All resources
ISA Core or Additional Tracker
An AQA template designed to record and analyse ISA results. Scores are recorded per question for gap analysis. Overall grades compared to targets. Progress calculated per pupil and scores converted to UMS following AQA grade boundaries. Easily modified to match any ISA completed.
Lesson Starter Templates
11 easy and quick to use templates that can be added to any PowerPoint to start a lesson. I have included examples of how they are used as well. The main focus is on literacy and numeracy through the use of key words which can be used as an intro into a lessons or a review of the last one.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy 1-9 Formula Display
A4 physics formulas. Both word and symbol included with units. Printed in colour it will make a good formula display. Or can be printed as hand out for revision and revision cards. I have had pupils complete notes on the reverse completing example questions based on each formula.
Careers in Science
Documents to produce a flow chart display of careers from KS2 through to degree and future careers. All headings and pictures included and organised for you to generate display.
Periodic Table Display
A document with all you need to complete a periodic table display board.
Elements listed to produce a periodic table. All labels included to present sections and colour coded.
The first 20 in additional detail. Electronic configuration, pictures, name and symbols for additional information.
1-9 Grade Assessment and Analysis tool
A gap analysis tool that will work for any 1-9 assessment.
It is an open spread sheet. No password so editing to your needs possible.
Set to analysis a year run, but can be used for one class, of foundation and higher assessments by question. It calculates grades based on your assessment grade boundaries and progress based on a editable flight path model. Just state what year and term.
It also completes a full analysis of grades and cohort analysis. such as gender and PP vs non PP
It is linked to a mail merge template which then generates a feed back sheet per pupil to analyse their grades and gives feedback on progress and target.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.4 Bioenergetics
A set of resources mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
A sequence of lessons covering all areas of the specification. Lesson PowerPoint's of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go. This leads to pupil tasks and resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy as well.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.3 Infection and Response
A set of resources mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
A sequence of lessons covering all areas of the specification. Lesson PowerPoint’s of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go. This leads to pupil tasks and resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy as well.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.2 Organisation
A set of resources mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
A sequence of lessons covering all areas of the specification. Lesson PowerPoint's of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go. This leads to pupil tasks and resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy as well.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.1 Cell Biology
A set of resources mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
A sequence of lessons covering all areas of the specification. Lesson PowerPoint's of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go. This leads to pupil tasks and resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy as well.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 5.2.1 Chemical Bonds, ionic, covalent and metallic
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
Ionic bonds and predicting molecular formula
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 5.1.1 Atoms, symbols, Ar, elec config and isotopes
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
Elements and their symbols
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.3.1 Communicable Diseases
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
Pathogen types and spreading of pathogens.
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.2.2 Animal tissues, organs and organ systems
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
The role and processes of enzymes.
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.2.1 Organisation
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
How cells build tissues and tissues build organs.
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.1.1 Cell Structure
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
Required Practical 1
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.1.1 Cell Structure
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
Cell specialisation and differentiation.
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA Combined Science Trilogy: 4.1.1 Cell Structure
A resource mapping to spec codes from the new AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
Animal and plant cells. Structure and function.
A lesson/lessons PowerPoint of theory and differentiated tasks following an all, most and some principle.
All theory presented for teacher to read through as you go leading to pupil resources that are differentiated and range in literacy and numeracy.
AQA B1 Revision
A quiz for pupils to assess and review themselves. All answers included and linked to section headings in AQA Core Textbook.
This leads to a self-generated revision list for pupils to guide their revision.
AQA B2 Revision Quiz
A quiz for pupils to assess and review themselves. All answers included and linked to section headings in AQA Additional Textbook.
This leads to a self-generated revision list for pupils to guide their revision.