A PowerPoint and resources on how to get 5/5 on the first question in the exam. This is based on the June 2017 exam paper on Ruby and the fire.
This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy.
An 'outstanding' lesson on the language question in paper 1. This fantastic lesson uses the exam question,'How does the writer use language to describe effects of the storm?'
The resource includes the following:
- Model answer
- Language analysis
- Examiner insight
- Modern, fun and dynamic images to help analyse the text.
- Connotation advice
- Answer structure
A fantastic and benficial PowerPoint lesson on handwriting. The following are included:
- What is handwriting?
- Progression in handwriting
- Main issues that may arise
- Strategies that can support/help
- Where to find further advice
An 'outstanding' lesson on Figurative Language. The following is included:
Fun metaphor or simile Catchphrase starter
Sarah Close music activity (great song for teens!)
Jigsaw learning task
Group activities
Celeb writing activity
Bad similes fun task
A fantastic, fun & informative lesson PowerPoint which covers all punctuation. The PP is very in-depth while being student-friendly. They really enjoy it!
A fun, interactive and informative PowerPoint lesson on the TOP TEN skills that EMPLOYERS are looking for in new EMPLOYEE. The lesson has lot of fun images to show the main points. The students love it!
A 50 slide PowerPoint and lots of other resources on the class film. The resource bundles looks at the following:
Group activities
Social norms
Study guide
Worksheets - mix 'n' match, viewing guide, character dynamics
The Breakfast Club crossword
A collection of 28 articles that can be used for the reading and writing exams. Really good for debating. The students love it!
Some of the 28 articles are listed below:
1930s dating
Funny 999 calls
Man posts himself in a big envelope
Most embarrassing moments
Fashion industry ignores bigger women
Facebook brags
A nation of creeps
A resource bundle on 'writing a review' includes: 51 slide PowerPoint, video clips, grade 9 exemplar work and exemplar work annotated with language techniques.
The lesson theme is Louis Theroux's documentary, 'Drinking to Oblivion' and creates a great discussion. The students find it really interesting and more interactive than a 'typical' film/book review!
The doc is available on Netflix or just follow this link: https://123moviesonline.io/movie/louis-theroux-drinking-to-oblivion/?watching=OlqSlDYmfT