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Au Revoir Les Enfants - si clauses
5 exercises to use si clauses in the context of the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. It contains grammar rule gap fill, verb conjugation gap fill and 2 sets of translations (FR>EN and EN>FR), and a creative exercise. Answers are included.
Key facts / displays for A-level French - ALL TOPICS
27 slides/posters that recaps the main information on each topic for A-level in French (la famille en voie de changement, le bénévolat, la cybersociété, le patrimoine, la musique et le cinéma francophones, le multiculturalisme, la criminalité, la politique d’immigration, la marginalisation, les jeunes et le vote, les manifestations)
It includes key facts and vocab students must know, especially for their oral exam. Can also be used for a recap lessons and displays around the department. Can be amended and adapted.
La famille en voie de changement - le mariage (A-level)
Range of written resources followed by questions to prompt discussion and have students reflect on the context in which gay marriage was legalised in France:
Historique du mariage
Citations sur le mariage
A l’Assemblée, l’UMP repousse le mariage homosexuel
Les Français favorables au mariage homosexuel
LGBT History Month 2021 - lesson/assembly
Content designed for PSHE lessons or whole-school assembly. It focuses on why we celebrate LGBT History Month, terminology, the History of LGBT in the UK, Biden’s first act for the LGBT community and Spain’s first LGBT retirement home (first in the world)
Studio 3 rouge - module 3 - Quand j'étais plus jeune...
Lesson on module 3 on jobs and careers introducing the imperfect tense from a reading comprehension. It also includes mini-white board challenges and a GCSE style writing task.
Au Revoir Les Enfants - modèle d'introduction, titres et thèmes d'essais, idées clés
Au Revoir Les Enfants - modèle d'introduction, titres et thèmes d'essais, idées clés
International Men’s Day - tutor or assembly presentation
International Men’s Day presentation for assembly, tutor time or PSHE lesson, raising essential questions to understand what are the challenges men face nowadays.
La réalisation/l'aspect cinématographique du film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Lesson with questions and ideas for an essay on the cinematographic aspect of the film Au Revoir Les Enfants (colours, sound, shots, etc.) Prompting students to reflect and produce an essay plan at the end. Includes a mindmap to brainstorm ideas prior to or during lesson.
Le personnage de Joseph dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Lesson to make students reflect on how Joseph is portrayed in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants (Louis Malle) The Powerpoints not only gives them ideas but prompt them to reflect and to eventually come up with an essay plan.
Exemple de présentation orale IRP (Individual Research Project)
Example of an IRP presentation for the speaking A-level exams. Great to give students before they write their own to guide them and show them how we can use high structures and facts in a concise presentation. Students assess the presentations and can discuss in pair and in class with the teacher.
Essay writing assessment 2 - Au Revoir Les Enfants - Louis Malle
assessment sheet to prompt student to use a range of structures in their essays
feedback sheet with grading criterias.
Essay writing assessment pack 1 - Au Revoir Les Enfants - Louis Malle
Assessment pack which contains the following 4 documents:
Assessment sheet with 2 essay titles to choose, to prompt student to use a range of structures in their essays
markscheme / pistes de correction
feedback sheet with grading criterias
model essay done in exam condition
Erreurs principales d'essai à corriger sur Au Revoir les Enfants de Louis Malle
5-page long worksheet designed to make students reflect on the main mistakes found in essays on the film Au Revoir les Enfants of Louis Malle and correct them. Students have to explain why some options are wrong. They can do it in pairs too. Corrections are included.
L'enfance dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Whole lesson presentation on the topic of childhood in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. The presentation contains ideas to prompts students’ reflexion on the topic. Lots of ideas and keys scenes and quotes plus a possible essay plan.
Summer workbook for Y11 GCSE students going to Y12 A level French
Summer workbook with many different activities to revise during summer break. This helps bridging the gap and reviewing the main grammar components before moving on.
IB DP French B - ERASMUS & le film L'auberge espagnole (expérience/identité/org. sociale)
IB DP unit of lesson on ERASMUS and the impact of the film L’Auberge Espagnole with exam-style reading comprehension on the film l’auberge espagnole (with answers), and prompts for speaking activities.
"Au Revoir Les Enfants" study pack 2 - Louis Malle
The pack contains:
a translation (English to French) based on the film (with correction and markscheme)
a worksheet to tackle essays’ main mistakes
a quiz to reiterate the film’s key details
a snakes and ladder game to revise key facts about the film in a fun way
essay writing assessment (with 4 different essay titles in total)
one model essay done in exam conditions
“piste de corrections” for 2 essay titles
feedback sheet
Black History Month 2022 - Disney's Little Mermaid controversy
Presentation for assembly or PSHE lesson about the Little Mermaid controversy. The presentation encourages conversations and features a couple of videos.
Black History Month - save 40%
Presentations for assemblies or PSHE dealing with different aspects of BHM:
racism in football
origins / life stories
representation in the media
the Little Mermaid controversy
The presentations encourage reflection and discussion.
IB DP French B - identité (santé et bien-être)
2 articles on French people & happiness, with exam-style exercises and prompts for speaking/writing productions - answer key on the last page.