Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Have a party on the last day of term. A big bundle of preparation free activities to put a smile on kids' faces. A quiz, colouring, drawing, cracker making, group game and more! All for a festive knock down price. 20 resources in total. Normally £48.95. Now £3.00! That's a crazy 94% saving!!
Are endless reports getting you down? This might help. Fully editable report comments for form tutors and Heads of Year. These comments are fully editable so that you can modify them to suit your particular requirements. We hope that this resource significantly speeds up the report writing process for you. Provided as a Word document for complete editing freedom. Ideal for all secondary school year groups.
Updated for 2017-18. Thinking Skills are so important. Students and adults are often led to believe that there is only one right answer to the question. This doesn’t have to be the case though and it is really useful for students to be reminded of this, encouraging them to keep an open mind and explore possibilities. This way of thinking is referred to as divergent thinking and it goes hand in hand with creativity.
This resource provides questions that encourage students to problem solve and consider lots of answers to questions that don’t have just one right answer.
Each question is presented on an individual page so that they can be printed out and students can jot down ideas, scribble notes and even draw diagrams if they feel like it.
This 7 page printable resource provides students with lots of information about the sensitive and serious topic of body image. The damaging effects of the media’s portrayal of “perfection” is covered, along with the impact of self inflicted and peer pressure. Also included is a worksheet which encourages students to engage in the topic and consider their own views on the issues raised. Ideal for PSHCE lessons when time is tight.
A thorough lesson plan encouraging students to consider the different types of bullying and the difference between bullying and conflict. A series of structured activities along with relevant resource cards and 2 posters for display.
A range of support resources for students and teachers as we enter the exam unit phase. All resources focus on fully addressing the requirements of the AQA GCSE Art and Design course, ensuring students meet and perhaps exceed their potential.
This Christmas Colouring Book provides 24 original colouring sheets - one for each day of December in the run up to the big day! A fun activity to do with your students in the weeks leading up to the holidays ... and perhaps something that they can take away with them to finish off at home.
Much more at
This fun form time game challenges teams to respond to slides that describe a person or animal in or on a place or object doing something. One person then draws the scene whilst team mates try to guess.
This PowerPoint provides rules, descriptive slides and score card.
This is a resource that I have produced to use with my classes this week to give them a well deserved end of term treat.
Merry Christmas from Start Creative
This book provides a step by step art project for Primary aged students. The focus is "The Natural World". Children are guided through the development of drawings and paintings based on natural objects. A range of artwork by recognised artists is also introduced to students.
The resource can provide a structure for 6 to 8 individual art lessons. It also allows for modification by the teacher to suit the particular group.
This Primary Art resource has been developed by Start Creative Resources
A visual summer themed quiz for primary aged children. Questions with images which can be shown slide by slide to children. Suitable as a fun filler activity at the end of a busy year.
The US version of this resource has been awarded 5 stars by the TES team.
This huge resource (154 pages) offers 38 linked lesson plans, leading students through the key elements of Art, Design and Creativity. Each lesson plan provides differentiation, lesson outline, lesson structure, materials required and homework. Each lesson also provides a photocopiable information sheet for students, written in a student friendly style.
Topics covered include drawing styles, observation, abstraction, figure drawing, mask making, sculpture, landscape painting, portraiture, ceramics, colour theory, architecture .... and much more.
The lessons have been purposefully written to lead on from each other, allowing students to build upon their ever increasing skills sets through the Key Stage 3 years. It also offers activities that directly link to GCSE Art Assessment Objectives, ensuring students are "GCSE ready" by the end of Key Stage 3.
The resource has been written by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, Senior Art Moderator and Professional Artist. The resource can be used in conjunction with Mael's other Art resources which can be found at
Christmas is nearly here .... but we will be handing out the GCSE Art External Task papers as soon as we return in January 2016. Reduce your holiday workload with this resource. These documents provide a structured guide for students, outlining a week by week approach to developing preparatory work and emphasising the importance of fully covering the Assessment Objectives. Included is a checklist to help students keep themselves on track. Also, a visual prompt sheet for analysing the artwork of recognised artists.
The resource is provided as a PDF and also as a Word document so that it can be easily edited to suit your school's specific needs.
These resources have been devised by Mael Matthews, Senior Art Moderator for the UK's largest Art Exam board.
A model for comment only marking for KS3 Art lessons. Suitable for all subject areas and fully editable so that you can insert information to suit your particular school.
This resource provides a clear, simple rationale for providing comment only feedback to students whilst ensuring that data is collected recording and reporting purposes and linking to the new numeric GCSE grading system (9 to 1).
Get students in the Olympic mood with this free Olympic themed colouring sheet. Check out lots more resources at
Get students in the Olympic mood with this free Olympic themed coloring sheet. Check out lots more resources at
This is our 1000th resource on Tes. A motivational poster for classroom display. Hopefully this image will help promote a positive attitude in students and also add a visually appealing element to the classroom. The original image is of a very special place for me, Bridlington beach, East Yorkshire. Provided as a jpeg for printing at a range of sizes or inserting into your own documents.