These resources are the product of my retirement! After years as a teacher, I tutored. Tackling different exam boards, texts and aspects of English I had to develop lots of materials, which I'm hoping will help those of you still at the chalk face.
These resources are the product of my retirement! After years as a teacher, I tutored. Tackling different exam boards, texts and aspects of English I had to develop lots of materials, which I'm hoping will help those of you still at the chalk face.
This topic has been back in the news with the worry of pupils’ addiction to their phones, leading to anxiety if separated from them. This simple sheet asks pupils to argue their case, giving a few suggested points to consider, a reminder of rhetorical devices to include and reminders about proof-reading. It may be useful to promote discussion, as well as structured writing to argue a case.
A comprehension about Caroline Norton who successfully campaigned to improve the lives of women in Victorian times.
Questions include vocabulary, information retrieval and language analysis.
Suggested answers are provided too!
Although now virtually unknown, she was quite a celebrity in her lifetime and her achievements are, I think, worth celebrating.
Written for KS3 students, it might also be a useful introduction to KS4 students looking at the situation of Victorian women or as a resource for International Women’s Day.
A very straight-forward fill-the-blanks exercise to practise these frequently confused words. I made this for a KS3 pupil who just couldn’t get this right! It might help another student with the same issue.
These are for new Year 7 classes:
Two vocabulary exercises. One matches pairs of words with similar meanings, like ‘class’ & ‘form’; one matches an English school word with its American equivalent, like ‘caretaker’ & ‘janitor’ . These could be pair activities, or a short 'starter’
The third is an old favourite of mine to encourage new pupils to move about and chat. It’s a grid with phrases like, ‘supports a football team’ or ‘enjoys cooking’. Each student has to find a person for whom the phrase applies. This person has to sign the appropriate square. Of course, the phrases can be changed to suit the class or school, this is an old one of mine.
A few straightforward exercises, with answers, looking at the Latin roots bi, tri, quad and penta. might be useful as a starter task or part of general work on vocabulary.
I made this for a specific pupil and thought it might help another pupil with a similar confusion. It’s not exciting, just three fill the blank exercises, but it helped to reinforce the difference between the two words.
12 extract questions on ‘Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde’ created in a similar style to the sample question on the AQA GCSE 9-1 English Literature exam , looking at key characters and events, to provide effective revision and exam practice.
Based on the sample GCSE 9-1 assessment materials, these 15 extracts and questions are of a similar style to provide relevant exam practice and revision.
15 key extracts and questions similar in style and structure to the GCSE 9-1 sample question provided by AQA which should provide effective revision and exam practice.
Based on the GCSE 9-1 specimen assessment materials, these 15 extracts with questions have been created in a similar style to provide students with relevant exam practice and revision.
AQA ‘Pride and Prejudice’ 13 extract questions on themes in the novel created to be similar in style to the sample exam question provided by AQA for 9-1 to provide effective revision and exam practice.
Using the GCSE 9-1 sample questions provided by the exam board, here are 12 similarly-styled extract questions on characters and themes in the novell which should provide effective revision and exam practice.
Based on the GCSE 9-1 sample extract question, here are 10 extracts with questions in the style of the sample question, plus a guide sheet on how to tackle the question, and short background notes as revision. These extracts all focus on Scrooge.
These 10 extracts and questions, similar to the samples provided by Edexcel for GCSE 9-1, look at key characters and themes from the novel to provide effective revision and exam practice.
Based on the GCSE 9-1 sample questions, these 15 extracts are written in a similar style , with extract, act, scene & line reference, question a) and question b), in order to provide focussed exam practice and revision for students.