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Gair yr wythnos / Word of the week

Gair yr wythnos / Word of the week

Argraffwch yn A3 a chreu arddangosfa. Neu argraffwch yn A4 a gweithiwch drwyddo gyda’r plant ar ddechrau’r wythnos. Anogwch ddefnyddio’r gair yn eu gwaith drwy gydol yr wythnos. Print in A3 and create a display. Or print in A4 and work through it with the children at the beginning of the week. Encourage to use the word in their work throughout the week.


Bingo Mathemateg. Rhifau hyd at 25. Gall defnyddio am adio, tynnu, lluosi a rannu. Perffaith i’w lamineiddio a’i ddefnyddio ar gyfer gwaith grŵp bach neu fel ymarfer mathemateg pen. Maths Bingo. Numbers up to 25. Use for adding, multiplying, dividing and taking away. Perfect to laminate and use for small group work or as a mental maths exercise.
Carl Linneaus - Bywgraffiad (Biography)

Carl Linneaus - Bywgraffiad (Biography)

Darn o ysgrifennu am Carl Linnaeus. Dylai’r plant ddewis enghraifftiau yn y bywgraffiad sy’n dangos nodweddion gallwch dod o hyd mewn bywgraffiad. Addas am thema “Cynefinoedd”. Wedi gwahaniaethu. A piece of writing about Carl Linneaus. The children can find examples of characteristics that are found within a biography. Suitable for “Habitats” theme. Has been differentiated.
Lefel Lan - Uplevelling Sentences

Lefel Lan - Uplevelling Sentences

Adnodd gwella brawddegau. Defnyddiwch y PwyntPwer brawddegau a’u gosod o amgylch yr ardal a chaniatáu i’r plant weithio’n annibynnol neu gyda’i gilydd i uwchraddio’r brawddegau. Defnyddiwch y daflen waith i ysgrifennu’r brawddegau cyn eu trosglwyddo i lyfrau. A sentence upskill powerpoint. Print the sentence PowerPoint and set them up around the area and allow the children to work independently or together to uplevel the sentences. Use the worksheet to write down the sentences before transferring into books.