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Year 7 Transformations
Year 7 consists mainly of three sections: number, shape and data handling. This PowerPoint includes everything you need to teach this unit for up to 6 weeks!
This topic covers a variety of skills essential for the year 7 syllabus, and is suitable and differentiated for everyone; for mainstream students and SEN students.
Including key words, plenaries and learning objectives, this module covers:
congruency and enlargements
translations and transformations

GCSE Higher: Number Topic
I have made nineteen different lessons of the nineteen different topics which are covered under Pearson’s Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Higher. These lessons include:
starter activities
warm up/ recall questions
learning goals
key words
points to note
worked examples and guides
With these slides, anyone can walk into a lesson and teach what needs to be taught without having to worry about planning out content.
The first topic is number, which looks at:
Number problems and reasoning
Place value and estimating
Calculating with powers (indices)
Zero, negative and fractional indices
Powers of 10 and standard form

GCSE Maths Bundle
Everything you need for GCSE maths! Influenced by the Pearson Edexcel curriculum, but is suitable for all awarding bodies. There are a total of 19 units to bring you through the whole GCSE years. This has been a Godsend for my lessons, where I simply open up the slides and the work is all there! Many of the topics also include worksheets attached and answers to them as well. I have been using these slides for SEND students, so are absolutely brilliant for high-functioning SEND students, as well as mainstream. Many sections are suitable for some foundation students as well and 3-way differentiation is strongly implemented
Content includes:
area and volume
ratio and proportion
angles and trigonometry
transformations and constructions
equations and inequalities
equations and graphs
multiplicative reasoning
more algebra
more trigonometry
similarity and congruence
circle theorems
proportion and graphs
vectors and geometric proof
further statistics
Some worksheets I refer to are based around corbett maths worksheets- these are very useful and available on the corbettmaths website.
SAVE 48%

Year 8 Real-life Graphs
This PowerPoint includes everything you need to teach this unit for up to 3 weeks!
This topic covers a variety of skills essential for the year 8 syllabus, and is suitable and differentiated for everyone; for mainstream students and SEN students.
Including key words, plenaries and learning objectives, this module covers:
Interpreting conversion graphs
Constructing conversion graphs
Interpreting line graphs
Constructing line graphs and frequency polygons
Interpreting distance-time graphs
Constructing distance-time graphs
Looking into curved graphs briefly.
Influenced by other TES users (credited inside), Pearsons Maths Progress core 2 and Corbett Maths (credited)

Functional Skills Maths Level 1 - Data
Since the introduction of Functional Skills exams as an alternative to typical GCSE, the resources for the curriculum have been scarce or vague…Until now!
With several hours of work and through the help of governmental and Pearson specifications, I have created a lesson PowerPoint containing everything that needs to be covered and understood for functional skills maths level 1 in Number. This has also been used for my lower and higher ability students also students also, as work is all differentiated, with learning goals and RAG differentiation put in place. RED questions are aimed at Entry Level 3, AMBER aimed at FS1, GREEN aimed at FS2. Working at an ASD school, this lesson bulk is perfect for both mainstream and SEN Special Educational Needs teaching and will carry you for up to 4 months! This also includes past exam questions and answers for the end of each subtopic from the relevant exams
Sources can be accredited and taken from a wide range of resources and websites for the mathematics curriculum. There are aspects of the slides I haven’t made myself
This lesson powerpoint includes all the content for the Functional Skills Maths level 1 syllabus of number. Functional skills from Pearson is broken down into three main topics: Number, Shapes and Measures and Data. This resource contains only the Functional Skills level 1 data topic. Please search my ‘Functional Skills Level 1 Maths Bundle’ for the whole curriculum
This powerpoint includes:
frequency tables
bar charts
pie charts
grouped data
mean and range
Some resources are gathered from other tes users, or have hyperlinks of external sight resources for worksheets, which I believe best tie in with the content

Year 9 Probability
Year 9 consists mainly of three sections: number, shape and data handling. This PowerPoint includes everything you need to teach this unit for up to 6 weeks!
This topic covers a variety of skills essential for the year 7 syllabus, and is suitable and differentiated for everyone; for mainstream students and SEN students.
Including key words, plenaries and learning objectives, this module covers:
• identify mutually exclusive outcomes and events
• work out the probabilities of mutually exclusive outcomes and events
• calculate estimates of probability from experiments
• decide whether a dice or spinner is unbiased
• list all the possible outcomes of one or two events in a sample space diagram
• decide if a game is fair
• show all the possible outcomes of two events in a two
• calculate probabilities from two
• draw Venn diagrams
• calculate probabilities from Venn diagrams