'Great teaching and display resources at great prices'
Looking for excellent classroom resources available through instant download? You've come to the right place! Established since 2006 and winner of the Theo Paphitis #SBS award we have over 500 teaching and display resources covering a range of subjects and topics.
We also offer Virtual Races - www.ukschoolrun.com - a great opportunity for colleagues to come together!
'Great teaching and display resources at great prices'
Looking for excellent classroom resources available through instant download? You've come to the right place! Established since 2006 and winner of the Theo Paphitis #SBS award we have over 500 teaching and display resources covering a range of subjects and topics.
We also offer Virtual Races - www.ukschoolrun.com - a great opportunity for colleagues to come together!
Included in this pack are four A4 posters which display the following:
1x Visual example of Rotation
1x Visual example of Reflection
1x Visual example of Translation
1x A4 Title Poster
All the posters are attractively designed with a colourful border.
A great resource for any KS2 classroom. However this resource is particulalry useful during year 6 revision for SATs. Enclosed are 12 A4 posters which demonstrate, with examples, how to plan, carry out and conclude a scientific investigation.
Included are:
1 x A4 Title Poster
9 x A4 Posters showing the steps of planning a scientific investigation including 'question' 'prediction' 'what will we change?' 'what wiill we keep the same?' 'what will we measure/observe?. 'making your results more reliable' 'results table' 'conclusion' and 'er statement' posters
1 x A4 'Next time' poster which states other questions which could be investigated.
1 x A4 'Top Tips' poster giving tips on how to plan a fantastic scientific investigation.
All the posters are attractively designed in colour and can be clearly seen from a distance.
A second pack of our new 'Can you describe me' range.A great resource to help with the teaching of descriptive writing. Included in this pack are 10 x A4 posters each showing a different character. Around the outside of the character are a number of key questions to help the child describe the character. Pictures range from monsters to human characters.
All images provided thanks to our link with iclipart.com
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on how personification is used in writing. In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 - Definition of personification with examples accompanied by an explanation of why it is personification.
Slide 2 - Children to read a poem and pick out all the examples of personification and then copy them out.
Slide 3 - Five objects/people that the children need to personify. Children then have to write a poem of their own that includes personification. The poem is started for them to complete.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on alliteration
In total there are four slides:
Slide 1/2 (teach) - Definition and explanation of what alliteration is together with examples.
Slide 3 (practise) - Children read a poem and have to identify all the examples of alliteration.
Slide 4 (extend) - Children are asked to write an alliterative sentence about 5 different objects/things. They are then asked to write an alliterative poem about a subject of their choice.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on pronouns. In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 - Definition of a pronoun with examples of different types of pronouns and how they are used to replace nouns in a sentence.
Slide 2 - Ten sentences where the children need to underline the pronouns.
Slide 3 - Four sentences where the children need to choose an appropriate pronoun to replace the repeated noun. Then four sentences where the children need to choose the most appropriate pronoun to complete the sentence.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on adjectives and how they are used in sentences to describe nouns. In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 - Definition of an adjective including examples of sentences containing adjectives.A definition of parenthesis is also included on this slide.
Slide 2 - Ten sentences where the children need to underline the adjectives in the sentences.
Slide 3 - Ten simple sentences which the children need to up level by adding adjectives. The children are encouraged to include parenthesis and expanded noun phrases.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on how colons are used within sentences. In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 - Definition of the two different ways colons are used with examples.
Slide 2 - Ten sentences where the children need to add information after the colon.
Slide 3 - Ten sentences where the children need to add information before the colon.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on full stops and capital letters
In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 (teach) - Definition and explanation of a full stop and capital letter with examples.
Slide 2 (practise) - Children are given 8 sentences all missing capital letters and full stops and are asked to add them in.
Slide 3 (extend) - Children read through a whole passage and are asked to add in the missing capital letters and full stops.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on how metaphors are used in writing. In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 - Definition of a metaphor with examples accompanied by an explanation of why it is a metaphor.
Slide 2 - Children to read a poem and pick out all the metaphors and then copy them out.
