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Providing quality tested Geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the profession for, working with young people. Please follow & review to help me grow my store!




Providing quality tested Geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the profession for, working with young people. Please follow & review to help me grow my store!
An introduction to China, Locating China

An introduction to China, Locating China

This 1 hour KS3 lesson teaches pupils to locate China at a range of scales. The worksheet, requiring access to an atlas, requires learners to identify key Geographical elements such as the hemispheres equator and specific countries. These are then used to describe Chinas location. Differentiated writing frames are included to support weaker students, as well as model answers to exemplify good practice. Check out some of my other products relating to China:- What physical and human Geography exists across China? How is the population distributed across China? What is rural to urban migration and why does it occur? What are the problems of overpopulation? How developed is China? Was China’s one child policy an example of successful population control?
The Sahara, Hostile environments, Investigating Africa's physical landscapes

The Sahara, Hostile environments, Investigating Africa's physical landscapes

This 1 hour KS3 resource investigates the Sahara desert as a hostile environment. Pupils start by identifying patterns in the distribution of hot deserts, before considering their conditions. Students develop Geographical skills, using climate data to produce climate graphs. The atmospheric circulation model is used to help pupils understand why desert environments have such hot dry weather. A diamond 9 exercise is used to help pupils evaluate the challenges faced in desert environments. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
Africa & The Development Gap Topic Bundle

Africa & The Development Gap Topic Bundle

9 Resources
This 12 week scheme of work is carefully sequenced to support learners in their understanding of the development gap. The unit starts by investigating the distribution of global wealth, highlighting our unequal and unfair world. Pupils then learn how development is measured through various indicators and evaluate their effectiveness. Learners consider the causes of global inequality and classify the contributing factors. Africa is used as a case study for the unit. Students learn to describe and explain Africa’s diverse landscape and develop Geographical skills using climate graphs. The poor standards of living experienced areas of rural Ghana, as well urban shanty towns are investigated. Pupils consider how these areas influence life chances. To concluded the unit, fair trade is explored as a strategy to reduce the development gap. Only want a particular lesson? No problem! What is development? How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What is Africa like? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
Fair trade, Reducing the development gap

Fair trade, Reducing the development gap

In this 2 hour KS3 lesson students learn how fair trade can help improve the lives of producers in developing countries. Pupils plot the sources of global foods on a world map and investigate, through role play, the reality of the trade chain. The lesson provides video case study links, highlighting the benefits of fair trade to banana farms in the Caribbean. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What is Africa like? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries?
Reducing the development gap, Fair trade

Reducing the development gap, Fair trade

This 1-2 hour KS3 resource investigates the effectiveness of fair trade at reducing the development gap. Pupils undertake a role play exercise, in which they take on the roles of different employees within the banana trade chain. Participants have to argue why they feel they deserve a particular proportion of the bananas cost. Students then watch a video and consider how fair trade can help improve the quality of life for people growing bananas in Africa?
Comparing quality of live, Inequality, The development gap, Ghanaian case study

Comparing quality of live, Inequality, The development gap, Ghanaian case study

In this 2 hour KS3 resource pupils contrast the quality of life in Ghana with that of the UK. Pupils are first taught how to describe the location of Ghana at various scales. Source analysis is used to stimulate discussion regarding living conditions within Ghana. Pupils read an interview of a girl living in Ghana and consider how her quality of life will be affected by her living conditions. The text is annotated with prompt questions to stimulate discussion and allow pupils to complete the worksheet activity. The learning is later assessed through a extended independent writing task. A writing frame is provided to guide pupils and improve structure. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What is Africa like? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
Squatter settlements

Squatter settlements

This 2 hour KS3 resource investigates where squatter settlements develop, as well as the impact they have on the people that live there. Pupils use source analysis to describe living conditions and use this knowledge to annotate images of shanty dwellings. A head and tails card sort is used to teach pupils how to add depth to descriptions, when writing answers independently. Various video links are provided relating to both African and India slums. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What is Africa like? What are Africa’s climate zones? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
The Sahara Desert, Hostile environments, Investigating Africa's physical landscapes

The Sahara Desert, Hostile environments, Investigating Africa's physical landscapes

In this 2 hour KS3 resource pupils investigate the Sahara desert. The lesson teaches pupils how to describe the distribution of desert environments around the world. The students are required to use climate data to produce a climate graph, with subsequent questions testing interpretation skills. A diamond 9 activity is used to evaluate the hostile conditions of desert environments. Information sheets are also provided allowing pupils to research the Sahara desert independently in groups.
Investigating Africa's ecology, African climate zones,  Using climate graphs,

Investigating Africa's ecology, African climate zones, Using climate graphs,

In this 2-3 hour KS3 lesson, pupils will learn about Africa’s diverse climate and physical environment. Students are introduced to the various biomes that exist across the African continent and learn how animals and plants adapt to the harsh conditions. Geographical skills are developed within the lesson as pupils analyse the climate graphs of four contrasting biomes. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What is Africa like? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
An introduction to Africa, Investigating Africa, Where is Africa?

An introduction to Africa, Investigating Africa, Where is Africa?

