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Compare and Order Numbers to 100,000 Higher
Children first compare pairs of numbers and then move on to ordering sets of
three or more numbers.
" When comparing two numbers with the same number of
digits, if their first digits are equal in value, what do you
look at next?"
" What is the difference between ascending and
descending order?"
“What is different about comparing numbers with the same
number of digits and comparing numbers with different
numbers of digits?”
Partition Numbers to 1,000,000 Higher
Children are challenged to partition the numbers in more flexible ways.
Watch for : Children may be less familiar with non-standard partitioning and need the support of, for example, place value counters to see alternatives.
“How else can you say/write “15 tens” or “15 thousands”?”
Partitioning Numbers to 1,000,000 Foundation
In this worksheet, children extend their knowledge to deal with larger
numbers while consolidating their understanding of the place
value columns that have been introduced this year.
They partition numbers in the standard way (for example,
into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones).
Watch for:
Children may make mistakes with the order of the digits
when partitioning/recombining numbers with many digits.
You can use these supporting sentences:
The value of the first digit is _________.
The value of the next digit is ___________.
________ is equal to _______ thousands, ________ tens and _____-ones.
Partitioning Numbers to 1,000,000
In this worksheet, children deal with larger numbers while consolidating their understanding of the place value columns.
They partition numbers in the standard way (for example,
into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones) as well as in more
flexible ways (for example, 16,875 = 14,875 + 2,000 and
15,875 = 12,475 + 3,400).
Watch for:
Children may make mistakes with the order of the digits
when partitioning/recombining numbers with many digits.
Powers of 10 Higher
In this worksheet, children are challenged by exploring the relationship between numbers in the word problems.
They look at columns that are further apart, for example considering the number of thousands needed to make 20,000 and then multiples of 20,000. Children are challenged by word problems.
If you move a digit one place to the left in a place value chart,
how many times greater is the value of the digit?
If you move a digit two places to the left in a place value
chart, how many times greater is the value of the digit?
Watch for:
Children may not realise that the overall effect of,
for example, × 10 followed by × 10 is × 100.
Powers of 10 Foundation
In this worksheet, children develop their understanding of place value by exploring the relationship between numbers in different columns. As well as adjacent columns, they look at columns that are further apart, for example considering the number of tens needed to make 2,000 and then multiples of 2,000. Children can use both place value charts and charts to support their understanding. Exchanging with place value counters as extra support is also helpful.
“How can you tell if a number is a power of 10?”
“Is this number a multiple of a power of 10?” “How can you tell?”
Watch for:
Children may not realise that the overall effect of,
for example, × 10 followed by × 10 is × 100.
Compare and Order Numbers to 100,000
They can use a variety of representations to help them, such
as place value counters, place value charts and number lines,
but the main focus of the worksheet is to compare and order using
the place value of the digits within the numbers. Children first
compare pairs of numbers and then move on to ordering sets of
three or more numbers
Powers of 10
In this worksheet, children develop their understanding of place value by exploring the relationship between numbers in different columns. As well as adjacent columns, they look at columns that are further apart, for example considering the number of tens needed to make 2,000 and then multiples of 2,000. Children can use both place value charts and charts to support their understanding. Exchanging with place value counters as extra support is also helpful.
“How can you tell if a number is a power of 10?”
“Is this number a multiple of a power of 10?” “How can you tell?”
Watch for:
Children may not realise that the overall effect of,
for example, × 10 followed by × 10 is × 100.
Place Value Numbers to 100,000 Higher Ability
In this worksheet, children explore numbers up to 100,000. They are introduced to the ten-thousands column in a place value chart and begin to understand the multiples of 10,000. This can be reinforced using a number line to 100,000.
Both place value counters and plain counters are used in place value charts, allowing for discussion about the values of the columns.
Place Value Numbers to 100,000 Foundation
In this worksheet, children explore numbers up to 100,000. They are introduced to the ten-thousands column in a place value chart and begin to understand the multiples of 10,000. This can be reinforced using a number line to 100,000.
Both place value counters and plain counters are used in place value charts, allowing for discussion about the values of the columns.
