I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course.
All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course.
All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
This lesson is designed for the NEW OCR GCSE (Gateway) Biology ‘Cell-level systems’ SoW.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW GCSE specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
This lesson begins with an introduction of the process of aerobic respiration including the word equations that pupils will need to learn. Next is a video, pupils will need to answer questions whilst watching the video, once it is finished they can self-assess their work using the mark scheme provided.
Pupils are then introduced to the idea that aerobic respiration is exothermic and look specifically at the ultra-structure of the cell and which parts are important for respiration, this activity is a match up activity that pupils can complete and then mark.
A mid-plenary is a true or false task and the final activity is a levelled worksheet pupils will complete using information cards on how animal and plant organisms use the energy released by respiration. Once finished they can self-assess using the mark scheme on the PowerPoint slides.
Pupils have a choice of two activities to complete for their plenary - either an anagram challenge or a summary sentence using a list of key words.
All resources are included at the end of the presentation.
Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.2 Organisation’ unit of work.
For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience.
This comprehensive pack contains twelve pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Organisation’ unit of work. This is followed by seven pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers.
The pack covers the following topics:
Stem Cells
Tissues & organs
The human digestive system
Human digestive enzymes
The blood
Blood vessels
The heart
Helping the heart
Breathing & gas exchange
Plants tissues & organs
Transport in plants
Evaporation & transpiration
Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA AS-level Biology course, particularly the ‘Biological Molecules’ module.
For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-level Biology course please visit my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
A-Level lesson format: I teach in more of a lecture style compared to GCSE. In the majority of my A-level lessons the beginning portion of the lesson is mainly teacher-led, where students are expected to take notes onto a handout/in their books. This is then mixed in with student-led activities, as well as questions and exam prep.
You will find some of my slides have blank spaces for you to add more detail/descriptions/explanations. If you look at the ‘Notes’ section underneath each of these slides, you will find additional content which you can add in as you teach!
This lesson begins with an introduction to proteins, the importance of such molecules in the human body as well as the general structural formula of an amino acid.
Students are then shown the structural formula of two amino acids - glycine and alanine - and are asked to used their mini whiteboards to show how a condensation reaction could occur between the two molecules to form a peptide bond. There work can then be checked against the answer provided on the PowerPoint.
Over the course of the next few slides, you can run through the main principles of the formation of a protein from the primary -> secondary -> tertiary -> quaternary structure. As students listen to the main principles, they can write these down onto their ‘Protein Summary Sheet’ - provided.
Students will then be given a worksheet which shows an image/description of a protein as one of the four levels of protein formation, students have to identify which level it is at (primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary). Once complete, students can self-assess their work using the answers provided on the PowerPoint.
Students will now be introduced to the Biuret test for proteins, which they will need to be able to recite as well as give details of a positve/negative result.
The last activity is a past-paper question to test students knowledge of what has been learned this lesson, which can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided.
The plenary requires students to write a twitter message to outline what they have learned this lesson, including #keywords.
All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.4 Bioenergetics’ unit of work.
For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience.
This comprehensive pack contains nine pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Bioenergetics’ unit of work. This is followed by five pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers.
The pack covers the following topics:
Structure of plants - Adapated to photosynthesis
Rate of photosynthesis
Products of photosynthesis
Making the most of Photosynthesis
Aerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration
Response to exercise
Metabolism & the liver
Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.3 Infection & Response’ unit of work.
For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience.
This comprehensive pack contains nine pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Infection & Response’ unit of work. This is followed by five pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers.
The pack covers the following topics:
Heath & Wellness
Pathogens & Disease
Preventing Infections
Defence Mechanisms
Antibiotics & Painkillers
Bacterial Diseases
Viral Disease
Fungal & Protist Diseases
Antibiotic Resistance
Drug Trials
Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.6 Inheritance, variation & evolution’ unit of work.
For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience.
This comprehensive pack contains nine pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Inheritance, variation & evolution’ unit of work. This is followed by five pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers.
The pack covers the following topics:
Types of Reproduction
Gene Expression & Inheritance
DNA Structure & Protein Synthesis
Inherited Disorders
Genetic Screening
Continuous & Discontinuous Variation
Selective Breeding
Genetic Engineering
Ethics of Gene Technologies
Evolution by Natural Selection
Evidence for Evolution: Fossils
Evolution of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
All resources are included. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
This is a lesson which meets specification points within the OCR Gateway Science - B1 -Cell-Level Systems SoW.
The lesson begins with a recap on the genetic structures found within an organism, students will need to order the organisms in terms of size. Students can then self-assess their work, using the answers provided.
Next, students are taught about the structure of DNA, using detailed diagrams. Children will have a few minutes to study the structure of a DNA nucleotide, it will then be covered up and they will need to try and recreate the diagram, including key words. This task can then be self-assessed.
Students will now be shown a video, which outlines the way in which nucleotides are bound together by complimentary base-pairing. Whilst watching the video, students will need to answer a set of questions. The answers to this video are on the next slide, so students can either self-assess or peer-assess their work.
The last task is a ‘quick check’ activity, which includes some summary questions on the topic of this lesson.
