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I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.




I am a secondary school & A-level Science teacher, specialising in Biology. I am also an experienced AQA GCSE Biology Examiner. My resources contain a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons aimed at meeting specification points for the new AQA Trilogy GCSE course and KS3 Activate course. All of my lessons include at least one opportunity for self-assessment, a range of activities to suit students of all abilities, a set of differentiated starter questions and a plenary.
KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ The Periodic Table

KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ The Periodic Table

This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the C2 1.1 unit on ‘The Periodic Table’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. The lesson starts off with an introduction to the Periodic Table and Dmitri Mendeleev, this then follows into a video which students will watch and will also answer questions on a worksheet. Once this task has been completed, students can self-assess their answers using the mark scheme provided. Next, students are introduced to the idea of groups and periods of the Periodic Table. Students can take notes on the definition of these two terms, before leading into a task whereby students will be given some data on the melting points and boiling points of Group 1 metals. Using this data students will be asked to answer a set of questions, this work can then be marked and assessed using the mark scheme provided. The next task focuses on periods of the Periodic Table, students will need to use the data provided in the PowerPoint presentation to answer a set of questions on the pattern of melting points across Period 2 and Period 3. This task can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. The last task is a copy and correct task, students will need to copy the paragraph out into their books, correcting any mistakes. This work can the be marked and assessed using the mark scheme provided in the PowerPoint. The plenary task requires students to write down three quiz questions to test their peers knowledge of what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
Ks3 ~ Year 8 ~ Group 1 - The Alkali Metals

Ks3 ~ Year 8 ~ Group 1 - The Alkali Metals

This lesson is designed for the KS3 Year 8 Science course, specifically the C2 1.1 unit on ‘The Periodic Table’. For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This lesson begins with an introduction to the elements found within Group 1 of the Periodic Table - The Alkali Metals. Students will also learn some of the properties of the Alkali Metals which make them similar to other metals. Students will now focus on the reaction of alkali metals with water, students will learn what happens with lithium is placed in water - including the word equation for this reactions. After learning this, students will then need to copy and complete the word equations of other alkali metal reactions with water. This task can then self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Students will now draw a table in their books before watching a video on the different reactions of Group 1 metals with water. Students will need to note down observations whilst watching the video. After completing this task, students are asked to ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas about how they think rubidium and caesium will react with water. After this task, students can assess their work and also watch a another video to find out if their predictions about rubidium and caesium were correct. The next activity requires students to read a paragraph of information about the alkali metals, students will then need to answer a set of questions using this information. Once complete students can self-assess their work using the answers provided on the PowerPoint. The last activity is a ‘True or False’ activity, students will need to decide whether the statements are correct or not. The answers are provided for this task so students can check their work. The plenary activity requires students to write down three facts, three key words and one question to test their peers on what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Specialised Cells

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Specialised Cells

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 B1.1 Module on ‘Cells’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. The lesson starts with an introduction to the definition of ‘specialised’, which follows on to define a ‘specialised cell’ as a cell that has special structures/features to help it carry out its job. Students are then shown some diagrams of specialised cells and are shown a video, whilst watching the video they are asked to note down as many specalised cells as they can. This work can then be checked and corrected using the answers provided on the PowerPoint. Students will now each be given a card of information about a the structural features and functions of certain specialised cells. Students will need to walk around the room, sharing information in order to complete a summary table. Finally, students are asked to complete an ‘Assessment Task’, which is a set of exam-style questions based upon what they have learned the last two lessons. Students can write their answers in their books, the mark scheme for these questions is included so students can assess their work. Lastly, students are asked to complete a ‘Job Advert’ for one of the specialised cells they have learned about this lesson, the advert should include a description of the job itself and the sort of traits required to perform the job. The plenary task requires students to copy and complete a set of sentences to summarise what they have learned this lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Diffusion - Movement of Susbtances

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Diffusion - Movement of Susbtances

