Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
This Powerpoint presentation and activities outlines the role of migrants in building the Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Scheme from 1949 to 1972. It can be used to support the teaching of the NSW History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum
Stage 5 - Year 10
Depth Study 5b - The Environment Movement and
Depth Study 5c - Migration Experiences
Is Australian culture becoming too American? This Powerpoint presentation examines this issue, in particular:
+ What is Americanisation?
+ What are the effects of Americanisation?
+ The effects of the powerful US economy;
+ US-Australian relations before 1941;
+ World War II and the forging of close relations;
+ The post-WWII world;
+ Issues inc. language, fashion, media, the teen audience, food & technology;
+ Is Americanisation of Australian culture good or bad or a combination of both?
+ How does Australian culture impact on Americans?
This Powerpoint presentation on Electrical Safety in a Retail Environment covers:
+ Fatalities and injuries caused by electrical issues in the Retail Industry;
+ Locations of electrical problems in a retail store/warehouse;
+ Hazards;
+ Duty of care to customers, employees and co-workers;
+ The Occupational Health & Safety Act (NSW) 2000;
+ Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3760 (relating to inspection & testing of electrical equipment);
+ Keeping records of electrical issues;
+ Segular maintenance checks of electrical equipment;
+ Safe use of powerboards;
+ Use of electrical common equipment in the retail industry;
+ Hire of electrical equipment;
+ Safety training;
+ Testing & tagging.
The presentation is specifically designed for students of the NSW Retail Services Syllabus, topic on Contribute to Workplace Health & Safety &
The Australian Training Package - Certificate III in Retail (SIR30216) (General selling focus)
SIRXWHS002 - Contribute to Workplace Health & Safety
However, the presentation can be easily adapted to similar courses in other Australian states and countries.
This Powerpoint presentation covers aspects of life in the Warsaw Ghetto including:
+ What is a ghetto?;
+ Creation of the Warsaw Ghetto;
+ Moving into the ghetto;
+ Administration;
+ Problems;
+ Food & living conditions;
+ Childhood in the ghetto;
+ Disease & deportations;
+ The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising;
+ Liquidation & destruction;
+ Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto.
The presentation is part of a series on The Holocaust designed for Year 10 students of the NSW History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum, topic on The Holocaust. However, it can also be used as part of the NSW Modern History Syllabus topic on Power & Authority in the Modern World - the Nazi Regime to 1939 - the impact of the Nazi regime on life in Germany, including cultural expression, religion, workers, youth, women, minorities including Jews (ACHMH131, ACHMH132)
This Powerpoint presentation on Australian Involvement in the Korean War includes:
+ How did the war begin?
+ Phases of the war;
+ Hostilities cease;
+ Who won?;
+ Australian participation;
+ The Battle of Kapyong;
+ The Battle of Maryang San;
+ Results for Australia.
The presentation is designed for students of the NSW History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
By the mid-1960s U.S. soldiers serving in Vietnam and men enlisted into the army but yet to serve in Vietnam began to display opposition to the Vietnam War. They were followed by veterans. These men made opposition mainstream but suffered individually for their convictions. This source-based task is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus.
Higher School Certificate course
Peace and Conflict
Option A: Conflict in Indochina
Unit of work on The Investigation of Historical Sites and Sources: New England. Designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Preliminary Course
Investigating Modern History – The Nature of Modern History
Topic 1. The Investigation of Historic Sites and Sources
This unit includes:
+ What were the responses to the Myall Creek Massacre? Source-based inquiry task
+ Australia on Trial: The Myall Creek Massacre. Worksheet for video
+ The Myall Creek Massacre Memorial Site Powerpoint presentation and activities
Unit of work on the the Australian Government Retail Services (SIR) Training Package: SIRXWHS002 Contribute to workplace health and safety. This bundle includes:
Powerpoint: Electrical safety in a retail environment
Numeracy activity
Poster: Work Health and Safety Act, 2011 (Com. of Aust.)
