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Mrs. Shuttleworth's Excellent Emporium

Average Rating4.14
(based on 50 reviews)

Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English




Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English
Transactional Writing Teaching and Revision Eduqas English Language

Transactional Writing Teaching and Revision Eduqas English Language

A 42 page booklet aimed at students targeted Grade 5 - 9, this course or revision booklet provides everything you and your students need to revise for EDUQAS Component Two Section B Transactional Writing. It includes the way to time the exam, how to plan, how to write detailed developed paragraphs, modelled examples of each of the writing formats, a guide on how to write each text type successfully and two practice questions for each text type. You and they need look no further. I have also included a revision ppt for the day of the exam that concisely reminds students of the approach to this section of the paper. Includes a no-frills ppt worth £2 for quick revision for those students you fear will do little or no revision or as a booster just before the examination.
Creative Writing Planning Effective Short Stories & Narratives

Creative Writing Planning Effective Short Stories & Narratives

This learning sequence is your ‘one-stop shop’ for finally getting them to plan a short story for success. By the time the plan is done, all the events in the story have been worked out and tested for efficacy and so the pitfalls of short story writing are mainly avoided. The whole narrative arc is planned for using ‘The Rule of One’ with each step in the planning being afforded time and practice through this 40 slide PPT. All task sheets for students are embedded in the slides for convenience and quick location. Hugely methodical to use with no great bridges for the teacher to make between slides. How often do student’s short stories get out of control and end up being of epic proportions? How often do students set off with a vague idea then lose their way? How often does a one sheet written plan end up NOT helping them to write a successful story and you are left scratching your head as to why? I am both a professional and award-nominated creative writer and a Lead Practitioner in English. This resource combines both of my practices and, it is my belief, that it offers a pertinent insight into how a professional writer’s strategies translate to outstanding classroom practice in teaching and learning.
AQA 'Love's Philosophy' High Grade Exemplar Essay Compared with 'The Farmer's Bride'

AQA 'Love's Philosophy' High Grade Exemplar Essay Compared with 'The Farmer's Bride'

Invaluable resource for teaching those more nebulous skills for Grades 8 and 9. A high level modelled or exemplar response to a task on ‘Love’s Philosophy’ and the theme of desire. Compared with ‘The Farmer’s Bride’ for AQA English Literature Paper 2 Love and Relationships poetry cluster. Plenty of high level ideas ready to be learned within the response and also a good range of activities provided to encourage students to interact with the essay response, pick it apart, learn it, borrow the style and to encourage wider research. Rich in applied contexts and perspectives.
Transactional Writing Eduqas Teach Learn Revise

Transactional Writing Eduqas Teach Learn Revise

A 42 page booklet aimed at students targeted Grade 5 - 9, this course or revision booklet provides everything you and your students need to revise for EDUQAS Component Two Section B Transactional Writing. It includes the way to time the exam, how to plan, how to write detailed developed paragraphs, modelled examples of each of the writing formats, a guide on how to write each text type successfully and two practice questions for each text type. You and they need look no further. I have also included a revision ppt for the day of the exam that concisely reminds students of the approach to this section of the paper. Includes a no-frills ppt worth £2 for quick revision for those students you fear will do little or no revision or as a booster just before the examination.
Revise Formal Letter Writing at GCSE Booklet

Revise Formal Letter Writing at GCSE Booklet

An ‘everything you need to know’ 15 page A4 booklet very suited to all exam boards on writing formal letters that includes: • A good modelled example • An outstanding modelled example • Guidance on how to plan • Guidance on how to structure detailed, developed paragraphs • Guidance for content suitable to form • Sophisticated ‘tricks and flicks’ • Five practice tasks
Revise Informal Letter Writing GCSE Transactional Writing

Revise Informal Letter Writing GCSE Transactional Writing

An ‘everything you need to know’ 14 page A4 booklet very suited to all exam boards on writing informal letters that includes: • A good modelled example • An outstanding modelled example • Guidance on how to plan • Guidance on how to structure detailed, developed paragraphs • Guidance for content suitable to form • Sophisticated ‘tricks and flicks’ • Five practice tasks
Whole School Literacy CPD in Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Bulletins and  Meetings

