A worksheet based on Viva GCSE’s Unit 4 ‘Retratos’ from module 3 ‘Mi gente’. Students will learn/review vocabulary to describe people’s appareance and personality. They will also learn/review how to use the verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’. Students will develop their grammatical and lexical understanding through reading and translation. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school.
Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario para que tus alumnos puedan describir el aspecto físico y la personalidad de otros. Con este recurso también aprenderán cómo usar los verbos “ser” y “estar”. Los estudiantes pondrán en práctica sus competencias gramatical y léxica a travéz de la lectura y la traducción. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
A worksheet to practise the topic of food through a costumer review. It includes vocabulary on different meals and adjectives to describe the service, facilities and food. Perfect for the classroom but also for any extracurricular activities such as visits to Spanish restaurants either in the UK or abroad! They can also use it during their holidays!
The perfect gift for your Spanish students. Four different personalised templates to wish your students a Merry Christmas and congratulate them on their work in Spanish lessons. Suitable for all levels!
A Powerpoint containing 32 idioms in Spanish with their translation into English and a sentence where they are used in context. Slides with headings for the 8 different categories they can be classified into (shopping and money transactions, globlal issues, weather, media, school work and future aspirations, food, free time, holidays and local area and relationships and descriptions). Perfect for GCSE and A Level students. Also suitable for primary students to boost their interest and curiosity in the language.
A very visual and colourful resource containing broken down steps and useful tips for students to write coherent and well balanced essays in Spanish. It can be used as worksheets to keep in their folders for reference, as a learning mat (you could laminate it) or as a display for the whole class. Perfect to combine with our ‘Spanish A Level writing knowledge organiser. Organizador de ideas: escribir ensayos en español’, where they can find a wide range of phrases and structures for each section of their essay. Find the link here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-a-level-writing-knowledge-organiser-organizador-de-ideas-escribir-ensayos-en-espa-ol-12280925
Un recurso muy visual que contiene consejos y cómo escribir paso a paso ensayos coherentes y bien estructurados en español. Se puede usar tanto como ficha para que la tengan como referencia en su carpeta, como organizador de ideas (lo podrías laminar) o como un display para toda la clase. Puedes combinarlo con nuestro ‘Spanish A Level writing knowledge organiser. Organizador de ideas: escribir ensayos en español’, donde pueden encontrar un amplio abanico de frases y estructuras para cada parte de su ensayo. Aquí tienes el link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-a-level-writing-knowledge-organiser-organizador-de-ideas-escribir-ensayos-en-espa-ol-12280925
A booklet designed to keep learning Spanish with the Euros 2020/2021.
It includes a range of activities and some GCSE style tasks which cover different skills (reading and understanding, translation, writing, etc.).
Vocabulary banks and opportunities for differentiation are included, making it suitable for both KS3 and KS4 students.
The activities in this booklet include:
Reading comprehension and colouring activity about the partakers’ flags.
Multiple choice reading comprehension with key information about the competition.
Reading tasks about the hosting cities. Students will review places in town, opinions, past, present and future tenses.
Reading comprehension on some of the best known players’ personal information.
Scaffolded vocabulary task to develop literacy skills (focus on types of words).
Parallel Spanish/English translations (past and present).
Writing task with a writing frame to talk about football/sport preferences.
Times and dates of matches, numbers tasks.
Model paragraph on the Spanish kit + writing task where students have to design their own football kit.
It includes answers for self correction too! Let us know how it goes :)
The classic Snakes and Ladders game adapted to drill the most recurrent questions for the new Spanish GCSE Role Play. Each square is link to a set of cards (12 per category) and students must answer/ask the pertinent bullet point to have the next go. Unexpected questions (!) and question formation (?) are also included. The perfect way to make revision fun with your classes this and the upcoming years!
This is the perfect mat for your students to work on photo descriptions. It will give them the confidence to secure 8 marks in their writing paper! As you know, in the first question of the AQA Foundation Writing exam, students are given a photo and they are required to write four sentences describing it. We have tried this with our students and they loved it… and the best thing is that** it works for the 99,9999999999% of the cases!** Also suitable for the speaking photocard task.
A low preparation activity to drill grammar and vocabulary. Using mini whiteboards, students need to progressively complete the tasks on each box (4 in total). The teacher checks them student by student and when correct, they move into the next one. The student that first reaches and completes the 4th task, ‘scores’ the goal and wins that game. It can also be printed and completed as an independent task.
You just need to adapt the content of the boxes to suit your classes’ needs: you could have sentences to translate, single words to go over vocabulary, questions, verbs to conjugate, etc . Suitable for all levels and available in Spanish, English and French. It can also be used in other subjects.
Una actividad que requiere poca preparación y que es perfecta para practicar tanto la gramática como el vocabulario. Con mini-pizarra, los estudiantes tienen que completar las actividades en cada cajita (4 en total) de forma progresiva. El profesor comprueba las respuetas de cada estudiante y si son correctas, pueden pasar a la siguiente. El estudiante que llega y completa la cuarta caja primero “marca” un gol y gana el juego. También se puede imprimir para que los alumnos la completen de forma independiente.
Sólo hay que adaptar el contenido de las cajitas: se pueden rellenar con frases para traducir, palabras para repasar vocabulario, preguntas, verbos para practicar conjugaciones, etc. Apto para todos los niveles y disponible en español, inglés y francés. También se puede usar en otras asignaturas.
A printable dominoes to learn/review 31 of the most common infinitives in the French language as well as the GCSE specification. Perfect for the classroom environment, but also to have fun whilst learning French at home! :)
Let’s practise French vocabulary on animals in a fun way! This card game includes 18 items of vocabulary and consists of 36 cards that include a pet image and its name below. But careful! Some are labelled wrong! Students must grab one card and name the animal they see before putting it down on a pile in the centre. If the animal is labelled wrong and they read it without correcting it, they will have to get all cards from the pile. The winner is the person who runs out of cards. Perfect to review animals vocabulary and key sounds pronunciation in class, but also to play at home as a family!
