Full teaching resource for the OCR A Level Sociology (new specification) topic of GLOBALISATION and the DIGITAL WORLD.
This pack contains the full teaching and student resources for this topic:
Teacher booklet
Student booklet
Assessment guidance for 9, 10 and 16 mark questions
You would also need the ‘Why we Post’ pack from UCL as I can’t upload this with the pack.
Full teacher resources for the AQA GCSE 9-1 Sociology topic of FAMILY. Includes all resources for full delivery of the topic, including:
Teacher booklets
Student booklets
All PPts
All activities
Full teaching resource pack for the OCR A Level (new) specification topic of SOCIALISATION, CULTURE AND IDENTITY. Includes all the resources and activities needed to deliver the entire topic, including a range of assessments. The pack contains:
Teacher booklets
Student booklets
All PPTs
All activities
**Criminal Psychology **
PEARSON EDEXCEL A Level Psychology
This is a fully resourced teacher topic pack for the 9PS0/02 Option topic of criminal psychology.
The full pack contains:
TEACHER master booklet with all the information needed, answers to activities and information to match to the student workbook. This is a fully editable 105-page word document.
STUDENT workbook follows alongside the teacher booklet and accompanying powerpoints and activities match the student workbooks. This is a fully editable 118-page word document.
POWERPOINTS to deliver lessons that run in order of the student and teacher booklet with actvities and tasks. There are 12 powerpoints for the topic, each picks up on a new section of the content.
ACTIVITIES to utilise in lessons that are prompted in the powerpoints and student/teacher booklets.
SCHEME OF WORK for the topic and related content.
*The selected studies in this pack are:
Classic study: Loftus and Palmer (1974) Reconstruction of auto mobile destruction: An example of the interaction between language and memory
Contemporary Study & Anger Management Study: Howells et al. (2005) Brief anger management programs with offenders: Outcomes and predictors of change.
Biological Treatment Study: Maletzky et al. (2006) A study on the effectiveness of hormone treatment for offenders
The Key Question in this pack is : “Is eyewitness testimony reliable?”*
If you are switching specification, or are just changing option topics, this pack is a full, off-the-shelf and ready to go teaching pack. From this you can teach as it stands or adapt to your own student needs, make further handouts and update or change the PowerPoints to meet your own teaching styles and course structures.
Full teaching resource pack for the OCR A Level (new) specification topic of SOCIAL INEQUALITY.
Includes all the resources and activities needed to deliver the entire topic, including a range of assessments.
The pack contains:
Teacher booklet
Student booklet
All PPTs
All activities
This is designed for OCR A Level SOCIAL INEQUALITY, but you could adapt sections of this for AQA GCSE Stratification.
Full teaching pack of resources for the full unit of AQA A Level (new spec) Sociology FAMILIES AND HOUSEHOLDS. This includes all teaching materials, activities and resources; including;
Teacher booklets
Student booklets
All PPTs
All activities
All homework tasks
Full set of teaching materials and all resources needed to deliver the OCR A Level Sociology (new) specification topic of YOUTH SUBCULTURE. The pack includes everything you need for teaching the full unit, including some assessments. This contains;
Teacher booklets
Student booklets
All PPTs
All activities
Range of Assessments
Full teaching resource pack for the OCR A Level Sociology (new) specification topic of CRIME AND DEVIANCE.
This includes all the resources and activities needed to deliver the entire crime and deviance topic, including assessment grids for each of the question types.
The pack contains:
Teacher booklets x 5
Introduction, Theory, Measuring crime, Crime Distribution and controlling crime.
Student booklets x 5
Introduction, Theory, Measuring crime, Crime Distribution and controlling crime.
All PPTs x 17
Topic by topic PPTs corresponding to the student and teacher booklets, plus assessment guidance PPTs to help with the question types for this topic.
All activities
Where activities and handouts are required
Assessment grids
Standard assessment grids for the 10, 20, 40 mark questions to reduce marking time and enable consistency in marking and student assessment for learning. There are example questions built into the student booklets as well
The content can be easily adapted for AQA A Level Sociology Crime and Deviance, and could also be easily adapted for GCSE Sociology Crime and Deviance topics as well.
This bundle contains the complete set of resources and assessments for Paper 1 Socialisation, Culture and Identity; with the Youth Subculture option for Section B of the paper.
Staff booklets
Lesson PPTs
Student Booklets
Ideal for anyone changing specification to OCR and needs to get going quickly, and if you are an ECT starting OCR Sociology in September, this will cover all the content you need for Paper 1 Section A and Section B (Youth Subculture).
Resources are also available for ll other OCR Sociology topics.
Please visit my store to have a look for any others you may need.