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Flag Survey

Flag Survey

A data collection sheet which supports students in the recording of geographical data based around flags they see in the field.
Z Scores

Z Scores

A student guide for the use of Z scores within geographical research. Includes a step-by-step guide showing students how to calculate them.
Independent Title: Balloon Debate

Independent Title: Balloon Debate

A worksheet designed to support students in becoming more independent as they start and complete their NEA. Students are asked to justify their choice of title via a balloon debate - the worksheet highlights some of the key areas that their justifications should cover. This enables students to see the relative strengths and weaknesses in each others’ titles and encourages them to make their NEA titles as strong as possible.
Question your place analysis

Question your place analysis

A worksheet designed to support students in becoming more independent as they start and complete their NEA. Students are asked to come up with questions regarding their chosen research location which they can then analyse in themselves and categorise, highlighting particular strengths and weaknesses. This is to help them recognise a strong geographical research title at the start of their NEA process.
What is the data?

What is the data?

A worksheet designed to support students in becoming more independent as they start and complete their NEA. Students are asked to define the different forms of data they may need to collect as part of their NEA. This encourages students to think more widely about the nature of data and how different forms of data might be collected independently.