Let’s practise French vocabulary on colours in a fun way! This card game includes 18 cards that include a colour and its name below. But careful! Some are labelled wrong! Students must grab one card and name the colour they see before putting it down on a pile in the centre. If the colour is labelled wrong and they read it without correcting it, they will have to get all cards from the pile. The winner is the person who runs out of cards. Perfect to review colours vocabulary and key sounds pronunciation in class, but also to play at home as a family!
8 Instagram templates with a range of activities such as bingo, checklists, right or left, yes/no and open questions/answers to work on the topic of school: subjects, school stationery, afterschool activities and clubs, uniform, lunch time and what you did in school. You can use them online but they are also perfect to give as starter, plenary, extension tasks or even rewards! They are very colourful and follow the format that your students are used to seeing in social media.
8 Plantillas de Instagram con una serie de actividades como bingo, checklists, izquierda o derecha, sí/no y preguntas abiertas para trabajar el tema del instituto: asignaturas, material escolar, actividades extraescolares, el uniforme, la hora de comer y qué hiciste en el insti. Se pueden usar en línea pero también son perfectas como starters, plenos, extensiones o incluso premios. Son súper coloridas y siguen el formato que tus estudiantes están acostumbrados a ver en las redes sociales.
Three different formats to ensure that your students don’t repeat the same words again and again in English. No more ‘because it is fun’! Presented in a visual way, this resource consists of the 9 most repeated words in writing and speaking (in our experience). Each word comes along with a series of synonyms/similar words. This material includes:
A display for your classroom.
A learning mat.
A pocket-sized foldable that your students can take with them all the time and revise from.
Tres formatos diferentes para garantizar que tus estudiantes no repiten las mismas palabras una y otra vez en inglés. ¡Se acabó eso de “porque es divertido”. Presentado de una forma visual, este recurso incluye 9 de las palabras que, en nuestra experiencia, los estudiantes más suelen repetir por escrito y de forma oral. Cada palabra incluye una serie de sinónimos/palabras similares. El material incluye:
Un póster para tu clase.
Un organizador de ideas.
Una tira desplegable de tamaño bolsillo para que tus alumnos la lleven consigo y pueden repasarla/utilizarla en todo momento.
The perfect pack to explain Christmas time in Spanish lessons including a *Escape Room *to talk about the main dates and traditions, a lesson and worksheet to teach them about the Three Wise Men and develop writing skills, and a lesson to learn how to form the near future and talk about New Year’s resolutions. It also includes Spanish Christmas cards to praise your students for their hard work and wish them a great festivities using the target language. A great selection of resources to promote intercultural awareness and boost accuracy.
A lesson on the near future (futuro próximo) based around New Year’s Resolutions that includes bookmarks for students to fill in with their goals for the new year whilst using the near future. It also has a grammar explanation about how to form the near future, vocabulary based on infinitives and phrases usually used as New Year’s resolutions and practice activities.
This is a worksheet to introduce and practise the festival of San Juan, suitable for both KS3 and KS4 . It includes engaging activities on** vocabulary, GCSE style reading** and translations about the **cultural aspects of the festival. Solutions are also provided **following the format of the worksheet itself so that pupils can mark their own tasks, which makes it perfect for cover work.
¡Feliz San Juan! :)
Una ficha para enseñar la fiesta de San Juan. El material incluye actividades de vocabulario, traducción y lectura sobre esta tradición. Las soluciones aparecen en una segunda página por lo que el alumno puede autocorregir su propio trabajo tanto en casa como en el centro educativo.
54 Spanish newspapers headlines on the topic of bullfighting. The headlines are taken from 6 different newspapers to show a range of stances on the matter.
This resource offers endless didactic exploitations. For example, it could be use as a prompt for debates or as a starting point to create the real story in writing. Perfect for A Level or intermediate/advanced students.
54 titulares de periódico sobre el tema de la tauromaquia. Los titulares provienen de 6 periódicos diferentes para mostrar un abanico de posturas sobre el tema. Este material ofrece un sinfín de explotaciones didácticas. Por ejemplo, podría usarse como estímulo para un debate o como punto de partida para fomentar la escritura creativa creando la historia asociada al titular. Perfecto para estudiantes de español en bachillerato o estudiantes con un nivel intermedio/avanzado.
18 different role play scenarios to develop your students’ ability to interact in Spanish. Each dialogue includes a bank of useful phrases to be used by the two speakers involved in the role play. The scenarios are:
En el restaurante
En la tienda de ropa
En el supermercado
El instituto/ Intercambio
En la agencia de viajes
En un taxi
En la comisaría
En el médico
En la estación
Dar y pedir direcciones
Organizando una salida
Organizando una fiesta
Hablando de un evento pasado
En una entrevista de trabajo
Las prácticas laborales
La rutina diaria
Las nuevas tecnologías
18 escenarios de juego de rol diferentes para que tus estudiantes desarrollen su habilidad para interactuar en español. Cada diálogo incluye un banco de frases útiles para que las utilicen los dos interlocutores que participan en el juego de rol. Los escenarios son:
En el restaurante
En la tienda de ropa
En el supermercado
El instituto/ Intercambio
En la agencia de viajes
En un taxi
En la comisaría
En el médico
En la estación
Dar y pedir direcciones
Organizando una salida
Organizando una fiesta
Hablando de un evento pasado
En una entrevista de trabajo
Las prácticas laborales
La rutina diaria
Las nuevas tecnologías