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Comparatives / Superlatives / Phrasal Verbs A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Comparatives / Superlatives / Phrasal Verbs A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A2 Pre Intermediate ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A2 Course book about Comparatives, Superlatives and Phrasal Verbs. In the Comparatives unit we will learn how to express the greater degree of one thing over another. In the Superlatives unit we will learn how to express the greatest degree of one thing over everything else. In the Phrasal Verbs unit we will learn how to construct and use literal and metaphorical phrasal verbs. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer - Chatterbox Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision exercise Writing exercise Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides. These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.
Prepositions Of Time / Prepositional Phrases / Countable & Uncountable  A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Prepositions Of Time / Prepositional Phrases / Countable & Uncountable A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A2 Course book about Prepositions Of Time, Prepositional Phrases and Countable & Uncountable. In the Prepositions Of Time we will learn how to refer to the time or date that an action occurred by using in, at and on. In the Prepositional Phrases unit we will learn how to refer to; When an action or event occurred Where or the position an event occurred How an action occurred In the Countable & Uncountable unit we will learn how to express or ask about the quantity of something. We also learn about countable and uncountable nouns and the use of much and many. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer - Chatterbox Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision exercise Writing exercise Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides. These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.
Gerunds / Verbs+Ing / Present Continuous A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Gerunds / Verbs+Ing / Present Continuous A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A2 Course book about Gerunds, Verbs+Ing and Present Continuous. In the Gerunds we will learn how to form and use the gerund to replace the noun phrase in a sentence. In the Verbs+Ing unit we will learn how to differentiate between the gerund and the infinitive of verbs. In the Present Continuous unit we will learn how to refer to an event that is happening at the present time. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer - Chatterbox Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision exercise Writing exercise Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides. These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.
Will and Going To Present Perfect Present Continuous For Future A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Will and Going To Present Perfect Present Continuous For Future A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A2 Pre Intermediate ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A2 Course book about Will and Going to, Present Perfect and Present Continuous For Future. In the Will & Going we will learn how to differentiate between the future simple and going to when talking about future actions or plans. In the Present Perfect unit we will learn how to refer to; An action or event that started in the past and continues into the present. Experiences. In the Present Continuous For Future unit we will learn how the present continuous can be used to refer to an action in the near future. These lesson plans typically include; Flash cards A cover page A warmer - Chatterbox Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision exercise Writing exercise Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides. These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.
Past Simple / Wh- Questions In The Past / Past Continuous  A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Past Simple / Wh- Questions In The Past / Past Continuous A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A2 Pre Intermediate ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A2 Coursebook about Past Simple, Wh- Questions In The Past and Past Continuous. This is a great little bundle for pre-intermediate learners to dive into the past. In the Past Simple unit we will learn how to express a finished action and event that occurred in the past, with an emphasis on irregular verbs. In the Wh- Questions In The Past unit we will learn how to determine; Who did something. What happened. Why an event or action occurred. Where an event or action occurred. When it occurred. In the Past Continuous unit we will learn how to express an ongoing action in the past and to refer to an event that occurred at the same time as another. This lesson plan includes the short story ‘The Phone Call’. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A warmer Introduction to the unit Vocabulary Reading Five closed exercises Open exercise Listening exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourage conversation Writing exercise Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides. These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.
Modal Verb Bundle - Can & Could / Have To / Should A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plans

Modal Verb Bundle - Can & Could / Have To / Should A2 Pre-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plans