Slide 3 - Five objects/people that the children need to write a metaphor about. Children then have to write a poem of their own that includes metaphors. The poem is started for them to complete.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on plurals. In total there are four slides:
Slide 1/2 - Explanation of the eight plural rules with examples of each.
Slide 3 - Sixteen nouns which the children need to change into the plural form.
Slide 4 - Children have to give further examples of each rule. Some words break the rules and the children are challenged to find examples of these using a dictionary.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on how similes are used in writing. In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 - Definition of a simile with examples accompanied by an explanation of why it is a simile.
Slide 2 - Children to read a poem and pick out all the similes and then copy them out.
Slide 3 - Five objects/people that the children need to write a simile about. Children then have to write a poem of their own that includes similes. The poem is started for them to complete.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on speech. In total there are three slides:
Slide 1 - Definition of the two different types of speech (direct and reported) with examples of each.
Slide 2 - Five sentences where the children need to add in the missing speech marks and then five sentences where the children need to complete the reported speech.
Slide 3 - Five sentences where the children need to change reported speech to direct speech and then five sentences where the children need to change direct speech to reported speech.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity!
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on finding the fractions of amounts. In total there are four slides:
Slides 1/2 (teach) - Explanation and examples of finding fractions of numbers including 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 and then 3/4 and 2/5
Slide 3 (practise) - Questions for the children to complete where they have to find fractions of amounts.(1/2, 1/4, 1/10, 1/5 and 1/7)
Slide 4 (extend) - Children have to apply their new skills by finding fraction of numbers where the numerator is greater than 1.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard and providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity.
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on the order of operations and is linked to the Year 6 National Curriculum. In total there are a eleven slides:
Slides 1 - 8 (teach) - Detailed teaching presentation on the order of operations
Slides 9 (practise) - Children practice calculations (see diagram), these come with answers.
Slide 10 and 11 (extend) - Children need to apply their skills by solving problems. Slide 11 contains the answers with examples of possible working out.
The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard and providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity. It is aimed at the Year 6 maths objective but can be used at any time during KS2.
The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
A great display for any teacher teaching the KS2 Science forces topic. This display pack includes key vocabulary and definitions of the keywords with this topic
12 A4 Posters in total including:
1x A4 Title Poster
1x A4 Gravity Poster
1x A4 Air Resistance Poster
1x A4 Water Resistance Poster
1x A4 Force Poster
1x A4 Friction Poster
1x A4 Upthrust Poster
1x A4 Newton Poster
1x A4 Newton Meter Poster
1x A4 Streamlined Poster
1x A4 Weight Poster
1x A4 Mass Poster
Each poster provides a definition of the force as well as an example of the force or how it is used. All the posters are attractively designed with a colour border and can be seen clearly from a distance.
A great resource for any KS2 class who are studying the QCA electricity topic. Enclosed are 13 A4 posters which show 11 of the recognised electrical symbols.
Included are:
1 x A4 Title Poster
1 x A4 Guidance to drawing electrical circuits poster
11 x A4 Electrical Symbols Posters including: bulb, buzzer, motor, switch, cell and bell
All the posters are attractively designed in colour and can be clearly seen from a distance.
These number line poster packs will look great in any classroom. Included in the pack are
Counting in 5s posters on painted hands (numbers 0 - 100)
Counting in 10s posters on feet (numbers 0 - 100)
Numbers 1 - 20 on coloured shirts
Numbers 1 - 20 on coloured shirts with the word written underneath
A maths resource which is perfect for helping children to understand fractions. The resource contains a fraction wall as well as the associated vocabulary listed down the side. This A4 mat could be displayed on the table or alternatively stuck to the wall as a display. It also contains a playful image thanks to our link with iClipart.
A simple but highly effective resource to aid reading. Enclosed on this bookmark are 'I can' statements linked to the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 new reading National Curriculum.
There are three bookmark to each A4 page. Each bookmark is colourfully designed and includes a playful clipart image - thanks to our link to iClipart.