Wolsey Academy operates as a non-profit, with every penny we make going to one of our charity partners or into the Ipswich Initiative, funding good works across the town and county. Search for Wolsey Academy to see our website for more details and to purchase resources at a discount.
Wolsey Academy operates as a non-profit, with every penny we make going to one of our charity partners or into the Ipswich Initiative, funding good works across the town and county. Search for Wolsey Academy to see our website for more details and to purchase resources at a discount.
King John – from his troublesome fighting with his brother (Lionheart) to his troublesome time as King ending in Magna Carta and the Baron’s War. This SOW focusses on John’s policies both foreign and domestic and the consequences they had for his people. Works well as a stand alone SOW but is also integrated into the free to play History game world at WA (check it out if you haven’t already!)
Each lesson contains a quick start guide, literacy & numeracy starter, teacher narrative context pages (chance for you to do some storytelling !) plenaries, a range of active learning episodes and a focus on writing skills. Homework, EAL and stretch activity sheets.
The 7 lessons, along with the main lesson activities, are as follows:
Richard I, Crusades & John (Plantagenet map relay, round robin Crusader battle reports, reading comprehension tasks, consult the codex activity).
John’s Early Life (John v Longchamp card sort/PEEKA paragraph practice and assessment/consult the codex activity)
John & Taxes (‘Be the teacher’ activity/essay construction practice/consult the codex activity)
John & War (Army recruiter role play presentations & Bouvines video)
Magna Carta (Baron grievances card sort/prioritisation tasks/PEEKA writing development)
The Baron’s War (Round the Room battle reporting/descriptive writing task/videos)
End of Unit Assessment (Planning and prep for a Narrative Analysis, Edexcel style Q on John’s legacy).
Hope it helps.
Remember – works best when the students are playing the (free!) King John game and completing the codex at the same time (perfect ongoing homework task or ict room lesson).
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
China History IGCSE: Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
China History IGCSE: Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
China History IGCSE: The 1911 Revolution
China History IGCSE: 4th May Movement
China History IGCSE: Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
China History IGCSE: Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The United Front & The Communist Party
China History IGCSE: Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
China History IGCSE: Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
China History IGCSE: The Long March 1934-35
China History IGCSE: Consequences of the Long March
China: Conflict, Crisis and Change 1900 – 1989. Designed for the Edexcel IGCSE Breadth Study but features a wide range of activities and approaches, and is in depth enough, that makes it excellent for all China history courses.
It is a standalone SOW (e.g. you don’t need to refer to a text book) and each lesson is self-contained, with all the information and resources required to deliver at least a Good rated lesson if not an Outstanding one.
Assessment & activity types are introduced and revisited based on a retrieval grid to ensure maximum learning and imbedding of skills and knowledge. Each lesson is estimated to take 45-60 minutes to complete but in my experience many can stretch over 2 or even 3 lessons depending on teacher judgement.
Each lesson features as a minimum:
Numeracy & Literacy challenges.
Keywords (to add to a student glossary).
EAL support sheets.
Stretch and challenge activities.
Teacher Quick Start Guide.
Literacy support mats.
Homework extension task mats.
Context slide for the lesson.
Part 1: Lessons included:
Intro to China & Course Set Up. (with online self-marking quiz)
Boxer Rebellion Causes & Events
Boxer Rebellion Consequences & Reforms
The 1911 Revolution
4th May Movement
Sun Yet-Sen, Chiang Kai-Shek & Guomindang
Recap Lesson 1: 1900 – 1926 (with online self-marking quiz)
The United Front & The Communist Party
Expeditions, Massacres and Exterminations 1926 – 1934
Recap lesson 2: 1926 – 1934 (with online self-marking quiz)
The Long March 1934-35
Consequences of the Long March
Lesson to celebrate of Chatham’s Afro-Caribbean Chartist Leader - William Cuffay.
Great way to add diversity to your study of the British Industrial Revolution - also a crucial element of the study of political change and the Chartists in Britain.
Card puzzle activity.
Storyboard activity.
Plenary tasks.
Stretch activities throughout including a worksheet with activities for higher and lower abilities. Example lesson plan included to help explain the lesson and as a template for your own plans.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Made this lesson before the referendum - have used it a number of times since, it works incredibly well - including once as an observation lesson which received great feedback.
Differentiated tasks throughout with there being three options for the main activity for three different grouped levels.
Ends with a class vote. Actual 2016 Vote Leave and Stronger In literature used for higher levels as a comparison between the two events (Reformation v Referendum).
1. Leave/Remain card sort starter.
2. Differentiated group & solo tasks leading to an essay
Lower: Structured development of card sort arguments.
