Wolsey Academy operates as a non-profit, with every penny we make going to one of our charity partners or into the Ipswich Initiative, funding good works across the town and county. Search for Wolsey Academy to see our website for more details and to purchase resources at a discount.
Wolsey Academy operates as a non-profit, with every penny we make going to one of our charity partners or into the Ipswich Initiative, funding good works across the town and county. Search for Wolsey Academy to see our website for more details and to purchase resources at a discount.
This lesson looks at the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine, how important they were at the end of the Second World War in securing Western Europe and clearly defining the economic and philosophical differences between the two powers.
This lesson includes:
3. Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine 3/8
a. Video lesson (teacher voice over of lesson)
b. Lesson Activities
c. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
d. 5 keyword Flash Cards
From an 8-part bundle on the origins of the Cold War – please see below for the specific details of this numbered lesson in the sequence.
1. Cold War Origins 1/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 5 Question Google Quiz plenary
c. 7 key word flash cards
d. 5 Russian Revolution Extension Task Activity Sheets
2. Grand Alliance 2/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 4 question Google quiz plenary
c. 4 keyword Flash Cards
3. Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine 3/8
a. Video lesson (teacher voice over of lesson)
b. Lesson Activities
c. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
d. 5 keyword Flash Cards
4. Causes of the Berlin Blockade 4/8
a. Video lesson (teacher voice over of lesson)
b. Lesson Activities
c. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
d. 5 keyword Flash Cards
5. Events of the Berlin Blockade 5/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 5 keyword Flash Cards
6. Consequences of the Berlin Blockade 6/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 6 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 6 keyword Flash Cards
7. Who was the blame for the Cold War? 7/8
a. Lesson Activities (Exam Practice – Source Based Questions)
b. 4 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 4 keyword Flash Cards
8. Cold War Origins Revision Lesson 8/8
a. 4 x Revision Tasks
b. 32 x keyword flash cards
c. 32 Question Google Quiz
Taught as part of the CIE IGCSE Option B course – however – perfectly suited for any course of study. It includes in total: 8 lessons, 32 keyword flash cards, 7 Google quizzes, 2 teacher video lessons.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This lesson sets the scene for the Cold War by looking at how the Allies worked together during the Second World War. The Lend-Lease programme, the Arctic Convoys and Stalin’s disappointment with the invasion of Italy all feature to build the back story of the Cold War.
This lesson includes:
2. Grand Alliance 2/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 4 question Google quiz plenary
c. 4 keyword Flash Cards
From an 8-part bundle on the origins of the Cold War – please see below for the specific details of this numbered lesson in the sequence.
1. Cold War Origins 1/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 5 Question Google Quiz plenary
c. 7 key word flash cards
d. 5 Russian Revolution Extension Task Activity Sheets
2. Grand Alliance 2/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 4 question Google quiz plenary
c. 4 keyword Flash Cards
3. Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine 3/8
a. Video lesson (teacher voice over of lesson)
b. Lesson Activities
c. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
d. 5 keyword Flash Cards
4. Causes of the Berlin Blockade 4/8
a. Video lesson (teacher voice over of lesson)
b. Lesson Activities
c. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
d. 5 keyword Flash Cards
5. Events of the Berlin Blockade 5/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 5 keyword Flash Cards
6. Consequences of the Berlin Blockade 6/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 6 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 6 keyword Flash Cards
7. Who was the blame for the Cold War? 7/8
a. Lesson Activities (Exam Practice – Source Based Questions)
b. 4 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 4 keyword Flash Cards
8. Cold War Origins Revision Lesson 8/8
a. 4 x Revision Tasks
b. 32 x keyword flash cards
c. 32 Question Google Quiz
Taught as part of the CIE IGCSE Option B course – however – perfectly suited for any course of study. It includes in total: 8 lessons, 32 keyword flash cards, 7 Google quizzes, 2 teacher video lessons.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
A lesson looking at the origins of Communism and how the idea took hold in Russia during the First World War, leading to the Russian Civil War and formation of the USSR. What impact did this legacy have on the Soviet Cold War mindset? How did the USA develop differently?