Newspaper article: Coles fined after worker falls from height
Prevention of falls - ladders
Set of resources on handwriting that includes handwriting criteria and cross-curricular worksheets. I have used the resources in a New England NSW secondary school in my own classes and in a whole-school handwriting program. Bundle includes:
+ Handwriting criteria
+ Worksheet 1: Rise of sick internet trolls
+ Worksheet 2: Arctic ice melt
+ Worksheet 3: About grief
+ Worksheet 4: Facts about super trawlers
+ Worksheet 5: Body image worries plaguing young kids
+ Worksheet 6: Paying for your pet
+ Worksheet 7: Animated films
+ Worksheet 8: The Sapphires
+ Worksheet 9: The rise of tattoo remorse
+ Worksheet 10: Sexting
+ Worksheet 11: Does My Head Look Big in This?
+ Worksheet 12: Tiffs tagged as bullying
+ Worksheet 13: Big cat kingdom
+ Worksheet 14: How Facebook can land you in jail
Unit of work on Macbeth the Graphic Novel. This unit is designed for Stage 5 students of the NSW English K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. This bundle includes:
Newspaper article: Something Wicked This Way Comes
Magazine article: The Scottish King (Macbeth)
Video and worksheet: The Real Macbeth
Video and worksheet: CliffsNotes, Macbeth
Video and worksheet: Why should you read MAcbeth?
Unit of work on Weeds, Pests and Disease. Designed for students of the NSW Stage 5 Agricultural Technology Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. This bundle includes:
3 Cloze activities
Metalanguage mix and match
Word Search
Ezine article: Time to Freeze Bugs to Death
Ezine article: A virus taming Australia’s bunny menace
Ezine article: Agricultural production losses to pest animals soar
Ezine article: Drone weeds out good from bad
Video and worksheet: RIPPA: The farm robot exterminates pests & weeds
Unit of work on Wheat Production. Designed for students of the NSW Stage 5 Agricultural Technology Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. This bundle includes:
Metalanguage mix and match
3 Cloze activities
Ezine article: ‘Ears of Plenty’
Ezine article: ‘Applying fungicidal seed treatment to small grain seed’
Ezine article: ‘Getting the most from your spring wheat crop’
Word Search
Video and worksheet: The Future Farming Technology
Video and worksheet: The War on Wheat
Video and worksheet: From Seed to Civilization
Unit of work on Madeleine L’Engle’s novel, A Wrinkle in Time. This bundle includes:
Activities for Chapters 1-6
Activities for Chapters 7-12
Metalanguage mix and match
Sequence the Events activity
Word Search
3 Cloze activities
Crack the Code revision activity
True or false revision activity
Who said? quotes activity
Powerpoint presentation
Textual codes and conventions
Unit of work on Ruth Park’s novel, Playing Beatie Bow. Bundle includes:
+ Analyses of book covers
+ Chapter questions
+ Genre: Historical fiction
+ Description task
+ Sequence the events
+ Who am I?/True or false activities
+ Crack the Code activity
+ Word search
+ Acrostic poem/Mix and match activities
+ Design a book cover
+ Metaphors
+ Describing the world of the past
+ Female character profiles
+ Male character profiles
+ Who said?/Write a description
+ Harrington Street Ragged School
+ Themes
+ Changing fashion descriptive writing task
+ Translate the statements activity
+ Examine a passage
True or False revision activity
This unit of work on the Mongol Expansion is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. It includes:
+ Genghis Khan documentary worksheet
+ The Battle of Wild Fox Ridge activity
+ 2 jigsaws
+ Why was the Mongol army so successful activity
+ Traditional Mongol Clothing activity
+ The Mongol War Machine literacy activity
+ The Mongol Expansion Word Search
+ Food in the Mongol Empire activity
+ Mongol Clothing worksheet
+ Mongol Warriors activity
+ Crash Course World History film worksheet
+ Mongol tactics and strategies lesson
+ 4 cloze activities
+ Newspaper front page
+ Deconstructing a visual image
+ Acrostic poem and Mix and match
+ Worksheet to video Barbarians: the Mongols
Unit of work on Lloyd Jones’ novel, Mister Pip. This bundle includes:
Activities for Sections 1-5
Activities for Sections 6-10
Activities for Sections 11-14
Setting: Bougainville
Character profile: Mr Watts
Character profile: Matilda Laimo
Character profile: Dolores Laimo
Character profile: Grace
Character profile: Joseph Laimo
Film review: A Sting in the Tale
Ezine article: Bougainville: Australia’s Secret War
Word search
Analysis of book covers
True or false
Sequence the events
Topic summary
Crack the Code
Book review: All They Need to Know
Who Said quotes activity
Analysis of film scenes
Information report assessment task
Close study of a passage: Great Expectations Chapter 1
The Bougainville Civil War
Which section is that?
