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I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.




I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology – Classification

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology – Classification

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Ecology’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with pupils being given a card sort of organisms, they will need to look at the pictures and try and decide how they would sort these organisms into groups, in other words how would they classify the organisms. Pupils will then be introduced to Linnaeus’ classification system and how this now influences the way we classify organisms, as well as explaining how modern technology can help us to group organisms. Pupils will then watch a video on classification, they will asked to think about, and write notes, on why classification is such an important process that scientists use. Now pupils are being introduced to the order of the classification system, pupils will be shown the order and then pupils will need to come up with their own mnemonic to help them remember this order. Pupils will then be introduced to the binomial naming system and the importance of this system, which they should be able to recount. The next activity involves pupils walking around the room, reading posters and they will need to use this information to complete a worksheet answering questions about the different kingdoms of the classification system. Once this is complete pupils can self or peer assess their work using the answers provided within the PowerPoint presentation Pupils will then complete an exam-style question on the topic of classification. This can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. The plenary is for pupils to complete an exit card to demonstrate what they have learnt during the lesson, this can be handed in at the end of the lesson to the teacher to check student understanding. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology – Adaptations

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology – Adaptations

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Ecology’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with students completing a think > pair > share on the types of environments in which organisms live around the world. After a short discussion with the class about the sorts of environments they are aware of, you can move the PowerPoint slide on to identify the types of biomes present on Earth. The next activity is a copy and complete activity on survival and reproduction as a recap, after pupils have completed this task they can self-assess their work using the answers provided. Next pupils will be introduced to adaptations, pupils will then watch a video on adaptations and answer questions using the information provided. Once they have completed this task they can mark their work using the answers provided. Pupils will now read information posters around the room (resources provided at the end of the lesson) and will use this to complete adaptation profile cards for animals and plants from arctic and desert conditions. The next part of the lesson will focus on extremophiles, pupils will read an article on extremophiles and will read through and underline the descriptions of particular extremophile adaptations. Once this work has been self-assessed pupils will move on to an exam-style question on adaptations, once this task has been completed pupils can either self-assess or peer-assess their work. The plenary task is for pupils to write three quiz questions on the topic of the lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evolution & speciation HT

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evolution & speciation HT

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW, for the higher tier, biology only specification. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson with a think > share > pair task on the definition of a species, pupils ca try and come up with their own definitions before you reveal the true answer. The next part of the lesson focuses on Alfred Russel Wallace and his work on the theory of speciation. Pupils will need to watch the video on Wallace and using the video come up with a timeline or notes on the life events and work produced by Wallace in his lifetime. Once this task is complete pupils can compare what they have written against success criteria provided, pupils can mark, correct and add any important notes using the criteria. The next part of the lesson focuses on the process of speciation, firstly pupils will need to watch a video about organisms which are separated and the develop certain characteristics depending on the environment they are living in. The second video provides a more detailed description of how speciation occurs, pupils will need to answer questions whilst watching this video. Pupils can mark their work using the mark scheme provided once they have completed this task. The next task is a card/statement sort, pupils will need to place the statements provided (can cut out as a card sort) into the correct order to describe the process of speciation, once pupils have completed this task they can mark their work. The final activity is an exam-style question on speciation, pupils will need to complete the exam question in their books (at the back without notes as an extra challenge). Once pupils have completed the exam question they can self or peer assess their work using the mark scheme provided. The plenary task is for pupils to write a twitter message by Alfred Wallace about his work on the theory of speciation. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Theories of evolution HT

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Theories of evolution HT

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW for the higher tier, biology only specification. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience Pupils will firstly be given, in pairs, information about Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theories of evolution. In pairs students will need to explain each theory to each other and discuss the merits and downfalls of each. The next task required pupils to summarise the main points of each of the scientists theories in a table, this work can be self-assessed against the answers provided. Pupils will then be asked to consider the flaws in Lamarck’s theory, pupils will be asked to come up with a question to ask Lamarck about his theory and to discuss in pairs what they think the potential flaws of this theory could be. Once you have gone through pupils’ ideas as a class you can reveal some of the problems with this theory of evolution. The next part of the lesson focuses on Darwin, firstly pupils will be asked to copy and complete sentences to summarise the main ideas from Darwin’s theory of evolution. Once this task is completed and marked, pupils will go on to look at why Darwin’s ideas were not published or accepted straight away. Pupils will be provided with some information but they will also need to use their own knowledge to answer a set of questions provided on a worksheet. Once this task is complete, a detailed mark scheme has been provided for pupils to either self or peer assess their work. The very last task is an exam-style question, pupils will need to complete this in their books (at the back of books without notes for a stretch and challenge) and self or peer-assess using the mark scheme once they have finished. The plenary task is for pupils to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson using the key words provided. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - The history of genetics: Mendel HT

