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Fieldwork Apps Review
A review of the best free apps that can support students as they undertake geography fieldwork.
Understanding Correlation
A geographer’s guide to understanding statistical correlations.
Understanding scale in geographical enquiries
A geographer’s guide to getting the right scale of enquiry when planning a fieldwork investigation.
Understanding Hypotheses
A geographer’s guide to the nature of different types of hypotheses one can use in fieldwork investigations.
Make Your Own Point Quadrat Frame
A step by step guide to making a point quadrat frame from everyday materials.
Understanding Anomalies
A geographer’s guide to understanding how to deal with anomalies in their fieldwork data.
Planning new fieldwork experiences
A guide for teachers who are new to planning fieldwork.
Beach Profile Calculator
A spreadsheet file that automatically draws a beach or slope profile when data is added into the right boxes.
Flood Preparedness Survey
A data recording sheet designed to support students doing fieldwork on flooding and how prepared communities might be.
Greener Transport Survey
A data recording sheet designed to support students doing fieldwork on green transport options in a place.
Community Cohesion Survey
A data recording sheet designed to support students doing fieldwork on the level of community cohesion that might be found in a place.
Healthy Streets Indicator Survey
A data recording sheet designed to support students doing fieldwork on street level geography.
Urban Green Infrastructure Survey
A data recording sheet designed to support students doing fieldwork on green infrastructure in urban spaces.
SWOT analysis
A swot analysis grid to support geography departments as they self-evaluate their fieldwork provision.
Tree carbon content calculator
A spreadsheet which automatically calculates the carbon content of tree if students enter measurable data.
Forty Minute Fieldwork: Water Pollution
A step by step guide on delivering a quick piece of fieldwork based around water pollution.
Forty minute fieldwork: Air Quality
A step by step guide on delivering a quick piece of fieldwork based around air quality.
Forty Minute Fieldwork: Litter
A step by step guide on delivering a quick piece of fieldwork based around litter.
Cliff height calculator
A spreadsheet that automatically works out the height of a feature such as a cliff or a tree from the data a student would be able to measure.
Environmental Quality Survey (1-5 score)
A template Environmental Quality Survey for students to use in the field. The first page has predefined fields and on the second page students can create their own survey categories.