This lesson includes:
1. Cold War Origins 1/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 5 Question Google Quiz plenary
c. 7 key word flash cards
d. 5 Russian Revolution Extension Task Activity Sheets
From an 8-part bundle on the origins of the Cold War – please see below for the specific details of this numbered lesson in the sequence.
1. Cold War Origins 1/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 5 Question Google Quiz plenary
c. 7 key word flash cards
d. 5 Russian Revolution Extension Task Activity Sheets
2. Grand Alliance 2/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 4 question Google quiz plenary
c. 4 keyword Flash Cards
3. Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine 3/8
a. Video lesson (teacher voice over of lesson)
b. Lesson Activities
c. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
d. 5 keyword Flash Cards
4. Causes of the Berlin Blockade 4/8
a. Video lesson (teacher voice over of lesson)
b. Lesson Activities
c. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
d. 5 keyword Flash Cards
5. Events of the Berlin Blockade 5/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 5 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 5 keyword Flash Cards
6. Consequences of the Berlin Blockade 6/8
a. Lesson Activities
b. 6 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 6 keyword Flash Cards
7. Who was the blame for the Cold War? 7/8
a. Lesson Activities (Exam Practice – Source Based Questions)
b. 4 Question Google Quiz Plenary
c. 4 keyword Flash Cards
8. Cold War Origins Revision Lesson 8/8
a. 4 x Revision Tasks
b. 32 x keyword flash cards
c. 32 Question Google Quiz
Taught as part of the CIE IGCSE Option B course – however – perfectly suited for any course of study. It includes in total: 8 lessons, 32 keyword flash cards, 7 Google quizzes, 2 teacher video lessons.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
10 Lessons for Key Stage 3 that begins with Columbus, looks at the Spanish influence in South America before focusing on the early North American colonies. Also includes two lessons providing the context of the British involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade.
Colonial America
7 Years War (French-Indian Wars)
Causes of American Independence
Founding Fathers and the Constitution (Hamilton)
Atlantic Slave Trade
Caribbean Plantations
Assessment, Mark Scheme and Knowledge Organiser
Civil War Project: Make a Lesson
Bonus - assembly on the nature of power in the USA
Bonus - Guided Reading, Columbus & Christianity in the New World
Lesson on life on the slave plantations of the Caribbean.
Lesson Includes:
Recap task from previous lesson on transatlantic slave trade.
Google quiz (self-marking – acts as a further recap/consolidation)
Guided reading task with video
Categorisation task with 5 x info slides in the resources to support this activity.
Writing task about daily life on the plantations.
Toussaint Research Task with peer assessment criteria.
10 x flash cards for key words
Literacy mat for EAL/G&T support.
Part of a wider bundle of lessons on American History.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps
Lesson on the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
Lesson Includes:
Slides for teacher talk and class discussion of the seriousness of the topic (slides match the tone)
Summarise Triangle Trade task
Cross-Source Analysis of 3 sources (2 written, 1 picture)
Mind Map of Ted Talk
Guided Reading task of historical literature
Edward Colston video and class debate
Founding Father Research Task with peer assessment criteria.
Google quiz (self-marking)
10 x flash cards for key words
Part of a wider bundle of lessons on American History.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
Lesson on the causes of the American declaration of Independence and the drafting of the US Constitution.
Lesson Includes:
Recap activity of previous lesson on causes of American War of Independence.
Teacher Talk Stimulus Context Slide
Video comprehension task.
Source Analysis: Declaration of Independence
Source Analysis: US Constitution
Separation of Powers: Questions
Founding Father Research Task with peer assessment criteria.
Google quiz (self-marking)
8 x flash cards for the founding fathers
Part of a wider bundle of lessons on American History.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
Lesson on the causes of the American war of Independence. Aims to build students ability to categorise factors into headings and write an extended piece of analysis.