Whole School Literacy CPD in Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Bulletins and Meetings

A second pack of 25 PowerPoint slides to train secondary and middle school staff in seven Whole School Literacy reading and writing techniques - one for each week of an average half term. When time for fitting in Whole School Literacy CPD is tight, this pack will enable secondary or middle schools to refresh and extend their staff’s teaching of Literacy Across the Curriculum. Each piece of CPD takes about a minute to present so will fit into staff briefing time, as a starter to whole staff meetings, curriculum meetings or weekly mailing bulletins. This pack is based on a model of reading that looks at each aspect of comprehension from spelling to how whole texts are perceived. Low risk writing is also a focus in this pack. Each piece of training is given rationale, a technique that is quick to learn, adapts to all curriculum subjects, has suggestions for stretch and challenge and differentiation and has been developed by an outstanding Whole School Literacy Co-Ordinator. The Literacy Boom Moments is certainly a favourite with my SLT and Governors!
Improving Creative Writing Learning Mat

Improving Creative Writing Learning Mat

One grid, a myriad of applications to improve your students' creative writing skills for Key Stages 2, 3 and 4. the grid focuses on those areas that are evaluable in the grading of creative writing - such as the quality of charcterisation and description and use of sentence structure and sentence types but does so in such a way that real creativity flourishes. Your students will be able to create descriptive pieces and creative prose pieces beyond what they thought they could. The resource is a 6x13 grid of ideas that can be dipped into as writing is created or when creative writing is edited. The grid can be edited down into bookmark type strips to personlise editing or writing production for students. It is also easy to make a 6x6 grid to use with dice to ensure students keep in mind all the disciplines to gain marks for their creative writing. The grid also makes 78 cards that can be turned over every few sentences or during paragraph writing to ensure that students don't just lapse into telling the action in a story without reference to description, emotion or conscious crafting of sentences and language. Developed from my experience as a writer and creative writing tutor and from my time studying for my MA in Creative Writing, I have brought that expertise to bear in the secondary classroom for teachers who have often been literature or language trained rather than creative writing trained.
GCSE Transactional Writing The Whats and Whys Intro to the Unit / Revision / Series of Starters

GCSE Transactional Writing The Whats and Whys Intro to the Unit / Revision / Series of Starters

25 slide PPT for the introduction of Transactional Writing or a series of starters to puncuate the teaching of Transactional Writing. Delivered using questions and activities that last a few moments each, the unit gives students the understanding of why TA writing should be important to them for their GCSE grade and in their future lives. It also covers the basics that underpin all the TA writing types i.e rhetoric and the skills the exam boards are looking for. This one includes weightings and timings for the WJEC/Eduqas English Language examination but could easily be swapped for another board with same task applied. Presented with humour and grown-up looking images (none of your clip art images here!) it's certainly been a winner with my Year 10s and 11s. Fuller range in this series coming soon to include 2 minute grade ups for each writing type and quick learn rhetoric devices that go beyond the use of (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) APERFORMER - I leave the selling of that skill to others. Here you will find a fresh approach. I will also be selling this and its comrades as a bundle before too long. Keep coming back. Want to leave a review? Have an equally priced resource on me! Want to say 'Even Better If ...' - collar me on Twitter @alisonshuttlew1
AQA 'When We Two Parted' High Grade Exemplar Essay Compared with Winter Swans + Activities

AQA 'When We Two Parted' High Grade Exemplar Essay Compared with Winter Swans + Activities

Invaluable resource for teaching those more nebulous skills for Grades 8 and 9. A high level modelled or exemplar response to a task on ‘When We Two Parted’ and the theme of heartbreak. Compared with ‘Winter Swans’ for the AQA English Literature Paper 2. Plenty of high level ideas ready to be learned within the response and also a good range of activities provided to encourage students to interact with the essay response, pick it apart, learn it, borrow the style and to encourage wider research. Rich in applied contexts and perspectives.
Telling Tales: My Polish Teacher's Tie Comprehensive Revision Grid and Activities

