A worksheet to celebrate the women that surround us. It is focused on descriptions and includes a bank of vocabulary covering: female family members/friends, adjectives and higher structures to describe inspiring people. Students are also provided with a writing frame to scaffold their piece of writing. Perfect to celebrate International Women’s Day, but also as a task to cover personality descriptions within the GCSE course.
Una ficha para celebrar a las mujeres que nos rodean. Se centra en las descripciones e inlcuye un banco de vocabulario que cubre: miembros femeninos de la familia/amigas, adjetivos y estructuras completas para describir a esas personas inspiradoras. Los estudiantes también encontrarán una plantilla de escritura con frases hechas para guiar su redacción. El material perfecto para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer, pero también para asignarlo como una tarea de escritura que cubra las descripciones de personalidad.
A lesson to develop students’ understanding on the topic of employment in Spanish. It includes two possible scenarios: looking for a summer job and/or looking for the ideal/perfect job. Students will have to use the website ‘Infojobs’ to find them. Once finished, they could then present their findings to the class to develop speaking skills. With this resource, students will reflect on important aspects during any job search such as the working hours, requirements, qualifitications, etc. An explanation on ‘Infojobs’ as well as a learning mat with specific terms related to the world of work and based around the layout of the website are included. The learning mat also offers sentence starters for those who might need that extra support when presenting their chosen job.
Una clase para que los estudiantes consoliden/amplíen sus conocimientos sobre el tema del empleo en español. Incluye dos escenarios posibles: buscar un trabajo de verano o el trabajo ideal/perfecto. Los estudiantes tendrán que usar la página web “Infojobs” para encontrarlos. Una vez terminado, podrían presentar lo que han encontrado a la clase para desarrollar la expresión oral. Con este recurso, los estudiantes reflexionarán sobre aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta cuando se busca cualquier trabajo como la jornada laboral, los requisitos, las cualificaciones académicas, etc. El material también incluye una explicación sobre en qué consiste “Infojobs” y un banco de vocabulario para poder moverse mejor por la página. El banco de vocabulario también contiene frases para aquellos que necesiten un poco de ayuda a la hora de presentar el trabajo que hayan elegido.
A worksheet based around section 1 ‘Mis derechos’ from Viva 3’s Module 4 ‘Jóvenes en acción’. The perfect resource to learn/revise stem-changing verbs ‘poder’ and ‘querer’ as well as discussing global issues like human rights. Students will develop their reading, translation and writing skills. There are extensions for more able students or early finishers. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home.
Una ficha que trata el tema de los derechos humanos. El recurso perfecto para enseñar o reforzar el uso de los verbos con cambio de raíz “poder” y “querer”. Los estudiantes desarrollarán sus destrezas de lectura, traducción y escritura. Hay extensiones para aquellos que terminen antes. El hecho de que las soluciones estén inlcuidas hace que este recurso sea perfecto para el autoaprendizaje tanto en el centro de enseñanza como en casa.
A worksheet based on unit 1 ‘¿Qué sueles hacer?’ from Viva GCSE’s module 4 ‘Intereses e influencias’. Students will learn/review vocabulary to describe their free time activities. They will also learn/review how to use the verb ‘soler’ both in the past and present tenses. Students will develop their grammatical and lexical understanding through reading, translation and writing. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school.
Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario para que tus alumnos puedan describir qué hacen o hacían normalmente en su tiempo libre, pues aprenderán cómo usar el verbo “soler” en el presente y el pretérito. Los estudiantes pondrán en práctica sus competencias gramatical y léxica a través de la lectura, la traducción y la escritura. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
A set of 10 stickers/cards to give out to students to praise their engagement and/or performance in Spanish lessons. Each one contains an idiom to boost their accuracy and cultural understanding.
A set of 8 different cards to make them feel special on their birthday in their Spanish/ English lesson. They can be printed on sticker paper or on normal paper to be given as cards.
Un set the 8 tarjetas diferentes para hacerles sentir especiales en el día de su cumpleaños en la clase de español/inglés. Se pueden imprimir en papel de pegatina o en papel normal para darlas como tarjetas.
Two sets of lessons that cover how to and when to use Direct and Indirect Object pronouns. Information is presented in a student friendly way. The grammatical explanations are drilled with a variety of exercises. This allows students to become familiar and feel confident identifying and using direct and indirect object pronouns. Practice also covers how to combine IO pronouns with DO pronouns.
Two booklets are also provided so that students can take notes and complete the tasks as the lessons are taught. Answers for each task are included in the Power Points.