Lesson Includes:
Teacher video of the lesson (ideal for distance learning)
Recap activity of previous lesson on colonial America.
Teacher Talk Stimulus Context Slide
Research task with 7 factor info sheets in the resources section – support sheet for differentiation.
Categorisation task.
Three writing support slides with exemplar sentences and structure guide for all levels of learner.
Google quiz (self marking)
7 x flash cards for key factors
Part of a wider bundle of lessons on American History.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
Lesson on the French-Indian War (or 7 Years War). Perfect lesson to teach to provide context to the American of Independence that is to come.
Lesson Includes:
Teacher Talk Stimulus Context Slide
Recap activity of previous lesson on colonial America.
Timeline card sort activity (resources at the end of the PowerPoint)
Consequences discussion and question slide.
Source analysis and comprehension task.
Causes, events and consequences categorisation task.
Extended writing task.
Literacy mat for EAL/G&T support.
Part of a wider bundle of lessons on American History.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
Lesson on Colonial America with a focus on the differences between the Plymouth colony settled by the Puritans and the Jamestown colony settled by commercial interests.
Lesson Includes:
A lesson video (for distance learning)
Recap activity on Spanish explorers lesson
Teacher Talk Stimulus Context Slide
Source comprehension questions for Jamestown and Plymouth settlements.
Settlers motivation categorisation task.
Guided Reading task for both colonies.
Video task.
PEEL writing task with teacher example for analysis before writing.
Google quiz (self marking)
Keyword flash cards.
Part of a wider bundle of lessons on American History.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
A guide created for students about to begin their CIE IGCSE History coursework module. A mix of examples and guidance adopted from my own teaching and extracts from the CIE IGCSE coursework guide book (made more digestible for students).
• Top tips
• Clarification of key terms (e.g. significance)
• Guidance on references
• Mark Scheme/Criteria
• 3 x Introduction examples with commentary
• 3 x Main paragraphs examples with commentary
• 2 x Conclusion examples with commentary
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Lesson on the Hungarian Revolution, can stretch over 2 or 3 lessons.
Settler questions
Recap activity
Guided Reading task
Video questions
Quiz-Quiz-Trade Keyword cards
Key figure table and information complete activity
Google Quiz (self marking, online)
Source based question (compare two sources and comment on what is surprising)
Chronology card sort activity.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
20 Lessons that cover thre main topics: 1066, Becket and King John/Magna Carta.
All lessons include all the resources you need ready to use/print/share at the end of the slides.
All three topics also integrate into the free to play ‘free roaming/RPG’ history games which can be found at Wolsey Academy complete with supporting workbooks. These make excellent and engaging homeworks with the students coming in buzzing to learn more about the video game they’ve just been playing.
All lessons also include a settler slide that focuses on numeracy and literacy (don’t be concerned if you see lots of typos on the first slide - it’s part of the literacy correction task!)
The 20 lessons cover a range of writing skills, source analysis and creative tasks to form the backbone of any school’s KS3 History provision.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps :)
All the resources you need to teach the factors that led to the failure of the Schlieffen Plan in 1914, prepare students for an extended piece of writing on the topic and then feedback to them with the use of student examplars.
Additionally, all the resources you need to teach the consequences of this failure on Germany in the aftermath of the war.
For more history resources (including 5 free to play free roaming/RPG style games with tie in workbooks) please visit Wolsey Academy
Hope it helps.
A follow on lesson from the original Schlieffen Plan Failure?
It includes guidance on exam structure and 9 example paragraphs to use in the classroom to guide discussions of best practice. The focus is on using the introduction to establish the structure of the essay, using main paragraphs to use multiple bits of historical information to support argument and analysis and a conclusion which shows linkages between factors in coming to an overall judgement.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
Original lesson url: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12592377
Extended writing lesson on the failure of the Schlieffen Plan in 1914. Includes keywords, keyword recap task, factor tables and 7 x factor sheets, writing structure and guidance, differentiated writing frames (especially the use of appositive sentences) and a stretch and challenge reading task using extracts from ‘Blood and Iron’ by Katya Hoyer.