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 B1.1 Module on ‘Cells’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. The lesson begins with an introduction to the substances that move in and out of cells via a process called diffusion. Students are then asked to summarise this information by sketching and labelling a diagram of a cell. The idea of diffusion is further explained using an image of a deodrant bottle spraying smelly particles into the air and showing how they spread from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. A definition of this process is shown to students, before they are asked to complete a fill-in-the-blank task to summarise the process, this work can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Next, students will need to sketch diagrams demonstrating the various stages of diffusion, and will need to match the correct statements to the correct diagrams. This work can be then be self or peer assessed using the mark scheme provided. The next part of the lesson looks at factors that affect diffusion, students are firstly asked to ‘Think > Pair > Share’ their ideas on the factors which might affect the rate of diffusion. After students have fed back into class discussion, the answers are revealed for students to note down in their books. They will then look more closely at the effect of temperature on the rate of diffusion by watching a video and then summarising what they have learned by completing a fill-in-the-blank task. Lastly, students are shown diagrams of plant cells of healthy plants vs. wilted planted to demonstrate the effect of having too much/too little water in the vacuole of plant cells. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Animal & Plant Cells

KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Animal & Plant Cells

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 B1.1 Module on ‘Cells’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. The lesson starts with a ‘Cells Rap’ - students will be shown a video, during which they need to write down as many cell organelles as they can. Once they have finished watching their work can be self-assessed using the answers provided. Next, students will be shown a diagram of an animal and plant cell with the organelles labelled. Students are asked to note down the similarities and differences between these two cells, the answers to this task can then be revealed using the PowerPoint presentation. This is followed by a comprehension task whereby students will need to read an information sheet on ‘Animal & Plant Cells’, using this information they will need to answer a set of questions. The mark scheme for this task is included so students can self or peer assess their work once it’s complete. Next, students will learn about the functions of each of the organelles. Students will be given a card of information about the function of one of the organelles. They will need to walk around the room, sharing information in order to complete the summary table. Again, this work can be self-assessed once complete. Lastly students will complete a ‘Team Challenge’ in groups, each group will stand behind a poster and every person has one go to fill in part of the poster (either name/function of organelles), the fastest group to complete the poster correctly wins! The plenary requires students to summarise what they have learned in the lesson by completing the sentence starters provided. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA A-Level Biology 'Cells' - Revision Placemat

NEW AQA A-Level Biology 'Cells' - Revision Placemat

This task is designed for the NEW AQA A-Level Biology. Included in this resource is a ‘revision placemat’ for Cells. Concepts covered include: cell structures in animal and plant cells and their functions, cell adaptations, eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic cells, and mitosis. Pupils will also discuss photomicrograph measurements, osmosis, and active transport. There are 13 revision questions in total. Pupils may use their books if necessary but should test their knowledge by attempting to answer all questions from memory first. The solution for this activity is also included so you can check their answers, or they may self-assess. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :) For more resources designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-Level specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
NEW AQA A-Level Biology 'Infection and Response' - Revision Placemat

NEW AQA A-Level Biology 'Infection and Response' - Revision Placemat

This task is designed for the NEW AQA A-Level Biology. Included in this resource is a ‘revision placemat’ for Infection and Response. Concepts covered include: risk factors, pathogen spread, and a bacteria vs. a virus. Pupils will discuss bacterial, viral and fungal infections, their symptoms spread and treatment. They will also discuss antibiotic resistance, and mineral ions in plants. There are 12 revision questions in total. Pupils may use their books if necessary but should test their knowledge by attempting to answer all questions from memory first. The solution for this activity is also included so you can check their answers, or they may self-assess. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :) For more resources designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-Level specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Chemistry  - Polymerisation

