A worksheet on the topic of gender estereotypes and toys based on an article by MIGUEL ÁNGEL BARGUEÑO from ‘El País´. It includes a text followed by a gap fill activity and reading comprehension questions. It also includes a phrase bank to support students express their own views. Answers included.
18 cards with 36 different topics on the theme of festivals and traditions to get your students talking. It includes a powerpoint persentation to practise as a whole class. Perfect to drill all three parts of the GCSE speaking exam: role play, photocard and general conversation.
18 cards with 36 different topics on the theme of work and future ambitions to get your students talking. It includes a powerpoint persentation to practise as a whole class. Perfect to drill all three parts of the GCSE speaking exam: role play, photocard and general conversation.
18 cards with 36 different topics on the theme of relationships and free time (reading, TV, film and technology) to get your students talking. It includes a powerpoint presentation to practise as a whole class. Perfect to drill all three parts of the GCSE speaking exam: role play, photocard and general conversation.
7 templates to complete the profile of the main characters in Guillermo del Toro’s ‘El Laberinto del Fauno’: Ofelia, el Capitán Vidal, el Fauno, Mercedes, Carmen, el Doctor.
Each profile is divided in different sections:
Name, who it is, character description, her/his role in the play, relationship with other characters, other important aspects and key quotes.
A very complete resource that can be used as an activity in class (we loved doing this in groups and presenting the characters) and after it is completed, as a revision material and a support when planning and writing essays.
9 plantillas para completar el perfil de los personajes principales de “El Laberinto del Fauno”, de Guillermo del Toro: Ofelia, el Capitán Vidal, el Fauno, Mercedes, Carmen, el Doctor.
Cada perfil se divide en diferentes secciones: Nombre y significado del nombre, quién es el personaje, descripción del personaje, su papel en la obra, su relación con otros personajes, otros aspectos importante y citas más relevantes.
Un recurso muy completo que puede usarse como actividad en clase (nos encantó trabajar en grupos rellenando los perfiles y presentando los personajes). Una vez completado, es perfecto como material de estudio y como apoyo al planificar y escribir los ensayos.
18 cards with 36 different topics on the theme of environment and social issues to get your students talking. It includes a powerpoint persentation to practise as a whole class.
18 cards with 36 different topics on the interests and influences to get your students talking. It includes a powerpoint persentation to practise as a whole class. Perfect to drill all three parts of the GCSE speaking exam: role play, photocard and general conversation.
18 cards with 36 different topics on the theme of town and local area to get your students talking. It includes a powerpoint persentation to practise as a whole class. Perfect to drill all three parts of the GCSE speaking exam: role play, photocard and general conversation.
2022 Spanish Advent Calendar. The perfect Power Point to use during lessons prior to Christmas! Suitable for all levels! It includes a variety of short Christmas related activities or games such as battleships, noughts and crosses, songs, videos, a quiz, etc. spread throughout the days of the month starting on the first of December. You can use it as starter or plenary with your classes as a little reward to set everybody in the Christmas mood. Also, you can make a full lesson out of it by using all the different activities.
Calendario de Adviento para clase. El material perfecto para usar antes de Navidad. Incluye una variedad de actividades cortas sobre la navidad o juegos como hundir la flota, tres en raya, villancicos, vídeos, un quiz, etc; uno para cada día del mes de diciembre. Nos gusta hacer una actividad cada día al prinicpio o al final de la clase como un premio. También se pueden aprovechar las actividades y hacer una clase completa sobre la Navidad en España.
Acción de gracias themed Spanish bookmarks. The perfect opportunity for both teachers and pupils to show appreciation to each other. Also, great to promote reading whilst discussing the topic of Identity and culture at GCSE or festivals at a wider scale.
Thanksgiving themed bookmarks. The perfect opportunity for both teachers and pupils to show appreciation to each other. Great to promote a love for reading whilst developing English written skills too.
Practiquem el vocabulari dels animals mentre ens divertim! Aquest joc inclou 36 cartes amb 18 animals diferents. A cada carta hi ha una imatge d’un animal i el seu nom … Però, aneu amb compte! Algunes no porten la paraula correcta! Els estudiants han d’agafar una carta i anomenar l’animal que veuen abans de posar-la al munt del centre. Si la targeta té la paraula incorrecta i algú la llegeix sense corregir-la, aquesta persona ha d’agafar totes les cartes de la pila. El guanyador és qui que es queda sense cartes abans. Perfecte per treballar el vocabulari dels animals i la pronunciació a classe, però també per jugar a casa amb la família!
A set of 3 different Spanish cards for Mothers day. Each model has a separate sheet with shapes (stars, hearts and flowers) to be filled with words/messages in the target language. These shapes can be then stuck on the card. A nice way to say to mum in Spanish how much they mean to them! :)
Un pack de 3 tarjetas diferentes para felicitar el Día de la madre. Cada modelo tiene una hoja con formas (estrellas, corazones y flores) que se pueden rellenar con mensajes/palabras. Esas formas se pueden pegar en la tarjeta. Una forma muy bonita de decirle a mamá lo mucho que signifcan para ellos :).
Spanish months of the year display to use as a visual aid in the classroom. It can also be used as revision flashcards.
Pósteres de los meses del año en español para usar como apoyo visual en clase. También se pueden usar como tarjetas para repasar.
Let’s practise Catalan vocabulary on colours in a fun way! This card game includes 9 items of vocabulary and consists of 18 cards that include an image containing the colour and its name below. But careful! Some are labelled wrong! Students must grab one card and name the colour they see before putting it down on a pile in the centre. If the colour is labelled wrong and they read it without correcting it, they will have to get all cards from the pile. The winner is the person who runs out of cards. Perfect to review colours vocabulary and key sounds pronunciation in class, but also to play at home as a family!
Practiquem el vocabulari dels colors mentre ens divertim! Aquest joc inclou 18 cartes amb colors diferents. A cada carta hi ha una imatge d’un color i el seu nom … Però, aneu amb compte! Algunes no porten la paraula correcta! Els estudiants han d’agafar una carta i anomenar el color que veuen abans de posar-la al munt del centre. Si la targeta té la paraula incorrecta i algú la llegeix sense corregir-la, aquesta persona ha d’agafar totes les cartes de la pila. El guanyador és qui que es queda sense cartes abans. Perfecte per treballar els colors i la pronunciació a classe, però també per jugar a casa amb la família!
A bundle of 8 different certificates/awards to recognise your students’ achievements in Catalan: good work, effort, hard work, team work, initiative, originality and extra work in the subject.
Un pack de 8 diplomes diferents en català per reconèixer els èxits dels teus alumnes: bona feina, esforç, treball en equip, iniciativa, originalitat i treball extra.
A lovely card to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You could give it to your students before the go home for the holidays or get them to wish their families and friends a happy festivities. Available in Spanish, English and French.
Una tarjeta para desear una Feliz Navidad y un Próspero Año Nuevo. Disponible en español, inglés y francés. Se puede usar como un detalle con los alumnos o en clase para que ellos se la dediquen a alguien de su familia o grupo de amigos.
A set of 5 cards to say how proud you are of your students. The messages are:
Proud of you!
This year has been tough, but you were TOUGHER!
This pandemic didn’t stop you, because you are UNSTOPPABLE!
You survived the year exams got replaced with even MORE EXAMS!
You made it!
A poster with 9 strategies in Spanish to cope with stress in work or in school/uni.
Un póster con 9 estrategias para sobrellevar el estrés en el trabajo o en los estudios.