Lesson structure:
Intro and recap task
Evidence table with 7 x factor sheets attached in resources.
Factor Categorisation task
Writing frames and guidance
Peer Assessment according to simple criteria/matrix.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps
An extract from Katja Hoyer’s excellent ‘Blood and Iron’.
It is the chapter which provides a ‘summary of the First World War’ and takes the conflict up until the battles of Verdun and the Somme. There are 8 comprehension questions and has been used successfully with Year 9 students to get them to engage with extended reading and history scholarship.
I used it as an introduction to the topic but it could equally fit as a homework or a recap task at the end of the unit.
Hope it helps.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
A PowerPoint that provides password access to…
10 fully resourced lessons designed to cover in depth the first chapter of the Cambridge IGCSE History Modern World. Designed for both in person and virtual teaching. Each lesson includes:
• A Literacy/Numeracy/Think settler question
• A context slide to allow for some (valuable) direct instruction
• A range of resources which include the likes of categorisation tasks, source questions and writing activities with model answers (focus on flexible PEEKA paragraphs).
• An online recap quiz
• Each lesson also includes a scholarship and further reading page to really engage the higher-level students.
Lessons in the series:
WW1 Recap
The State of Germany in 1918
The German Revolution 1918
Paris Peace Conference 1919 – Motives Overview
Wilson’s 14 Points
David Lloyd George at Versailles
Terms of the Treaty – Germany
Reactions – Source work
The other treaties
Was it fair?
Also ideal for KS3 and other GCSE studies when considering the TofV – the Cambridge spec asks for a lot more depth on this topic that Edexcel seem to – so can easily be diluted a little for Edexcel, or used to push higher level classes.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This lesson is from the 10-lesson series below:
10 fully resourced lessons designed to cover in depth the first chapter of the Cambridge IGCSE History Modern World. Designed for both in person and virtual teaching. Each lesson includes:
• A Literacy/Numeracy/Think settler question
• A context slide to allow for some (valuable) direct instruction
• A range of resources which include the likes of categorisation tasks, source questions and writing activities with model answers (focus on flexible PEEKA paragraphs).
• An online recap quiz
• Each lesson also includes a scholarship and further reading page to really engage the higher-level students.
Lessons in the series:
WW1 Recap
The State of Germany in 1918
The German Revolution 1918
Paris Peace Conference 1919 – Motives Overview
Wilson’s 14 Points
David Lloyd George at Versailles
Terms of the Treaty – Germany
Reactions – Source work
The other treaties
Was it fair?
Also ideal for KS3 and other GCSE studies when considering the TofV – the Cambridge spec asks for a lot more depth on this topic that Edexcel seem to – so can easily be diluted a little for Edexcel, or used to push higher level classes.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This lesson is from the 10-lesson series below:
10 fully resourced lessons designed to cover in depth the first chapter of the Cambridge IGCSE History Modern World. Designed for both in person and virtual teaching. Each lesson includes:
• A Literacy/Numeracy/Think settler question
• A context slide to allow for some (valuable) direct instruction
• A range of resources which include the likes of categorisation tasks, source questions and writing activities with model answers (focus on flexible PEEKA paragraphs).
• An online recap quiz
• Each lesson also includes a scholarship and further reading page to really engage the higher-level students.
Lessons in the series:
WW1 Recap
The State of Germany in 1918
The German Revolution 1918
Paris Peace Conference 1919 – Motives Overview
Wilson’s 14 Points
David Lloyd George at Versailles
Terms of the Treaty – Germany
Reactions – Source work
The other treaties
Was it fair?
Also ideal for KS3 and other GCSE studies when considering the TofV – the Cambridge spec asks for a lot more depth on this topic that Edexcel seem to – so can easily be diluted a little for Edexcel, or used to push higher level classes.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.