All resources are included, please review with any feedback :)
This is a lesson designed to meet specification points for the new OCR GCSE (Gateway) Biology 'Cell-level lsystems’ scheme of work.
The lesson begins by pupils being introduced to the term ‘photosynthesis’ and then being asked to consider the raw materials that plants need in order for photosynthesis to occur. Pupils are then given three minutes to write down everything they have learnt about photosynthesis so far, with an extension task to write the word equation for the reaction.
In the next part of the lesson pupils are introduced to the word equations and are challenged to write a balanced symbol equation for this reaction.
Mid-lesson plenary involves a set of exam-questions (total marks = 9 marks) which they can complete in silence and then peer or self-assess using the mark scheme provided.
Pupils are then introduced to the concept of endothermic and exothermic reactions, they are given the definition for an endothermic reaction and are then asked to ‘think, pair, share’ with a partner about what an exothermic reaction might be and whether photosynthesis is endothermic or exothermic. After 5 minutes, pupils are given the answers and they can mark their work.
The final activity is for pupils to think about the structure of the leaf, and how it is adapted for its function of photosynthesis. Students will watch a video about these various adaptations, and will need to answer a set of questions whilst watching. This task can then be self-assessed using the answers provided in the PowerPoint presentation.
Pupils can choose their plenary activity - either writing quiz questions on the topic of the lesson or summarising what they learnt by writing a twitter message along with #keywords.
All resources are included in the PowerPoint presentation, thank you for purchasing :)
This bundle of resources contains 4 whole lessons which meet all learning outcomes for the higher tier, separate science modules within the ‘Inheritance, variation & ecology’ unit for the NEW AQA Biology Specification.
Lessons included:
Theories of evolution
Evolution & Speciation
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, extra challenge questions and exam questions plus more than one opportunity, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
This bundle of resources contains 5 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 7 B1 ‘Cells’ Unit.
Lessons include:
Observing Cells Using A Microscope
Plant & Animal Cells
Specialised Cells
Movement of Substances
Unicellular Organisms
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, practical investigations and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks
This bundle of resources contains 5 whole lessons which meet all learning outcomes for the higher tier, separate science modules within the ‘Ecology’ unit for the NEW AQA Biology Specification.
Lessons included:
Rates of decomposition
Global warming & the impact of change
Trophic levels & biomass
Transfers of biomass
Food production
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, extra challenge questions and exam questions plus more than one opportunity, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
This bundle of resources contains 6 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 7 B1 ‘Structure & Function of Body Systems’ Unit.
Lessons include:
Levels of Organisation
Gas Exchange
The Skeleton
Movement: Joints
Movement: Muscles
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, practical investigations and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks
This bundle of resources contains 8 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 8 B2 1.3 'Adaptation & Inheritance’ Unit.
Lessons include:
Competition & Adaptation
Adapting to Change
Continuous & Discontinuous Variation
Natural Selection
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, videos & animations, progress checks and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
This bundle of resources contains 7 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 8 B2 1.1 ‘Health & Lifestyle’ Unit.
Lessons include:
Nutrients & Food Tests
Unhealthy Diet
Digestive System
Bacteria & Enzymes in Digestion
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, videos & animations, progress checks and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
This bundle of resources contains 8 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 7 B3 ‘Reproduction’ Unit.
Lessons include:
Reproductive Systems
Fertilisation & Implantation
Development of a Fetus
The Menstrual Cycle
Flowers & Pollination
Fertilisation & Germination
Seed Dispersal
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, videos & animations, progress checks and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks
This bundle of resources contains 9 whole lessons which meet all learning outcomes for the higher tier, separate science modules within the ‘Homeostasis’ unit for the NEW AQA Biology Specification.
Lessons included:
1. The brain HT
2. The eye HT
3. Common problems of the eye HT
4. Plant hormones & responses HT
5. Using plant hormones HT
6. Controlling body temperature HT
7. Removing waste products HT
8. The kidney HT
9. Dialysis & kidney transplants HT
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, extra challenge questions and exam questions plus more than one opportunity, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
This bundle of resources contains 8 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the Year 8 B2 1.2 ‘Ecosystem Processes’ Unit.
Lessons include:
Plant Minerals
Aerobic Respiration
Anaerobic Respiration
Food Chains & Webs
Disruption to Food Chains & Webs
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, videos & animations, progress checks and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
This bundle of resources contains 9 lessons which meet all learning outcomes within the ‘Organisation’ unit for the NEW AQA Biology Specification.
1. Plants tissues & organs
2. Photosynthesis
3. Products of photosynthesis
4. The rate of photosynthesis (limiting factors)
5. Making the most of photosynthesis
6. Aerobic Respiration
7. Anaerobic Respiration
8. The response to exercise
9. Metabolism and the liver
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, mid-lesson progress checks, extra challenge tasks, exam-style questions and more than one opportunity, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
This bundle of resources contains 12 lessons which meet all learning outcomes within the ‘Scaling Up’ unit for the NEW OCR Gateway Biology specification.
Lessons include:
Active Transport
Cell differentiation
Stem Cells
Exchange & Transport
The Circulatory System
The Heart & Blood
Transport Systems in Plants
The Transpiration Stream
Factors affecting Transpiration
The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, extra challenge questions and exam questions plus more than one opportunity, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.