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - The history of genetics: Mendel HT

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW, specifically for the higher-tier, biology only specification. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with an introduction to the work of Gregor Mendel, students will firstly watch a video and answer questions using the information provided. Once finished with this introductory task pupils can self-assess their work against the marking criteria. The next task focuses on genetic diagrams drawn to represent the crosses Gregor Mendel carried out during his investigations. Pupils will be prompted to draw the genetic diagrams themselves to show the genotypes of offspring of the F1 and F2 generation of pea plants in the example given. There is a prompt which you can reveal for those students of a lower ability. Once this task is complete pupils can check their work against the answers which are provided. Now there is a quick check mid-plenary for pupils to consolidate knowledge of what they have learnt so far, a set of questions is provided and the mark scheme for pupils to check their work against. The next part of the lesson focuses on why Mendel’s important work was not wholly recognised within his lifetime, pupils can read an extract of information and use this to answer questions. Once complete pupils can self-assess their work using the answers provided. The final part of the lesson is looking at how Mendel’s work was imperative to the development of the double-helix model of DNA and subsequent genetic research and discoveries. Pupils will need to read a page of information, in pairs, and answer questions provided on the PowerPoint slide. For those pupils of a lower ability it may be easier to tag read the information and answer questions in groups. Once completed pupils can check their work against the success criteria provided. The final task is for pupils to answer an exam question on this topic, pupils can complete in their books (at the back of their books for an extra challenge) and assess their work using the mark scheme once complete. The plenary task is for pupils to come up with a questions that they would like to ask Mendel about his work. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Biology - 'Inheritance, variation and evolution' lessons

NEW AQA GCSE Biology - 'Inheritance, variation and evolution' lessons

12 Resources
This bundle of resources contains 11 lessons which meet all learning outcomes within the 'Inheritance, variation & evolution' unit for the NEW AQA Biology Specification. Lessons include: 1. Meiosis 2. DNA & protein synthesis 3. Inherited disorders & genetic screening 4. Variation 5. Selective breeding 6. Genetic engineering 7. Ethics of gene technologies 8. Evolution by natural selection 9. Evidence for evolution - Fossils 10. Extinction 11. Evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, extra challenge questions and exam questions plus more than one opportunity, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.
NEW AQA GCSE Triology (2016) Biology - Extinction