Middle: Structured use of card sort arguments to make a facto file (with templates and examples)
Higher: Leave & Remain 2016 literature to use to compare to a new set of higher level card sort arguments - leading to written essay tasks with stretch vocabulary sheets.
3. Class referendum and debate.
4. Video plenary - spot the arguments you’ve made.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
First of two well presented and active lessons introducing the Romans (buy the bundle, it works out 2 for 1).
Numeracy/Liteacy/Historical thinking settler (I use these as a standard settler - works a treat once they’re in a routine).
Context slide (I like to have a tiny bit of teacher talk - just to set the scene and link today;s learning to what they’ve already done)
Visual map activity - what do we already know? Think/Pair/Share
Writing comprehension task
Cartoon creation and story sort.
Group discussions of the advantages of Rome’s position + class feedback.
Paragraph writing task
Literacy support mat including in resources.
Map of Empire included in resources.
Hope it helps!
Second of two well presented and active lessons introducing the Romans (buy the bundle, it works out 2 for 1).
Numeracy/Liteacy/Historical thinking settler (I use these as a standard settler - works a treat once they’re in a routine).
Context slide (I like to have a tiny bit of teacher talk - just to set the scene and link today;s learning to what they’ve already done)
Roman Chronology card sort (in the resources on the ppt.)
Kagan style ‘be the teacher’ activity - what were the factors behind the rise of Rome? 4 factors, 4 initial groups, then students spin off into new groups of 4 including an expert in each factor - they teach themselves.
Prioritisation task in paris and then fours.
Paragraph writing task
Literacy support mat including in resources.
Hope it helps!
Numeracy/Literacy/Think settler
Group Discussions on the role of space flight in human society/future.
PowerPoint task looking at important milestones in spaceflight.
Stretch and challenge activities throughout.
Science based development of the concept of ‘thrust’ and overcoming Earth’s gravity to teach orbit.
Advanced editing of PowerPoint animations with explainer video.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
1066 and the aftermath of conquest - featuring a unique immersive interactive Learning World (free to play!).
The Learning World feeds directly into the in-class lesson activities and can be used as an ongoing homework project – students can complete the free codex booklet as they go to consolidate learning.
Lessons included:
Who Should be King?
Stamford Bridge
Battle of Hastings - Source Analysis
Battle of Hastings - Descriptive Writing
Battle of Hastings - Battle Analysis
Dover - Source Analysis
London - Summarisation Task
Harrying of the North - Essay Skills Relay
Castles - Group Project
Feudal System - Essay Planning
Domesday Book - Troop Placement Activity
Narrative Assessment (Edexcel style)
Online Game Codex
Online Game Codex (Answers)
It is a very comprehensive SOW that covers the Norman conquest and its impact on English society. Each and every lesson has been made with enough differentiation, activity variety, cross-curricular support and progress checks that they could be used comfortably ‘out of the box’ in an observation lesson. Care has also been taken to make sure the skills complement each other across the SOW and build up to progress in exam writing ability, source analysis and soft skill development. I’m quite proud of it – if I may say so!
From my experience it created a huge ‘buzz’ about learning in the classroom and I even had kids in other classes asking to use it. So soon the whole department were using it and at KS3 parent’s evening it was all the parents talked about – many of them had also played through the Learning World.
Note: The Learning World is a ‘beta’ version – I am currently looking for someone to upgrade the artwork to make a few things look more ‘Normany’. But I guarantee the pupils will love it.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
I really hope you find these resources useful – and like I said, please do leave a review (and claim a free resource of your choice!)
1066 and the aftermath of conquest - featuring a unique immersive interactive Learning World (free to play!). The Learning World feeds directly into the in class lesson activities and can be used as an ongoing homework project – students can complete the free codex booklet as they go to consolidate learning.
It is a very comprehensive SOW that covers the Norman conquest and its impact on English society. Each and every lesson has been made with enough differentiation, activity variety, cross-curricular support and progress checks that they could be used comfortably ‘out of the box’ in an observation lesson. Care has also been taken to make sure the skills complement each other across the SOW and build up to progress in exam writing ability, source analysis and soft skill development. I’m quite proud of it – if I may say so!
The first two lessons and the Learning World Codex are free to download (some of the slides are not editable in these free versions) but the remaining lessons are for sale and are fully editable.
From my experience it created a huge ‘buzz’ about learning in the classroom and I even had kids in other classes asking to use it. So soon the whole department were using it and at KS3 parent’s evening it was all the parents talked about – many of them had also played through the Learning World.
Note: The Learning World is a ‘beta’ version – I am currently looking for someone to upgrade the artwork to make a few things look more ‘Normany’. But I guarantee the pupils will love it.
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