to calculate area of a circle from either the diameter or the radius. Pi is set at 3.14. Answer sheets supplied.
A set of 5 worksheets with answers. The task is to use Pythagoras' theorem to find the length of one side of a triangle. Exit ticket (Pythagoras) included.
A single worksheet with a conversion exercise (ratio/fraction/percent/decimal) and five word problems with real life application of ratios. Exit ticket is also included.
A set of five worksheets on perimeter of polygons and circumference of circles. Measurements given include fractions and decimals. Separate answer sheets provided.
A set of five worksheets, each with 50 questions. Five skills covered. Separate answer sheets provided. Useful as a revision activity at the end of a teaching unit on fractions. Exit Ticket is a recent addition to the resource.
A set of 5 worksheets, each with 20 mixed calculations. Topics covered: rounding to a given digit, ordering decimals, HCF, LCM, prime factors, roots (square and cube). Separate answer sheets provided.
These differentiated sets of worksheets are written to meet the objectives for Year 6 Measurement. Each of the topics (length, mass, capacity, time) is split into three levels, indicated on the worksheets by 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are 3 versions of each worksheet. There are 36 worksheets in all, plus answer sheets.
The material could be used in several ways:
work through each of the levels in order with the whole class
use the levels to target varying abilities within the class
use extra versions of tasks to set as follow-up homework
where pupils are inclined to copy, use different versions of worksheets to ensure independent working
extra versions of tasks can be set as assessment at the end of a unit
Learning objectives are given at the beginning of each sheet.
A simple ‘thumbs up’ style of self-assessment is printed at the bottom of each task
These differentiated sets of worksheets are written to meet the objectives for Year 6 Number. Each of the five topics (multiples, lowest common multiple, factors, highest common factor, prime factors) is split into three levels, indicated on the worksheets by 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are 3 versions of each worksheet. There are 45 worksheets in all, plus answer sheets.
The material could be used in several ways:
* work through all the levels with the whole class
* use the levels to target varying abilities within the class
* use extra versions of tasks to set as follow-up homework
* where pupils are inclined to copy, use different versions of worksheets to ensure independent working
* extra versions of tasks can be set as assessment at the end of a unit
Learning objectives are given at the beginning of each sheet.
A simple ‘thumbs up’ style of self-assessment is printed at the bottom of each task.
This collection contains sufficient material on multiples and factors to cover several lessons. The material is designed to equip beginners with the skills necessary to work with fractions.
The presentation begins with an introductory slide showing how both multiples and factors are related to multiplication tables. It is then divided into two sections so that the teaching of multiples and factors can be treated separately if desired. Slides are advanced manually, but most are animated with conceal/reveal effects designed to encourage class participation in the lesson. Practice slides are included after each section so that learners can work in a supported way with partners or small groups before tackling fully independent work. Pupil handouts are included (a choice of black and white or colour). They have had answers removed so that they can be used as additional practice material. Learners will find them valuable as reference material when working independently in class or at home.
The 35 worksheets are graded according to difficulty and organised into sets of five. There are three sets on multiples and four on factors. For the teacher’s reference, each worksheet has a footer showing the range of numbers used in each set. They should provide sufficient work not only for use during lessons, but also for follow-up tasks at home and for revision purposes. Answer sheets are provided.
50 sheets of LOA (Learning Objective Achieved) statements for printing onto Avery style stickers (L7651). There is also a Y5 pupil sticker chart for printing out double sided onto card. 65 stickers per sheet.
Each of the 50 sheets matches a Y5 Number objective, and they are organised in the folder in the same order as they appear in the NC programme of study for year 5.
50 templates of LOA (Learning Objective Achieved) statements for printing onto Avery style stickers (L7651). There is also a Y4 pupil sticker chart for printing out double sided onto card. 65 stickers per sheet.
Each of the 50 sheets matches a Y4 Number objective, and they are organised in the folder in the same order as they appear in the NC programme of study for year 4.
This resource provides sufficient material for a complete lesson on equivalent fractions, and enough worksheets for classwork, homework and revision purposes.
It consists of a 17-slide PowerPoint presentation, 5 graded sets of worksheets, and a two-page help document to support learners/parents/support staff in the independent/homework tasks.
The presentation has teacher-controlled animation to facilitate step-by-step working through of the method. After two slides dealing with key vocabulary, there are 5 showing how to use multiplication to find a second missing numerator, and a further 5 showing how to use division to find the first numerator. The intention is that during the whole-class lesson, the method will become embedded in learners’ memories as they work through a series of problems with the teacher, using the same ‘script’ for each. At the end of the presentation, there is a set of calculations for pupils to work on in pairs/small groups, before moving on to independent work. Answers are supplied.
The step-by-step help sheets have a similar function to the presentation. The first shows how multiplication is used to solve equivalent fractions problems. The second deals with the division method.
The 25 worksheets (sets of 5 with accompanying answer sheets) are arranged in folders, which are numbered in order of difficulty. Since the objective is to teach a method, rather than supply calculation practice, a secure knowledge of multiplication tables is not a prerequisite of success at this level. The easiest folder requires only that pupils know the 10 times table. The other folders also have denominators of 2 and 5.
These differentiated sets of worksheets are written to meet the objectives for Year 6 Number. Each of the six topics on negative number is split into three levels, indicated on the worksheets by 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are 3 versions of each worksheet. There are 54 worksheets in all, plus answer sheets.
The material could be used in several ways:
* work through all the levels with the whole class
* use the levels to target varying abilities within the class
* use extra versions of tasks to set as follow-up homework
* where pupils are inclined to copy, use different versions of worksheets to ensure independent working
* extra versions of tasks can be set as assessment at the end of a unit
Learning objectives are given at the beginning of each sheet.
A simple ‘thumbs up’ style of self-assessment is printed at the bottom of each task.