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PowerPoints ‘Fi Fy Hun’ (CA3): Gwersi 1-9 / ‘Myself’ PowerPoints (KS3): Lessons 1-9

PowerPoints ‘Fi Fy Hun’ (CA3): Gwersi 1-9 / ‘Myself’ PowerPoints (KS3): Lessons 1-9

9 Resources
Cyfres gyflawn o Gyflwyniadau PowerPoint sydd yn cyd-fynd a Gwersi 1-9 o’r Llyfryn ‘Fi Fy Hun’: iaith, tasgau, enghreifftiau, modelu, atebion, gwahaniaethu, her, gemau a llawer mwy. A complete set of PowerPoint Presentations to accompany Lessons 1-9 of the ‘Myself’ Booklet: language, tasks, examples, modelling, answers, differentiation, challenge, games and lots more.
Llyfrynnau Blwyddyn 9/Year 9 Booklets

Llyfrynnau Blwyddyn 9/Year 9 Booklets

2 Resources
Llyfrynnau ar gyfer disgyblion CA3 Cymraeg Ail Iaith (Blwyddyn 9). Mae’r llyfrynnau yma’n yn rhoi cyfle i ddysgu ac ymarfer iaith topig penodol (gan gynnwys rhoi manylion, mynegi barn, newid amser a pherson y ferf etc.), gramadeg hanfodol, gweithgareddau a thasgau wedi’i gwahaniaethu, gemau a llawer, llawer mwy. Llyfrynnau cwrs cyflawn a fydd yn para tua thymor yr un. Mae’r llyfrynnau yma’n adeiladu ar iaith a sgiliau (llafaredd, darllen ac ysgrifennu) ac yn pontio rhwng CA3 a chymwysterau CA4. Booklets for KS3 pupils studying Welsh Second Language (Year 9). These booklets provides the opportunity to learn and practice topic specific language (giving information, expressing opinion, changing the tense and person of the verb etc.), essential grammar, exercises and differentiated tasks, games and lots, lots more. Complete coursebooks each intended to last about a term. These booklets build on language and skills (oracy, reading and writing) and aid transition between KS3 and the KS4 qualifications.