A set of lessons (26 slides in total) that cover how to and when to use Direct Object pronouns. Information is presented in a student friendly way. The grammatical explanations are drilled with a variety of exercises. This allows students to become familiar and feel confident identifying and using direct object pronouns. A booklet is also provided so that they can take notes and complete the tasks as the lesson is taught. Answers for each task are included in the PowerPoint.
Un set de clases (26 diapositivas en total) que cubre cómo y cuándo usar el pronombre de Objeto Directo de una forma comprensible para los estudiantes. Las explicaciones gramaticales se refuerzan con ejercicios para practicar y asegurarse de que los estudiantes saben identificar y usar los pronombres de objeto directo. También incluye un cuadernillo para que los alumnos puedan tomar notas y completar las actividades durante la clase. Las respuestas están incluidas en el PowerPoint.
A set of lessons (29 slides in total) that cover how to and when to use Indirect Object pronouns. Information is presented in a student friendly way. The grammatical explanations are drilled with a variety of exercises. This allows students to become familiar and feel confident identifying and using indirect object pronouns. Practice also covers how to combine IO pronouns with DO pronouns. A booklet is also provided so that they can take notes and complete the tasks as the lessons are taught. Answers for each task are included in the PowerPoint.
Una clase ( 29 diapositivas en total) que cubre cómo y cuándo usar el pronombre de Objeto Indirecto. La información es presentada de una forma comprensible para los estudiantes. Las explicaciones gramaticales se refuerzan con una variedad de ejercicios para practicar y asegurarse de que los estudiantes saben identificar y usar los pronombres de obeto indirecto. La práctica también cubre cómo combinar los pronombres de OI con los de OD. También incluye un cuadernillo para que los alumnos puedan tomar notas y completar las actividades durante la clase. Las respuestas para cada tarea están incluidas en el PowerPoint.
A booklet with 20 cards to revise key grammatical concepts to boost accuracy and comprehension of more complex texts for Spanish A Level/ intermediate students. Each section has a student friendly explanation and it is illustrated with examples and their translation into English to aid understanding.
The grammatical points covered include:
Nouns: compound and collective nouns
The neutral article ‘lo’
Adjectives: change in meaning depending of position, apocopation, comparatives and superlatives
Relative pronouns
Numerals: times, dates, fractions and percentages
Time expressions: ago, for and since
The passive voice and ways to avoid it (‘se’)
Forms of address (‘tú’/‘vosotros’ and ‘usted’/‘ustedes’)
Verbs followed by an infinitive
Verbs followed by a preposition
‘Ser’ or ‘estar’
Infinitive or gerund
The resource can be used as a booklet, flashcards to revise independently or as slides for lessons. The png files can also be displayed as posters.
20 tarjetas para repasar conceptos gramaticales clave. Perfectas para que los/as estudiantes de ELE con un nivel intermedio/alto mejoren su producción en español y puedan entender textos más complejos. Cada sección incluye explicaciones sencillas y ejemplos traducidos al inglés para ayudar con la comprensión.
Los puntos gramaticales cubiertos son:
Sustantivos (compuestos y colectivos)
El artículo neutro “lo”
Adjetivos: cambio de significado según la posición, apócope, comparativos y superlativos.
Pronombres de relativo
Numerales: hora, fecha, fracciones y porcentajes
Formas de expresar el tiempo (“hace”, “desde”, etc.)
La voz pasiva y formas de evitarla, “se”
Formas de tratamiento (“tú”/“vosotros” - “usted”/“ustedes”)
Construcciones con infinitivo
Verbos de régimen (seguidos por una preposición)
“Ser” o “estar”
Infinitivo o gerundio
Este material puede usarse en forma de cuadernillo, como tarjetas (flashcards) para repasar de manera independiente, como diapositivas para tratarlo en clase o como pósteres para decorar tu aula.
Incluye las infografías/tarjetas sueltas en formato .png o el booklet completo en .pdf.
This pack includes a PowerPoint lesson with a a booklet for both the AQA Higher and Foundation exams. Students are guided through the different sections of their exam (depending on the tier of their exam). Scaffolding provided too.
The perfect match for these resources is our Complex Structures knowledge organiser and translation practice. Download it here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/complex-structures-gcse-spanish-learning-mat-and-translation-practice-answers-included-12244831
A PowerPoint with a booklet designed to prepare your students for their Foundation writing exam. It includes explanations of each task, the marking criteria and tips, given in a student friendly way. There is also a knowledge organiser to help them to tackle the translations section as well as practise questions to drill their writing skills. Model answers are included for some tasks. The perfect set of resources to boost their confidence when writing in Spanish!