Telling Tales: My Polish Teacher's Tie Comprehensive Revision Grid and Activities

A revision tool over four A3 sides on Helen Dunmore’s ‘My Polish Teacher’s Tie’ with several activities to encourage engagement with the revision content. Covers all the assessment objectives, main and minor characters, themes, modern perspectives, writer’s stylistics, writer’s purpose and relevant subject terminology. You need look no further! Has many low threshold - high ceiling ideas which are suited to those aiming for Grade 4 through to 9 but could be edited back to simpler ideas for grades below this.
Whole School Literacy CPD Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Staff Meetings, Weekly Bulletins

Whole School Literacy CPD Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Staff Meetings, Weekly Bulletins

20 PowerPoint slides to train secodary and middle school staff in seven Whole School Literacy reading techniques - one for each week of an average half term. When time for fitting in Whole School Literacy CPD is tight, this pack will enable secondary or middle schools to refresh and extend their staff’s teaching of Literacy Across the Curriculum. Each piece of CPD takes about a minute to present so will fit into staff briefing time, as a starter to whole staff meetings, curriculum meetings or weekly mailing bulletins. This pack is based on a model of reading that looks at each aspect of comprehension from spelling to how whole texts are perceived. Each piece of training is given rationale, a technique that is quick to learn, adapts to all curriculum subjects, has suggestions for stretch and challenge and differentiation and has been developed by an outstanding Whole School Literacy Co-Ordinator. The Literacy Boom Moments is certainly a favourite with my SLT and Governors!
Creative Prose: Writing and Reading Gothic Villains KS3

Creative Prose: Writing and Reading Gothic Villains KS3

A short sequence of lessons lasting up to 4 hours in which students understand what makes a great Gothic villain description from Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and then use a range of techniques to develop a first person narrative for creative prose in which the lead character meets the Gothic villain. Focuses on sentence structure and noun phrases in the writing. Features the amazing 'Noun Phrase Generator Machine'!
Revise Descriptive Writing Describing Settings  English Language KS4

Revise Descriptive Writing Describing Settings English Language KS4

Great for making descriptive writing more engaging and figurative. Would suit descriptive task on the AQA English Language exam or a KS 3 lesson - Yr 8 most able or Yr 9. The techniques are more uncommon in their use but very easy to use. Will make students' writing engaging, imaginative and original in description. Easy for them to travel forward with these techniques.
The Darkness Out There Literary Contexts

The Darkness Out There Literary Contexts

A whole lesson PPT that looks at the literary links between ‘The Darkness Out There’ and ‘Hansel and Gretel’ to explore literary contexts and writer’s purpose. Students consider who fairy tales are written for, their purpose and their archetypal characters and gender roles. They use this knowledge to explore Nether Cottage and Packer’s End and the characters of Sandra, Kerry and Mrs. Rutter. They consider the perspectives that the story affords the 21st Century teen.
Suspense Tension Drama KS3 via C19th Woman in White

Suspense Tension Drama KS3 via C19th Woman in White

Learning sequence that will last 3-4 lessons. Fully resourced PPT of 30 slides. Teach how structures and sequencing produce suspense, tension and drama through a guided reading of an extract from The Woman in White. Great for KS3 or early KS4, gifted and talented at KS2. Covers skills that lead directly to achievement at GCSE so no time wasting and helps avoid the KS3 dip. Reading 19th Century Fiction. Exploring suspense, tension and drama for AO2 Lit and Lang. Creative prose – introducing character and using suspense, tension and drama in own writing (consolidation rather than explicit teaching – this is mainly a guided reading resource). Employs range of learner modalities. Differentiated throughout. Monitors progress through self-reflection and assessment.
Seven Transactional Writing Tasks for Eduqas WJEC

Seven Transactional Writing Tasks for Eduqas WJEC

A giveaway of tasks that help students practise and prepare for Eduqas WJEC Component 2 Section B. Full range of formats covered. Is the time saved from your PPA worth five stars? If you can spare a minute from the several this resource will save you, please leave a little thank you.