3 Resources
Three A2 Pre Intermediate ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A2 Course book about the modal verbs Can Could, Have to and Should. This is a great little bundle for pre intermediate learners to improve their understanding of modal verbs and how we use them. In the Can Could unit we will learn how to express ability in the present and past, to make a request, to express possibility, condition and to give advice. In the Have to unit we will learn how to express an obligation or necessity. In the Should unit we will learn how to give advice or make a suggestion and to express probability. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A warmer Introduction to the unit Vocabulary Reading Five closed exercises Open exercise Listening exercise Writing exercise Extra study Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourage conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides. These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.
Countries & Nationalities,  Leisure Activities and Work & Jobs A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Countries & Nationalities, Leisure Activities and Work & Jobs A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Coursebook about Countries & Nationalities, Leisure Activities and Work & Jobs. This is a great little bundle for beginner learners to take the first steps into learning English with topics that are interesting and relatable. In the Countries & Nationalities unit - it’s fun to make new friends from all over the world! We learn about different regions, ways of living and customs in different countries. In this Unit, we read about some countries in different continents. In the Leisure Activities unit we learn how to describe leisure activities and how to discover new pastimes for our free time. In the Work & Jobs unit - when you meet friends or new colleagues, it’s important to explain what your job is and the type of work you do. This unit will help to prepare you to describe your work and the jobs of other people. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A warmer Introduction to the unit Vocabulary Reading Five closed exercises Open exercise Listening exercise Writing exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourage conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Holidays Food Shops & Shopping Favorites & Preferences A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Holidays Food Shops & Shopping Favorites & Preferences A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

4 Resources
Four A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Course book about Holidays, Food, Shops & Shopping and Favorites & Preferences. This is a great little bundle for beginner learners to express themselves in topics that that are relatable. In the Holidays unit we learn useful vocabulary and key expressions to book a vacation and make plans for an upcoming trip. In the Shops & Shopping unit we learn expressions to use when shopping. We’ll learn how to request an item, ask for the price and how to pay for it. In the Food unit - when meeting friends or colleagues, food is a popular and interesting topic for people from all over the world. In this text, we learn about dishes from different countries, their ingredients and how we eat them! In the Favorites & Preferences unit - we make choices every day at work, home and when we are shopping. In this unit, we learn essential key phrases to express our preferences and favorites. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A warmer Introduction to the unit Vocabulary Reading Five closed exercises Open exercise Listening exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourage conversation writing exercise Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Greetings  Personal Information  Family  Hobbies & Pastimes A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Greetings Personal Information Family Hobbies & Pastimes A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

4 Resources
Four A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Course book about Greetings, Personal Information, Family and Hobbies & Pastimes. This is a great little bundle for beginner learners to take the first steps into learning English. In the Greetings unit we use different expressions when greeting people in a formal or informal context. This unit will prepare you to greet friends or colleagues in a variety of situations. In the Personal Information unit - when we meet people for the first time, we sometimes exchange personal information to break the ice. In this unit, we learn how to ask for and share personal information for both informal and formal contexts. In the Family unit we learn how to describe our families and introduce family members to other people. In the Hobbies & Pastimes unit we learn how to describe our hobbies and to find out about new ones. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A warmer Introduction to the unit Vocabulary Reading Five closed exercises Open exercise Listening exercise Writing exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourage conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Present Continuous Present Simple Gerund  A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Present Continuous Present Simple Gerund A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Course book about Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Possessive S. In the Present Continuous unit we will learn how to express an event that is happening right now or in the future. In the Present Simple unit we will learn how to refer to a routine action or regular events and how to express facts and opinions. In the Gerund Verb+Ing unit we will learn how and when to use the gerund to replace the noun phrase. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Writing exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourages conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive S A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive S A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Coursebook about Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Possessive S. In the Pronouns unit we will learn how to use the subject and object pronouns to replace the noun in the sentence. We will also learn how the subject pronouns replace the subject and the object pronouns replace the object. This lesson plan also includes The Brother And Sister short story. In the Possessive Adjectives unit we will learn how to replace the object of a sentence that denotes possession with the possessive pronoun. The lesson plan also includes the checkpoint ‘Its v It’s’. In the Possessive S unit we will learn how to express possession of an item, person or object. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Writing exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourages conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Going to Imperatives Intensifiers A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Going to Imperatives Intensifiers A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Coursebook about Going to, Imperatives and Intensifiers. In the Going to unit we will learn how to express a planned event or intention in the future. In the Imperatives unit we will learn how to make a command, present an order, give a warning, outline instructions and make a request. In the Intensifiers unit we will learn how to emphasize an emotion or feeling and how to accentuate another adverb or adjective. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Writing exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourages conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Past Simple, To Be, Past Simple Of To Be  A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Past Simple, To Be, Past Simple Of To Be A1 Beginner ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Coursebook about Past Simple, To Be and Past Simple Of To Be. In the Past Simple unit we will learn how to express a finished action or event that occurred in the past… In the To Be unit we will learn how to use the irregular verb to be as a main verb or auxiliary. To be is the most powerful verb in the English language. In the Past Simple of To Be unit we will learn how to express finished actions or events in the past using the irregular verb ‘to be’’. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Writing exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourages conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives Can and Could A1 Beginner English Lesson Plan Bundle

Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives Can and Could A1 Beginner English Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Coursebook about Comparatives & Superlatives, Adjectives and Can - Could. In the comparatives & superlatives unit we will learn how to compare one thing with another (comparatives) and to express the greatest quality or quantity of one thing over everything else (superlatives). In the adjectives unit we will learn how to describe or modify nouns and how to use this / that / these and those to specify a noun or object. In the can - could unit we will learn how to use ‘can’ and ‘could’ in the positive and negative to express ability, condition, possibility and to make a request. This lesson plan includes the checkpoint ‘To v Too’. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourages conversation Writing exercise Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
There Is There Are - How Much How Many - Adverbs Of Frequency A1 Beginner English Lesson Plan Bundle

There Is There Are - How Much How Many - Adverbs Of Frequency A1 Beginner English Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Course book about There is There are, How much How many and Adverbs of Frequency. In the there is - there are unit we learn how to use there is and there are to identify the existence of an object or objects. In the how much how many unit we will learn how to use how much and how many to request the quantity of countable and uncountable nouns. In the adverbs of frequency unit we will learn how to modify nouns to indicate the frequency of an action. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Writing exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourages conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
Prepositions of Place Prepositions of Time I'd Like A1 Lesson Plan Bundle

Prepositions of Place Prepositions of Time I'd Like A1 Lesson Plan Bundle

3 Resources
Three A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 Course book about Prepositions of Place, Prepositions of Time and I’d Like. In the preposition of place unit we will learn how to use prepositions of place to refer to the position or place of a person or object. We will also learn how to define the direction of an action. In the preposition of time unit we will learn how to use ‘in’, ‘at’ and ‘on’ to refer to the time or date that an action or event occurred. In the* I’d like* unit we learn how to make a request and express a desire or wish. These lesson plans will typically include: Flash cards A cover page A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Writing exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox - A feature throughout our course books that encourages conversation Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These are A1 Beginner ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL A1 course book. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105424 They are also included in our course book bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091 These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. The resource is available in PDF and a part of it is on Google Apps
ESL TEFL Curriculum Activities, Writing, Listening and Speaking Lesson Plans ELL