A PowerPoint with a booklet designed to prepare your students for their Spanish GCSE AQA Higher writing exam. It includes explanations of each task, the marking criteria and tips, given in a student friendly way. There is also a knowledge organiser to help them to tackle the translation section as well as practise questions to drill their writing skills. Model answers are included for some tasks. The perfect set of resources to boost their confidence when writing in Spanish!
This pack includes a PowerPoint lesson with a a booklet for both the Higher and Foundation exams. Students are guided through the different sections of their exam (depending on the tier of their exam). Scaffolding provided too.
The perfect match for these resources is our Complex Structures knowledge organiser and translation practice. Download it here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/complex-structures-gcse-spanish-learning-mat-and-translation-practice-answers-included-12244831
A PowerPoint with a booklet designed to prepare your students for their Higher writing exam. It includes explanations of each task, the marking criteria and tips, given in a student friendly way. There is also a knowledge organiser to help them to tackle the translation section as well as practise questions to drill their writing skills. Model answers are included for some tasks. The perfect set of resources to boost their confidence when writing in Spanish!
A heart shaped worksheet to celebrate and promote self-love and grow in confidence. Perfect as a different Valentine’s Day activity in the MFL classroom or during PSHE! With this resource students can revise and learn key vocabulary in Spanish, English, French OR ITALIAN whilst reflecting on the things and people that make them happy. The range of topics include personality and physical descriptions, future aspirations, past memorable events, hobbies and free time vocabulary. Inspired by @psi.epadi’s illustration on Instagram.
Una ficha con forma de corazón para celebrar y promover el amor propio. ¡Perfecto para hacer una actividad diferente en el día de San Valentín en la clase de idiomas o en tutoría! Con este recurso, los estudiantes pueden repasar y aprender vocabulario en español, inglés, francés e italiano mientras reflexionan sobre las cosas y personas que les hacen felices. El abanico de temas incluye la descripción física y de personalidad, las ambiciones de futuro, los recuerdos destacados del pasado y los pasatiempos y el tiempo libre. Actividad inspirada en la ilustración de @psi.epadi en Instagram.
A heart shaped worksheet for students to fill and colour in with their interests and hobbies. Perfect as an introduction task or to learn or review key vocabulary for both KS3 and KS4 pupils. The topics covered family, hobbies and sports, colours, food, school, music, reading and cinema and films. Suitable for primary pupils too as they could also fill the heart in with drawings whilst learning some key words. Available in Spanish, French and English. Inspired by @psi.epadi’s illustration on Instagram.
Una ficha con forma de corazón para que los/as estudiantes la completen y coloreen con sus intereses y pasatiempos. Perfecto como actividad de presentación o para aprender o repasar vocabulario clave. Los temas que incluye son la familia, los pasatiempos y deportes, los colores, la comida, la música, la lectura, el cine y las películas. ¡Perfecta para todas las edades! Disponible en español, francés e inglés. Actividad inspirada en la ilustración de @psi.epadi en Instagram.
Worksheet based on an article from Super Pop, a Spanish teenager magazine. Perfect to encourage students to analyse, reflext and debate around gender stereotypes. At the same time, they will develop their speaking skills and learn many new idioms.
Una ficha basada en un artículo de la revista española Super Pop. Perfecta para analizar, reflexionar y debatir sobre una serie de estereotipos sexistas claramente identificables en el texto, a la vez que desarrollan sus habilidades lingüísticas y aprenden nuevas expresiones idiomáticas.
Positive reinforcement cards in French to send home or electronically. 7 templates to praise students for their work:
Excellent work
Excellent Presentation
Attendance to lessons
Effort and dedication
There is an empty template for each version so that teachers can personalise their messages.
A visual magazine style mini test comprising 10 questions to make students reflect on the importance of learning languages. No matter what their answers are, with this mini quiz they will always find reasons to continue to learn a language! Perfect to boost engagement during the options process for both prospective Key Stage 4 and A Level students. Available in Spanish and English to best suit their linguistic level.
Un mini test inspirado en las revistas que incluye 10 preguntas para que tus estudiantes reflexionen sobre la importancia de aprender idiomas. No importa cuáles sean sus respuestas, ¡con este mini test encontrará razones de sobra para continuar aprendiendo una lengua! Perfecto para promocionar los idiomas durante el proceso de elegir sus optativas. Disponible en español e inglés.