NEW AQA GCSE Triology (2016) Biology - Extinction

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a video and a set of questions which pupils will need to answer about extinction and try and come up with a definition for this term. Once completed pupils can check their work against the answers provided on the PowerPoint. The next activity is for pupils to think > pair > share ideas about the sorts of changes that might occur within an organisms environment to bring about extinction. Pupils can discuss with their partner and create a mind map of their ideas in their books. Once pupils have completed this you can reveal some of the reasons for environmental change on the PowerPoint slide and pupils can check what they have got against the answers, adding in any they didn’t manage to get. The next activity is for pupils to read some cards of information about the causes of extinction, pupils can work in pairs or groups to read through these causes and summarise each one in their books. To put thees causes into context, the next activity is for pupils to look at examples of organisms which are at the brink of extinction and the reasons why. Pupils will be given a set of cards with information about a range of animal and plant organisms which are at different stages on the IUCN red list. Pupils will need to complete a table of information to describe the habitat and reasons why four of these organisms are endangered. The last part of the lesson will focus on mass extinctions, pupils will watch a video and answer questions about the causes and repercussion of mass extinction events. Once completed pupils can mark their work against the assessment criteria. The plenary activity is for pupils to pretend they are a conservationist campaigning to protect an organism of their choice, they need to write a twitter message to their followers to raise awareness of the factors which may be critically affecting the organism. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with a introduction to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria, this is looked at more closely with a video. Whilst watching the video pupils will need to answer questions, this work can be self-assessed using the marking criteria once complete. Using the knowledge of how bacterial populations develop resistance to antibiotics pupils can complete a cartoon strip to demonstrate how this process occurs. Pictures for each stage will be provided, pupils will be required to complete the captions boxes for each depiction choosing from a list of key words to include. The next part of the lesson focuses on preventing antibiotic resistance, pupils can draw a table in their books and in pairs or in groups will be given some cards of information on the different ways to prevent the development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Pupils will need to use this information to complete their table. The last focus of the lesson is on the spread of MRSA within a hospital setting and how hospitals have responded to the crisis. Pupils will be given a set of newspaper reports, they should read them through in pairs or in groups and use them to answer a set of questions. Pupils can self-assess their work against the marking criteria once they have completed this task. The final task is a set of exam-style questions on this topic, pupils of a higher ability should complete this task at the back of their book and try not use their notes to help them. Those students of lower ability can discuss the answers with their partner if necessary. Once completed students can use the mark scheme to assess their work. The plenary task is for pupils to come up with three quiz questions to test their classmates knowledge of what they have learnt this lesson. If there is time you could ask some pupils to read out their questions for a mini-quiz at the end of the lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evidence for evolution: Fossils

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evidence for evolution: Fossils

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with an introduction to fossils, a definition of a fossil and a task for pupils to think > pair > share how the remains of dead organisms could be preserved for millions of years. After a short classroom discussion about the ideas pupils have come up with, pupils can move on to the next task. Pupils will each be given a different piece of information on the ways in which fossil remains can be preserved. Pupils can move around the room and discuss their cards of information and use each others to take notes on these processes. Pupils will then watch a video on how fossils are formed, using this video pupils will need to answer questions in their books. This work can be self-assessed using the marking criteria provided. The next part of the lesson focuses on why fossils do not provide a complete record of evolution. After this has been explained, using the information and images provided on the PowerPoint slide, pupils can complete some quick check questions on what they have learnt this lesson. Once complete pupils can mark their work using the answers provided. The final task is for pupils to complete a table to demonstrate the evolution of the horse, they will each be given a card of information on a particular stage of evolution. They can use each other to complete the full picture of how the horse evolved, completing their own table in chronological order. The last task is a set of exam-style questions on what pupils have learnt this lesson, they can answer these at the back of their books for an extra challenge. A mark scheme is provided for pupils to assess and correct their work once it is complete. The plenary task is for pupils to summarise what they have learnt this lesson as three facts, three key words and a question to test their peers. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Ethics of gene technlogies

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Ethics of gene technlogies

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson starts with pupils think > pair > sharing some of the advantages and disadvantages of genetic technologies that they have learnt about so far. Following this pupils will watch a selection of videos about genetic modification, pupils will need to listen and write down any advantages or disadvantages they pick up from the videos. For higher ability pupils you could extend this task by asking them to consider the organisations behind the videos and why they may have certain viewpoints. Pupils will then be given a card sort in groups, the cards demonstrate concerns and benefits of gene technologies. Pupils can discuss the information and use it to finish off the table of advantages and disadvantages they started with the previous task. This task can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. The next activity requires pupils to complete a newspaper articles on the pro’s and con’s of gene technologies, within the articles pupils must represent the viewpoints of an organic farmer, a charity campaigner, a doctor, an ecologist, a scientist working on a new gene technology. The final activity is an exam-style question. Pupils can complete this in their books and self-assess their work once they are finished. The plenary activity is for pupils to pick a task, either unscramble 5 anagrams to reveal key words or write a summary sentence including a number of key words from the lesson All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evolution by natural selection

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Evolution by natural selection

