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DAZ/DAF Zahlen 1-100 Bingo
Zahlen 1-100 Bingo
18 different Bingo Cards with 40 numbers from 1 to 100
Calling cards from eins to einhundert
DAZ/DAF: Zahlen 1-30, Kreuzworträtsel, Zahlen in Worten schreiben
Zahlen von 1 bis 30, Kreuzworträtsel, Zahlen in Worten schreiben.
Christmas Story Writing with Story Grids + Peer Feedback Sheet
Christmas Story Writing Activity with Story Grids + Peer Feedback Sheet
Students pick one of the story grids and write their Christmas story outline briefly.
They have to use all the words in the story grid they picked to write their story.
Then, they rearrange their sentences and paragraphs in their first draft, and write it more detailed, and find a suitable title for their story.
They have to use past simple and past continuous.
They have to pay attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Extreme Sports Word Search Puzzle
Extreme Sports Word Search Puzzle
24 extreme sports to find!
Answer key’s included.
Extreme sports used in the puzzle:
Base jumping
Bungee jumping
Hot-air balloon
Ice climbing
In-line skating
Mountain biking
Rock climbing
Scuba diving
Wingsuit flying
DAZ/DAF Country Names in German Crossword Puzzle (Ländernamen auf Deutsch)
Ländernamen auf Deutsch
Schottland - Scotland
Schweiz - Switzerland
Finnland - Finland
Kanada - Canada
Türkei - Turkey
Portugal - Portugal
Belgien - Belgium
Schweden - Sweden
England - England
Italien - Italy
China - China
Österreich - Austria
Dänemark - Denmark
Frankreich - France
Griechenland - Greece
Deutschland - Germany
Japan - Japan
Niederlande -The Netherlands
Polen - Poland
Spanien - Spain
Bulgarien - Bulgaria
Australien - Australia
Russland - Russia
Brasilien - Brazil
The Weather, Flashcards, Tracing Sheets
8 Flashcards: cold, cloudy, hot, lightning, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy.
Weather-related words tracing sheets (with uppercase and lowercase letters).
DAZ/DAF Obst&Gemüse - Bingo&Flashcards
40 Flashcards with fruit and vegetable names
16 different Bingo Cards
Essen und Trinken, Arbeitsblätter 2
Essen und Trinken, Arbeitsblätter 2
Ordne die Bilder den Wörtern zu.
Die Wörter sind die Milch, der Apfel, das Sandwich, die Banane, die Birne, der Fisch, die Essiggurken, die Wassermelone, die Zitrone, das Brot, das Soda, die Kirsche, die Schokolade, die Orange, die Kekse, die Pommes frites, der Käse, die Wurst, der Obstsaft, die Eier, das Fleisch, der Brokkoli, die Nudeln, die Kartoffelchips, die Pizza, die Erdbeere, die Pasta, der Hamburger, die Karotte, der Honig, der Kaffee.
Food and Drinks, Worksheet 2
Food and Drinks, Worksheet 2
Food and Drinks, Word Search Puzzle
Food and Drinks, Word Search Puzzle + answer key
Describing Physical Appearance Worksheet
Describing Physical Appearance Worksheet with the answer key
This worksheet consists of 2 pages of activities, including a short writing sheet, word scramble, and word search puzzles.
The words used in the puzzles are: beard, freckles, moustache, straight, curly, wavy, long, short, tall, thin, glasses, slim, fat, well-built, handsome, beautiful, ugly, spiky, hat, belt.
Essen und Trinken, Aufgabenkarten
Essen und Trinken, 48 Aufgabenkarten
Was ist das? / Was sind das?
48 Wörter zum Thema “Essen & Trinken”: die Milch, die Pizza, die Pommes frites, die Kartoffelchips, die Essiggurken, der Obstsaft, das Soda, die Schokolade, der Fisch, der Käse, der Keks, die Schokoladenmilch, die Pasta, das Fleisch, das Brot, der Kaffee, die Cola, der Hamburger, der Honig, das Sandwich, das Mehl, die Wurst, die Suppe, die Nudeln, der Apfel, die Orange, die Banane, die Kirsche, die Zitrone, die Erdbeere, die Birne, die Wassermelone, das Ei, das Wasser, der Apfelkuchen, die Brezel, der Zimt, die Kartoffel, das Eis, die Marmelade, die Karotte, der Brokkoli, die Tomate, der Römersalat, die schwarzen Oliven, die grünen Oliven, das Olivenöl, das Ketchup.
Essen und Trinken, Bildkarten
Essen und Trinken, 48 Bildkarten
48 Wörter zum Thema “Essen & Trinken”: die Milch, die Pizza, die Pommes frites, die Kartoffelchips, die Essiggurken, der Obstsaft, das Soda, die Schokolade, der Fisch, der Käse, der Keks, die Schokoladenmilch, die Pasta, das Fleisch, das Brot, der Kaffee, die Cola, der Hamburger, der Honig, das Sandwich, das Mehl, die Wurst, die Suppe, die Nudeln, der Apfel, die Orange, die Banane, die Kirsche, die Zitrone, die Erdbeere, die Birne, die Wassermelone, das Ei, das Wasser, der Apfelkuchen, die Brezel, der Zimt, die Kartoffel, das Eis, die Marmelade, die Karotte, der Brokkoli, die Tomate, der Römersalat, die schwarzen Oliven, die grünen Oliven, das Olivenöl, das Ketchup.
Numbers (0-100), I have who has Game
Numbers (0-100), I have who has Game
30 cards with numbers between 0-100
Family Members Word Search Puzzle
Family Members Word Search Puzzle (with the answer key)
Family members used in the puzzle are mother, father, parents, sister, brother, siblings, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, daughter, son, children, granddaughter, grandson, grandchildren, wife, husband.
Números 1-100 Bingo
Números 1-100 Bingo (Numbers in Spanish, Bingo)
18 cartones de bingo diferentes con 40 números del 1 al 100.
Places in a City, Word Search Puzzle
Places in a City, Word Search Puzzle (with the answer key)
Words used in the puzzle are: Airport, Bakery, Bank, Bar, Bookstore, Bridge, Cafe, Castle, Cathedral, Church, Cinema, Dormitory, Downtown, Factory, Greengrocer, Gym, Hospital, Hotel, Kiosk, Library, Museum, Palace, Park, Pharmacy, Playground, Prison, Restaurant, School, Square, Stadium, Station, Supermarket, Theater, Tower, Zoo.
Irregular Plural Nouns Crossword Puzzle
Irregular Plural Nouns Crossword Puzzle with answer key
Irregular plural nouns used in the puzzle are mouse / mice, wolf / wolves, leaf / leaves, die / dice, man / men, woman / women, person / people, child / children, foot / feet, tooth / teeth, ox / oxen, half / halves, wife / wives, scarf / scarves, thief / thieves, elf / elves, knife / knives, life / lives, shelf / shelves.
Opposite Adjectives, Crossword Puzzle
Opposite Adjectives, Crossword Puzzle with the answer key
Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards (11 Cards)
Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards
11 activities:
to swim
to play tennis
to play volleyball
to jump on a trampoline
to skateboard
to go fishing
to ride on a swing
to fly a kite
to slide on a waterslide
to ride a scooter
to spin a hula hoop