NEW AQA GCSE (2016) Chemistry - Polymerisation

This lesson is designed for the NEW AQA Trilogy Chemistry GCSE, particularly the ‘Organic Chemistry’ SoW. Pupils will firstly be introduced to the idea of polymers and will provided with a definition, they will then be given a set of information in pairs - one will be provided with polyethene and the other will be provided with polypropene. Pupils will then need to complete an ‘Each one, teach one’ task where they teach other other about the polymers - the monomers they are made up of, their properties and also products in which they are used. This task can be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. Pupils will now watch a video on polymerisation, using the video they will need to answer a set of questions which can then be self-assessed using the mark scheme provided. The lesson will now focus on condensation polymerisation, pupils will firstly be given a worksheet with a set of questions which will need to be answered using a set of information posters that will be placed around the room. This work can be either peer assessed or self assessed using the answers provided in the PowerPoint presentation. The last task requires pupils to complete an ‘Exam-style question’ on the topic of what they have learned this lesson, once this is complete students can assess their work using the answers provided. The plenary task is an anagram challenge, pupils will need to unscramble the anagrams to reveal key words from today’s lesson. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
KS3 ~ Year 7~ Unicellular Organisms

KS3 ~ Year 7~ Unicellular Organisms

This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 B1.1 Module on ‘Cells’ For more lessons designed for KS3 and KS4 please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This lesson begins with an introduction to two unicellular organisms - euglena and amoeba. Students can also watch a video to demontrate the motion of an amoeba cell. The main task involves students completing a set of tasks using information sheets on amoeba and euglena cell structure, function and reproduction. Students should work their way through the tasks, once this is complete they can self-assess their work using the mark scheme provided. Next, students should summarise what they have learned during the lesson by completing the fill-in-the-blank task, the answers to this task are included in the PowerPoint so students can self-assess their work once it is complete. Lastly, students will need complete a ‘Key Word Bingo’ activity, they will need to choose 6 words from the list provided. The teacher then reads out a definition, if this definition matches one of the words written down then it can be crossed out. First student to cross all 6 words from their books/grids shouts bingo! The plenary task is a 3-3-1 reduction - students will write down 3 facts, 3 key words and reduce this to 1 key word from the lesson today. All resources are included at the end of the presentation. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :)
NEW AQA A-Level Biology 'Inheritance, Variation and Evolution' - Revision Placemat

NEW AQA A-Level Biology 'Inheritance, Variation and Evolution' - Revision Placemat

This task is designed for the NEW AQA A-Level Biology. Included in this resource is a ‘revision placemat’ for Inheritance, Variation and Evolution. Concepts covered include: inherited and environmental characteristics, reproduction, meiosis, and the structure of DNA. Pupils will also discuss selective breeding, genetic engineering, mutation and genetic tables. The final topics covered are fossilisation, natural selection and extinction. There are 15 revision questions in total. Pupils may use their books if necessary but should test their knowledge by attempting to answer all questions from memory first. The solution for this activity is also included so you can check their answers, or they may self-assess. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section and any feedback would be appreciated :) For more resources designed to meet specification points for the NEW AQA A-Level specifications for Biology, Chemistry and Physics please see my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
**BIG BUNLDE** KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Physics Lessons

**BIG BUNLDE** KS3 ~ Year 8 ~ Physics Lessons

This resource contains 21 whole lessons, along with all additional resources, which meet all learning outcomes within the following Year 8 Physics Units: P2.1 Electricity & Magnetism P2.2 Energy P2.3 Motion & Pressure This big bundle contains 8-10 weeks worth of lesson content!! The lessons contain a mix of differentiated activities, videos & animations, progress checks and more than two opportunities, per lesson, for self/peer red-pen assessment of tasks. You can find more lesson bundles aimed at the KS3 and KS4 Science curriculum at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience
Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Structure & Function of Body Systems

Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Structure & Function of Body Systems