Watch for:
Children are likely to use “thousands” and “millions” in
everyday speech more often than “tens of thousands” or
“hundreds of thousands”, so they may miss out place value
columns in between.
Children may find numbers with several placeholders
difficult, for example 40,020
Children may need support in deciding when to use the
word “and” when saying numbers, for example 3,200 does
not use “and” but 3,020 does.
Place Value Numbers to 100,000 Core
In this worksheet, children explore numbers up to 100,000. They are introduced to the ten-thousands column in a place value chart and begin to understand the multiples of 10,000. This can be reinforced using a number line to 100,000.
Both place value counters and plain counters are used in place value charts, allowing for discussion about the values of the columns.
Place Value Numbers to 10,000 Foundation
Children encountered numbers up to 10,000 in Year 4. In this worksheet, they revise this learning in preparation for looking at numbers to 100,000 and then 1,000,000.
A variety of pictorial and concrete representations are used, including base 10, place value counters, place value charts and part-whole models.
The ability to use place value charts needs to be secure.
“What is the value of each digit in the number?”
“Which digit or digits would change in value if you added 1 counter?”
“How do you write the number in words?”
Watch for:
Children may not yet have fully grasped placeholders, for example reading 602 as sixty-two.
Children may rely on the column method of addition and subtraction when this is not necessary.
Children may not use, or may misplace, the comma when writing numbers greater than or equal to 1,000.
Higher Ability Year 5 Place Value Numbers to 100,000
Children be able to add and subtract 10, 100 and
1,000 to and from a given number, using their place value
knowledge rather than formal written methods.
Ask, “What is the value of each digit in the number?”
" How can you represent the number in a different way?"
“Which digit or digits would change in value if you added a 10/100/1,000 counter?”
“How do you write the number in words?”
Watch for :
Children may not yet have fully grasped placeholders, for
example reading 309 as thirty-nine.
Children may rely on the column method of addition and
subtraction when this is not necessary.
Children may not use, or may misplace, the comma when
writing numbers greater than or equal to 1,000.
Year 5 Place Value Numbers to 10,000
Children be able to add and subtract 10, 100 and
1,000 to and from a given number, using their place value
knowledge rather than formal written methods.
Ask, “What is the value of each digit in the number?”
" How can you represent the number in a different way?"
“Which digit or digits would change in value if you added a 10/100/1,000 counter?”
“How do you write the number in words?”
Watch for :
Children may not yet have fully grasped placeholders, for
example reading 309 as thirty-nine.
Children may rely on the column method of addition and
subtraction when this is not necessary.
Children may not use, or may misplace, the comma when
writing numbers greater than or equal to 1,000.
Multiples and Common Multiples Year 5 Higher
Children identify multiples including finding all multiples of the number, and common multiples of set of numbers.
They solve problems involving multiplication including using their knowledge of multiples.
Year 5 Multiples
A multiple of a number is any number that is in its times-table.
A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by a positive integer. Children find sets of multiples of given numbers. Children understand and use rules of divisibility, which will be built upon in later learning.
Ask, “How do you find the multiples of a number?”
“What do you notice about the multiples of?”
“What is the same and what is different about them?”
“Can a number be a multiple of more than one number?”
Year 5 Subtraction
Children subtract whole numbers with more than four digits, including using formal written methods (columnar subtraction).
They are challenged by applying their knowledge in solving world problems.
They are supported by place value counters and place value chart.
Squared paper and labelled columns will support children in placing the digits in the correct columns.
Children experience both questions and answers where zero appears in columns as a placeholder.
Subtraction with more than 4-digit numbers higher
In this higher ability worksheet, children subtract whole numbers with more than four digits, including using formal written methods (columnar subtraction).
They are challenged by applying their knowledge in solving world problems.
Squared paper and labelled columns will support children in placing the digits in the correct columns.
Children experience both questions and answers where zero appears in columns as a placeholder.
Year 4 Subtraction
Children subtract whole numbers including using formal written methods (columnar subtraction).
Place value chart and place value counters can be used for support. It is useful when performing calculations that require an exchange. Squared paper and labelled columns will support children in placing the digits in the correct columns.
Children experience both questions and answers where zero appears in columns as a placeholder.