In this 1 hour KS3 lesson, students are given a introductory overview of Africa. Pupils recap the continents of the world, and play a competitive ‘splat’ game, testing learners knowledge. A true or false exercise is used to introduce the continent, and is used to create a short fact list about Africa. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
Explaining global inequality, Investigating the development gap, Global inequality, Unequal world

Explaining global inequality, Investigating the development gap, Global inequality, Unequal world

In this 2 hour KS3 lesson pupils investigate why the global development gap exists. Carefully selected video clips are used to highlight the origins of inequality. Students analyse sources to discover social, political, geographical, historical and economic factors that have influenced development. A differentiated worksheet is included, in which pupils are required to explain the various causes of this pressing issue. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? How can we measure development? What is Africa like? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
Measuring development, Development indicators

Measuring development, Development indicators

In this 2 hour KS3 lesson, pupils learn how development indicators can be used to evaluate a countries level of development. The lesson teaches pupils how to identify global patterns in wealth. Model answers are included to improve pupils understanding of how to use and analyse sources. Pupils learn that not all development indicators are reliable, and evaluate the effectiveness of death rate, GNI and HDI. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is development? What are the causes of global inequality? What is Africa like? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
What is development? Describing the distribution of HIC's NIC's & LIC's, Global inequality

What is development? Describing the distribution of HIC's NIC's & LIC's, Global inequality

This 1-2 hour lesson investigates the concept of development. Pupils describe the location of countries of contrasting development, and learn to identify global patterns. A game activity is used to reinforce key geographical terms and a writing frame is provided for the written task. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Development topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- How can we measure development? What are the causes of global inequality? What is Africa like? What are Africa’s climate zones? How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life? How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries? How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
Weather & Climate Topic Bundle

Weather & Climate Topic Bundle

7 Resources
This 12 week scheme of work is carefully sequenced to allow learners to improve their understanding of why various weather types and climatic patterns exist. Pupils develop various geographical skills and learn to sequence key physical processes, such as the hydrological cycle, as well as a relief, convectional and frontal rainfall. Students will investigate why the UK experiences such variations in its weather and look at the causes and impacts of flooding. This well organised scheme contains all of the teaching and learning materials required to teach this important area of the curriculum. Check out my other topic bundles! Africa & The Development Gap Topic Bundle Investigating China Topic Bundle Globalisation Topic Bundle World Tourism Topic Bundle Tectonic Hazards Topic Bundle India & The Plastic Problem Topic Bundle Earth’s History Topic Bundle Geographical Skills Topic Bundle Energy & Climate Change Topic Bundle -(Coming soon)
Effects of flooding, Flooding role play, Investigating the impacts of flooding

Effects of flooding, Flooding role play, Investigating the impacts of flooding

In this 2 hour KS3 lesson pupils will learn why areas flood through a heads and tails exercise. They investigate the social, economic and environmental impacts of flooding through a role play task. Teacher role play prompt questions are included here to direct discussion. A lesson worksheet is used to organise pupils learning throughout the lesson. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Weather topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is the difference between weather and climate? What is the water cycle? How can symbols be used to show weather patterns? How can we describe weather patterns using weather symbols? Is all rainfall produced in the same way? Why does the UK experience the weather it does?
Explaining UK climate, Why does the UK experience the weather it does?

Explaining UK climate, Why does the UK experience the weather it does?

In this** 2 hour KS3 lesson** pupils describe how both temperature and rainfall vary across the UK. Students investigate how latitude, altitude, ocean currents and winds influence climatic conditions. Class worksheets are included and a source based formative assessment activity. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Weather topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is the difference between weather and climate? What is the water cycle? How can symbols be used to show weather patterns? How can we describe weather patterns using weather symbols? Is all rainfall produced in the same way? Why do floods occur and what are the effects?
Rain fall types, Why does it rain?

Rain fall types, Why does it rain?

If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review! In this 2 hour KS3 lesson pupils learn about relief, convection and frontal rainfall. Students map how rainfall varies across the UK and investigate the reasons for this. Interactive sides allow the processes to be easily visualised. Three exercises are used to aid the understanding of these various rainfall types. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Weather topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is the difference between weather and climate? What is the water cycle? How can symbols be used to show weather patterns? How can we describe weather patterns using weather symbols? Is all rainfall produced in the same way? Why does the UK experience the weather it does? Why do floods occur and what are the effects?
Weather reporters, Weather broadcasting role play, Describing weather patterns

Weather reporters, Weather broadcasting role play, Describing weather patterns

In this 1-2 hour KS3 lesson pupils undertake a role play exercise in which they report on UK weather. Template weather scripts, base map and weather symbols are all included as well as a self and peer assessment sheet. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Weather topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is the difference between weather and climate? What is the water cycle? How can we describe weather patterns using weather symbols? Is all rainfall produced in the same way? Why does the UK experience the weather it does? Why do floods occur and what are the effects?
Describing UK weather patterns, Creating weather maps, Weather symbols

Describing UK weather patterns, Creating weather maps, Weather symbols

In this 1-2 hour lesson pupils learn to describe weather in an interactive cut and stick activity. Pupils are required to create their own weather maps using sentences from a news weather forecast! An additional weather dominoes game is included for lower ability pupils. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Weather topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is the difference between weather and climate? What is the water cycle? How can symbols be used to show weather patterns? Is all rainfall produced in the same way? Why does the UK experience the weather it does? Why do floods occur and what are the effects?
The water cycle, The hydrological cycle, How does water move around the planet?

The water cycle, The hydrological cycle, How does water move around the planet?

This** 2 hour KS3 lesson** teaches pupils about the key processes of the water cycle. The activities are designed to help pupils understand the sequencing of physical processes. A wide range of class exercises are provided and included: a card sort, diagram annotation, comic creation, a class game and extended independent creative writing task. **Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- ** Weather topic bundle Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:- What is the difference between weather and climate? How can symbols be used to show weather patterns? How can we describe weather patterns using weather symbols? Is all rainfall produced in the same way? Why does the UK experience the weather it does? Why do floods occur and what are the effects?