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a focus on mutations and how they contribute towards genetic variation within a population. Pupils can tag read some information provided in the board and then answer questions in their books, this work can be self-assessed against the mark scheme provided. The next activity involves pupils watching a video about natural selection, using the video they will need to answer questions which again can be self-assessed using the success criteria provided. Pupils will then be shown a slide which demonstrates, with the example of giraffes, how natural selection can ensue within a population of organisms over time. Pupils will then be given a cartoon strip to show how natural selection occurs, they can draw diagrams of any organism they wish to choose and will need to fill in the blanks for the captions below each stage in the process. This work can be self-assessed one complete. The next task pupils need to complete is a card sort describing the steps involved with how head lice become resistant to head lice shampoos, pupils can discuss in pairs to complete this task. Once complete the answers will be revealed, for higher ability pupils they can draw this as a flow diagram in their books as an extension. The final activity is a past-paper question, pupils can complete this in their books. For higher ability pupils you could demand silence and ask for it to be completed at the back of their books as a revision activity, for lower ability pupils you may allow discussion with a partner. The plenary activity involves pupils being provided with the answers to 5 questions, pupils need to think of 5 questions which may link to these answers. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Cloning HT

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Cloning HT

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins by introducing pupils to the definition of a clone and outlining the different cloning techniques they will learn about in this lesson. Pupils will firstly learn about two techniques used to clone plants - cuttings and tissue culture. Pupils will learn about these two techniques and will need to complete the correct descriptions on a diagram demonstrating the steps involved with taking plant cuttings. Once this is complete the work can be self-assessed. The second part of the lesson focuses on adult cloning. Firstly pupils are talked through the process of embryo transplants using a diagram. Pupils will be provided with a worksheet with a flow diagram of the embryo transplant process but missing statements to describe the process. Pupils will need to choose the correct statements to go in these boxes, this work can be assessed using the answers provided once complete. Adult cell cloning is the other example of an animal cloning technique pupils will need to describe. Firstly, pupils will watch a video about Dolly the sheep and the adult cell cloning process, using this video they will need to answer some questions. This can be checked against the answers which will be provided. For the next activity pupils will be provided with the diagram of the sequence of events involved in the adult cell cloning process, pupils will be required to fill in the blanks to complete the descriptions of the steps involved. Once completed pupils can use the mark scheme to assess their work. The final activity focuses on the risks and benefits of adult cell cloning, pupils will be given a list of opinions about this cloning technique and they will need sort them into advantages/disadvantages in their books. The plenary activity is for pupils to pick a task: either write a twitter message about what they have learnt this lesson or unscramble anagrams to spell out 5 key words from the lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Selective breeding

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Selective breeding

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the 'Inheritance, variation and evolution' SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The task begins with pupils being asked to think > pair > share the specific characteristics that farmers might find favourable in cows, crops, chicken and sheep. The next activity involves pupils watching a video on selective breeding and how this process works, pupils will need to answer questions as they watch the video. The work can be assessed when they finish using the mark scheme provided. Pupils will now understand the process of selective breeding, the next task requires pupils to choose two dogs from a selection of dog breeds (pictures provided) to breed together in order to produce offspring with the traits the student would like. They can sketch a flow diagram to demonstrate how thus process occurs. The next activity is a worksheet on chicken breeds, once students have completed they can use the mark scheme to self or peer assess their work. The final activity focuses on the problems with selective breeding, pupils are provided with some information which could be tag-read as a class. This can then be used to answer some quick-check questions. Once the questions are complete this work can be self-assessed using the answers provided. The plenary task is for pupils to use a list of key words to write a summary sentence about what they have learnt from the lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Variation

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Variation

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson begins with students given some pictures of a range of people that look differently to one another, students will need to think > pair > share what the differences are between these people and the reasons why they look different to each other. Pupils will then be introduced to the difference between examples of inherited and environmental characteristics. Firstly pupils will focus on inherited characteristics, the students will need to complete a mind map in their books of the traits they have inherited from their parents (or from grandparents). As an extra challenge pupils can consider why they do not look identical to either parent. The next task will focus on environmental characteristics, pupils will need to draw a table in their books and they will need to sort examples of environmental factors with the type of environmental variation they cause into the table correctly. This work can be self-assessed once it is is complete using the answers provided. For the next activity pupils will be given a card sort of different examples of variation, e.g. height, freckles, eye colour, tattoos. Pupils will need to sort these cards into a Venn diagram in their books - just inherited variation, just environmental variation or potentially caused by both. This work can be self-assessed once it is complete. The next part of the lesson focuses on types of data - continuous or discontinuous. Pupils are firstly shown the difference between the two and then they will need to complete a worksheet to assess their understanding on this. Once completed the worksheet can be self or peer assessed. The final task is for pupils to get into teams (or be sorted by the teacher into teams) and they work their way around the room filling in information about themselves for different types of traits (e.g. handedness, foot length, whether they can roll their tongue). Pupils will assigned one trait each and will need to produce a graph of the class results. This will test their understanding of continuous vs. discontinuous data and how this should be represented in a graph format. The plenary task is for pupils to consider a world where there was no variation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this world, trying to use some of the key words provided. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Genetic Engineering