This is a homeschool pack designed for the KS3 Year 7 Science course, specifically the ‘B1.2 Structure and Function of Body Systems’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains six pages of information, to meet learning objectives within the Year 7 ‘Structure & Function of Body Systems’ unit of work. This is followed by three pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Levels of Organisation Gas Exchange Breathing Skeleton Movement: Joints Movement: Muscles Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Reproduction

Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Reproduction

This is a homeschool pack designed for the KS3 Year 7 Science course, specifically the ‘B1.3 Reproduction’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains eight pages of information, to meet learning objectives within the Year 7 ‘Reproduction’ unit of work. This is followed by three pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Adolescence Reproductive Systems Fertilisation and Implantation Development of a Fetus The Menstrual Cycle Flower & Pollination Fertilisation & Germination Seed Dispersal Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Particles & Their Behaviour

Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Particles & Their Behaviour

This is a homeschool pack designed for the KS3 Year 7 Science course, specifically the ‘C1.2 Particles & Their Behaviour’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains six pages of information, to meet learning objectives within the Year 7 ‘Particles & Their Behaviour’ unit of work. This is followed by three pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: The particle model & changes of state Melting & Freezing Boiling More changes of state Diffusion Gas Pressure Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Chemical Reactions

Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Chemical Reactions

This is a homeschool pack designed for the KS3 Year 7 Science course, specifically the ‘C1.3 Chemical Reactions’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains six pages of information, to meet learning objectives within the Year 7 ‘Chemical Reactions’ unit of work. This is followed by three pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Chemical Reactions Word Equations Burning Fuels Thermal Decomposition Conservation of Mass Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Acids & Alkalis

Home Learning Pack ~ KS3 ~ Year 7 ~ Acids & Alkalis

This is a homeschool pack designed for the KS3 Year 7 Science course, specifically the ‘C1.4 Acids & Akalis’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains four pages of information, to meet learning objectives within the Year 7 ‘Acids & Alkalis’ unit of work. This is followed by three pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Acids & Alkalis Indicators and pH Neutralisation Making Salts Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Biology ~ Cells

Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Biology ~ Cells

This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.1 Cells’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains nine pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Cells’ unit of work. This is followed by five pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Animal & Plant Cells Eukaryotic & Prokaryotic Cells Specialised Cells Chromosomes & Mitosis Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport Exchanging Materials Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Bioloy ~ Organisation

Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Bioloy ~ Organisation

This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.2 Organisation’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains twelve pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Organisation’ unit of work. This is followed by seven pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Stem Cells Tissues & organs The human digestive system Human digestive enzymes The blood Blood vessels The heart Helping the heart Breathing & gas exchange Plants tissues & organs Transport in plants Evaporation & transpiration Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Biology ~ Bioenergetics

Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Biology ~ Bioenergetics

This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.4 Bioenergetics’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains nine pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Bioenergetics’ unit of work. This is followed by five pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Photosynthesis Structure of plants - Adapated to photosynthesis Rate of photosynthesis Products of photosynthesis Making the most of Photosynthesis Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration Response to exercise Metabolism & the liver Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.
Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Biology ~ Infection & Response

Home Learning Pack ~ GCSE Biology ~ Infection & Response

This is a homeschool pack designed for the GCSE Biology course, specifically the ‘B1.3 Infection & Response’ unit of work. For more lessons & homeschool packs designed for KS3 and KS4, please visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SWiftScience. This comprehensive pack contains nine pages of information, to meet all learning objectives within the GCSE Biology ‘Infection & Response’ unit of work. This is followed by five pages of questions, differentiated to suit a range of abilities, as well as a detailed mark scheme for students/parents to mark and correct answers. The pack covers the following topics: Heath & Wellness Pathogens & Disease Preventing Infections Defence Mechanisms Antibiotics & Painkillers Vaccination Bacterial Diseases Viral Disease Fungal & Protist Diseases Cancer Antibiotic Resistance Drug Trials Smoking Alcohol Thanks for looking :), if you have any questions please email me at swift.education.uk@gmail.com.