The Real Mr Pip - Harry Baxter on Bougainville
Background to the Bougainville War
This unit of work is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. It includes:
+ Sejanus: Hero or villain? Source-based activity
+ Were Claudius’ freedmen more powerful than the emperor? Source-based activity
Video: Tony Robinson’s Romans - Nero
Worksheet: Tony Robinson’s Romans - Nero
Video: Caligula with Mary Beard
Worksheet: Caligula with Mary Beard
Ezine article: The emperor’s fatal servants
Video: The Praetorian Guard
Worksheet: The Praetorian Guard
Magazine article: Such a stoic
Video: Rome in the First Century. Episode 2: The Years of Trial
Worksheet: Rome in the First Century. Episode 2: The Years of Trial
Metalanguage mix and match
Ezine article: What was the impact of the Emperor Tiberius on the Roman Empire?
Magazine article: Death of the Emperor Claudius
Word Search
Unit of work on Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel, Persepolis. Designed for students of the NSW English Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
+ Iran-Iraq War activity
+ Worksheet 1: The Veil
+ Worksheet 2: The Bicycle
+ Worksheet 3: The Water Cell
+ Worksheet 4: Persepolis
+ Worksheet 5: The Letter
+ Worksheet 6: The Party
+ Worksheet 7: The Heroes
+ Worksheet 8: Moscow
+ Worksheet 9: The Sheep
+ Worksheet 10: The Trip
+ Worksheet 11: The F-14s
+ Worksheet 12: The Jewels
+ Worksheet 13: The Key
+ Worksheet 14: The Wine
+ Worksheet 15: The Cigarette
+ Worksheet 16: The Passport
+ Worksheet 17: Kim Wilde
+ Worksheet 18: The Shabbat
+ Worksheet 19: The Dowry
+ The Iranian Hostage Crisis activity
+ The Iranian Revolution activity
+ Persepolis Word Search
+ What were the experiences of child soldiers in the Iran-Iraq War? Source-based activity
+ Character profile - Marjane
+ Character profile - Grandmother
+ Character profile - Mr Ebi Satrapi
+ Character profile - Mrs Taji Satrapi
+ Character profile - Uncle Anoosh
+ Analysis of film stills
Video: The Man who Changed the World
Worksheet for video: The Man who Changed the World
This unit of work is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Stage 5
Depth Study 1: Making a Better World?
The Industrial Revolution
This bundle includes:
+ Source-based activity: How did the Industrial revolution affect the working conditions of Australians?
+ Source-based activity: What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on Australians in the 1800s?
+ Source-based activity: What were the living conditions of Australians in the 1800s?
Source-based activity: Growth or decline. How did the population of Australia change in the 1800s?
Video: Children of the Revolution. The Children who Built Victorian Britain
Worksheet for video: Children of the Revolution. The Children who Built Victorian Britain
Newpaper article: James Watt and the sabbath stroll that created the industrial revolution
Video: Crash Course World History: The Industrial Revolution
Worksheet for video: Crash Course World History: The Industrial Revolution
Video: The Industrial Revolution Comes to Australia
Worksheet for video: The Industrial Revolution Comes to Australia
Video: Great Britons: Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Worksheet for video: Great Britons: Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Video: Why the Industrial Revolution Happened Here
Worksheet for video: Why the Industrial Revolution Happened Here
Internet article: Australia and the Industrial Revolution - Impact of the first railways
Metalanguage mix and match
Word Search: The Industrial Revolution