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Genetic Engineering

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the 'Inheritance, variation and evolution' SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a think > share > pair task for pupils to consider the definition of genetic engineering, once pupils have had a discussion about this the answer can be revealed. Pupils will then be shown a video about the steps involved with genetic engineering, pupils will need to answer questions whilst watching the video. Pupils can then check their work against the answers provided and correct anything they perhaps didn't get during the video. Pupils will then be given a diagram of the genetic engineering process, specifically using the example of the human gene for insulin being inserted into a bacterium. Pupils will need to copy the diagram into their books and choose the correct statements, from a jumbled list, to go with the correct steps. Pupils can self or peer-assess their work once this task is complete. The next part of the lesson is on the genetic modification of crops, pupils will firstly watch some videos which outlines various viewpoints of the growth and consumption of GM crops. Pupils should watch the videos and note down any benefits or problems they identify, a class discussion can follow this to ensure all students got the important points. The benefits of GM crops will then be highlighted to students with the aim to be used to feed the world's starving nations. After pupils have read through this they will be asked to come up statements that a collection of people might make about GM crops - an organic farmer, a charity worker for a world hunger organisation, a GCSE student and a GM scientist. The final activity is for pupils to complete the exam-style question on genetic engineering, once completed pupils can assess their work using the mark scheme provided. The plenary is for pupils to pick a task - either write a summary sentences including a list of key words or identify the questions for a list of answers. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Inherited disorders & genetic screening

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Inherited disorders & genetic screening

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the 'Inheritance, variation and evolution ’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with an introduction to inherited disorders, particularly the two examples students will need to learn about - polydactyly and cystic fibrosis. Pupils will then be given information on either of these two disorders and will be asked to complete a fact file on the one they have been given using a set of criteria provided. Once they have completed one of the fact files they will need to pair up with someone who did the other fact file to share information. Pupils will then be given further information about the inheritance of these disorders and whether it is controlled by a dominant or recessive allele. Pupils will need to draw genetic diagrams for each of the disorders given a set of example parent genotypes, and work out the probability of the offspring inheriting the condition. The next part of the lesson focuses on embryo screening, firstly pupils are introduced to the two ways in which embryos can be screened for genetic conditions - amniocentesis & chorionic villus sampling. The next task pupils will need to think > pair > share ways in which these two methods which be controversial, identifying the positive and negative effects on the baby and family. For the final activity pupils will be given a set of opinion cards in groups, they will need to read the viewpoints, discuss as a group and write a short summary paragraph on their opinion of genetic screening in embryos. The plenary task is for pupils to write three summary sentences of what they have learnt this lesson using as many key words from the list provided. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Gene expression & inheritance

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Gene expression & inheritance