ESL TEFL Curriculum Activities, Writing, Listening and Speaking Lesson Plans ELL

8 Resources
ESL TEFL curriculums include beginner, intermediate and advanced course books and three business English course books for ESL ELL ELA and TEFL learners. With interactive and ready to use lesson plans and worksheets, this ESL curriculum equips learners with the necessary skills to excel in both everyday and business contexts. These A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 and three Business English course books develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills for all levels of ESL learners. This bundle resource is bursting with enough grammar and vocabulary to take your students from newcomers to highly proficient English speakers. 238 Lesson Plans 4800+ Pages Over 250 hours of teaching resources 51 Audio files for listening exercises 30 Short story and poem lesson plans Warmers, activities and conversation included in almost all of our lesson plans. All levels of ESL learners from beginner to advanced. A1 Course bookhttps://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a1-beginner-english-complete-coursebook-for-esl-12105424 A2 Course book https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a2-pre-intermediate-english-complete-coursebook-for-esl-12105436 B1 Course book https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/b1-intermediate-english-complete-coursebook-for-esl-12105443 B2 Course book https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/b2-upper-intermediate-english-complete-coursebook-for-esl-12105445 C1 Course book https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/c1-upper-intermediate-english-complete-coursebook-for-esl-12105454 Business English Level 1 Business English Level 2 Business English Level 3 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105579 The grammar lesson plans will typically include; Flashcards A warmer to start the class Main use Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision / Comprehension exercise Chatterbox Writing drill Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. The topic Lesson plans will typically include; Flashcards A warmer to start the class Introduction to the unit Vocabulary Reading Two closed exercises Open exercise Listening exercise Revision / Comprehension Chatterbox Writing drill Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Book Club Lesson Plans - Short stories with questions, vocabulary and conversation. These lessons will take approximately 30 minutes. Check Point Lesson Plans - These lessons will help students with confusing words in English such as homophones. The lessons will have an explanation with examples, three exercises and should take approximately 30 minutes each. Poem Lesson Plans - Poems with exercises and conversation. These lessons should take approximately 30 minutes. These textbooks can be used as a stand alone course or as a complimentary addition to another course. They can also be used by private teachers of ESL in groups or one-to-one.
Sales Business English Level 3

Sales Business English Level 3

ESL lesson plan for Business English ESL ELL and ELA learners about Sales. Boost your ESL students’ sales skills with our comprehensive Business English ESL lesson plan. Designed to enhance language proficiency and sales techniques, this engaging lesson plan covers key concepts, vocabulary, and practical exercises related to sales in a business context. From understanding the sales process to developing effective sales strategies and negotiation skills, equip your students with the knowledge and confidence to excel in sales roles. Incorporating interactive activities, role-plays, and real-life scenarios, this EFL TEFL fosters persuasive communication, customer relationship building, and closing deals. In this unit we will learn how to; Present a Sales Forecast Outline Sales Results This Sales Business English ESL lesson plan follows a comprehensive learning structure, including; A warmer Two closed exercises One open exercise Group activity Revision This lesson plan is for ESL business and work students and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. This lesson plan is recommended for students level B1 and above. This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides.
Presentations Business English Level 3

Presentations Business English Level 3

ESL lesson plan for Business English ESL ELL and ELA learners about Presentations. Enhance your ESL students’ presentation skills with our comprehensive lesson plan. Designed to build confidence and proficiency, this engaging ESL lesson plan covers the essential elements of effective presentations. From structuring a presentation to delivering with clarity, equip your students with the tools and techniques to deliver impactful presentations in various professional settings. Incorporating interactive activities and role-plays, this lesson plan will empower your students to excel in public speaking and engage their audience with compelling presentations. Download our EFL TEFL resource on presentations now to elevate your students’ communication skills and boost their confidence in delivering successful presentations. In this unit we will learn how to; Link Ideas and Referring to slides Conclude a presentation This Presentations Business English ESL lesson plan follows a comprehensive learning structure, including; A warmer Two closed exercises One open exercise Group activity Revision This lesson plan is for ESL business and work students and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. This lesson plan is recommended for students level B1 and above. This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides.
Negotiations Business English Level 3

Negotiations Business English Level 3

ESL lesson plan for Business English ESL ELL and ELA learners about Negotiations. Unlock the art of successful negotiations with our ESL lesson plan. Designed to enhance communication skills and build confidence, this comprehensive lesson plan covers essential negotiation strategies, vocabulary, and practical exercises. Equip your ESL students with the tools and techniques needed to navigate negotiations, resolve conflicts, and achieve win-win outcomes. Foster critical thinking, persuasive speaking, and active listening skills through engaging role-plays and real-life scenarios. Download our Negotiations EFL TEFL resource now to empower your students and prepare them for effective negotiation in various professional settings. In this unit we will learn how to; Negotiate a deal Barter Close a deal This Negotiations Business English ESL lesson plan follows a comprehensive learning structure, including; A warmer Two closed exercises One open exercise Group activity Revision This lesson plan is for ESL business and work students and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style. This lesson plan is recommended for students level B1 and above. This lesson plan is available in PDF and Google Slides.