This pack could be used with students from Key Stage 2 onwards. It includes background information about the Armistice, Peace Day celebrations and the origins of First World War memorials in Suffolk. You will find photographs and documents which record the way people at home responded to the end of the war, how they celebrated peace and how they chose to commemorate those who were lost. The resource consists of a PowerPoint which you can edit to tailor it to your students.
The historic photographs in this pack come from the collections of Suffolk Archives.
These images show the effects of the First World War on the Suffolk ‘Home Front’, from the arrival of troops, to the creation of military hospitals, to the dedication of memorials at the end of the war.
The topics covered are:
Military training in Suffolk
Soldiers off-duty
Soldiers from different countries
The importance of horses
Zeppelin raids
Prisoners of War
New technology
War memorials
This resource is aimed at KS1 pupils for learning about significant people from their own locality. It can be used as a standalone resource or as part of wider topics on local history, science, geography, or art.
Orlando Whistlecraft (1810-1893) was a pioneering meteorologist who for several decades kept a detailed record of the weather in his garden in Thwaite in mid-Suffolk. He published annual almanacs with his predictions for the year’s weather, and notes on what plants and animals you could expect to see at different times of year.
The presentation tells a biographical story about Whistlecraft, and compares present-day weather recording with Victorian weather recording.
This resource has been designed for use with students in KS2 upwards. It is fully editable, so you can tailor it to your class. You could use it as part of a Science or Geography topic to explore the real world effects of climate change in Suffolk, as well as for students to learn more about birds that they can see around them.
This resource gives students the opportunity to try out reading a real Tudor document for themselves – the will of Jone Bysco of Harksted, dating from 1564. The will lists all of Jone’s worldly possessions, almost allowing us to have a look around inside her house (and her wardrobe!). The resource can be modified to be used with all ages from KS2 to A Level and provides a real insight into the skills that historians need.