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW, it contains some higher-tier only content. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience The lesson firstly begins with a description and definition for gene expression in a cell, this leads onto introduce the idea of a mutation. Pupils are given a definition of a mutation and are asked to consider whether mutations are always negative effects. This leads onto show the ways in which a mutation can affect a protein/enzyme in the body and the effect that could have on the function of body processes. Next is a quick check-silent 5 activity to assess students knowledge of gene expression and mutation, pupils can answer the questions in their book and mark their work using the answers provided. There is on further activity on mutations, pupils will watch a video on sickle cell anaemia and answer questions in their books. The next section of the lesson is on inheritance, firstly pupils are introduced to the idea of alleles and are shown the genotypes of three rabbits with either black or white fur colour to show that it is the combination of alleles that determines this characteristic. Pupils are asked to complete some questions based on what they have learnt so far, which can be assessed using the answers provided. Next pupils are introduced to the difference between genotype and phenotype, homozygous and heterozygous genotypes. Pupils will then be given a set of images and are asked to identify whether these images are representing a genotype or phenotype, if it is a genotype they are asked to determine if it is homozygous or heterozygous. This work can then be assessed. Pupils are now shown how to construct a genetic diagram using a worked example, they are then given another genetic cross for which they need to construct their own genetic diagram and work out the percentage of each offspring that would be present, this work can be self-assessed. The final task is on sex determination, pupils are introduced to the idea of X & Y chromosomes and are shown the combinations needed to produce a male or a female. Pupils will need to construct their own genetic diagram to show the percentage chance of a baby being male or female. This topic can also be assessed using an exam-style questions for higher ability pupils. The plenary activity is for pupils to write a glossary in the back of their books for any new key words they have learnt this lesson All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Meiosis

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Meiosis

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson starts with a recap from the previous lesson showing gametes fusing during fertilisation and the changes in chromosome numbers. The first task is for pupils to watch a video and answer a set of questions whilst they are watching, once the video is complete they can assess their work using the mark scheme provided. Pupils will then be given a worksheet with a diagram of meiosis occurring and statements where pupils will need to fill in blanks to complete the correct steps in the process. Pupils can assess their work using the answers provided. Pupils will then be shown the different between diploid and haploid cells and how this can be depicted in a diagram, they will be shown the changes that occur going from two haploid gametes to a diploid zygote. The next activity is for pupils to sort statements into two columns - mitosis or meiosis. Once this activity has been completed pupils can mark their work using the answers available. Pupils will now complete a quick check, pupils will answer questions about the topic of meiosis into their books. For higher tier pupils they can be challenged by completing the questions at the back of their books without using their notes. Once completed the work can either be self-assessed or peer-assessed. The final activity is an exam-style question which higher ability pupils can complete at the back of their books, this can then be assessed usng the mark scheme provided. The plenary activity is for pupils to pick a plenary between summarising the work from the lesson in three sentences or writing a definition for a set of key words. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Types of reproduction

NEW AQA GCSE Trilogy (2016) Biology - Types of reproduction

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Biology GCSE, particularly the ‘Inheritance, variation and evolution’ SoW. For more lessons designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA Trilogy specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience This lesson begins with a recap on genes and inheritance with a fill in the blank task, pupils can then mark their work using the mark scheme provided. The first task is on sexual reproduction , pupils will watch a video and will need to note down any facts about sexual reproduction that they can remember from the video. They can then assess their work given the list provided. Pupils will then be given a list of questions and will watch a second video on asexual reproduction, pupils will then need to answer questions about asexual reproduction using the video. The answers to these questions can be assessed using the mark scheme provided. The next activity requires pupils to copy down a flow diagram, filling in the blanks, to show how male and female gametes fuse together during fertilisation and develop into an embryo. This task focuses on chromosome numbers during this process. Pupils will now be provided with a set of jumbled statements, pupils will need to sort the statements into correct columns - they are either describing asexual or sexual reproduction. Pupils can mark their work using the answers provided. The final activity is for pupils to answer an exam-style question on this topic, they can complete this in silence and at the back of their books to challenge them further. This work can then be assessed using the mark scheme. The plenary activity is for pupils to unscramble the anagrams to reveal 6 key words taken from the lesson. The plenary activity is for pupils to summarise the 5 main key words they have learnt that lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA GCSE Biology - 'Homeostasis' lessons - HT only

NEW AQA GCSE Biology - 'Homeostasis' lessons - HT only

9 Resources
This bundle of resources contains 9 whole lessons which meet all learning outcomes for the higher tier, separate science modules within the ‘Homeostasis’ unit for the NEW AQA Biology Specification. Lessons included: 1. The brain HT 2. The eye HT 3. Common problems of the eye HT 4. Plant hormones & responses HT 5. Using plant hormones HT 6. Controlling body temperature HT 7. Removing waste products HT 8. The kidney HT 9. Dialysis & kidney transplants HT The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, progress checks, extra challenge questions and exam questions plus more than one opportunity, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks.