We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
This is a pack of 15 year 2 SATs style non-fiction comprehensions.
Each booklet comes in 3 differentiated levels. They are all based on the reading SATs paper, containing a similar style of questions and a similar layout. Perfect to use in the run-up to SATs as either a start of day activity, a main part of a lesson or to send home to parents for children to practise at home.
There are a wide range of topics covered, including:
Wildlife (x3)
European countries (x3)
Historical figures from the history curriculum (x4)
Sports stars (x3)
Spring (x1)
General non-fiction (x1)
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
Keep your year 1s busy throughout December with this collection of comprehensions, maths activities, phonics activities, and interactive advent calendars, all with a Christmas theme. Worth £45 if bought individually!
Included in the bundle are:
Maths activity booklet (20 pages)
Phonics activity booklet (20 pages)
General activity booklet (30 pages)
Comprehensions x 6 packs
Interactive Advent calendars x 4 - phonics, maths, jokes
Christmas Quiz
All resources also available individually or as part of a smaller bundle.
This bundle contains a selection of interactive lessons aimed at whole class or group phonics.
Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes.
The powerpoint lessons are split into different sections:
- Revision of phase 2 and 3 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to the new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Segmenting and blending words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with vowel digraph sound
- Writing a sentence
- Revision of common exception words
This bundle contains a selection of interactive lessons aimed at whole class or group phonics. The lessons cover ALL phase 3 vowel and consonant digraphs. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes.
The powerpoint lessons are split into different sections:
- Revision of phase 2 and 3 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to the new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Segmenting and blending words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with focus sound
- Writing a sentence
- Revision of common exception words
The lessons are also available individually or in smaller bundles of vowel digraphs or consonant digraphs.
***Fantastic Value***
A huge bundle of 13 non-fiction SATs style reading comprehensions for year 2. The bundle covers all the historical figures in the KS1 history curriculum. So the booklets are perfect for cross-curricular literacy and history learning.
Each comprehension booklet has three differentiated levels and includes answers. They are all based on the SATs reading papers from recent years.
The following are included:
Elizabeth I
Queen Victoria
Christopher Columbus
Neil Armstrong
William Caxton
Tim Berners-Lee
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
L.S. Lowry
Emily Davison
Mary Seacole
Florence Nightingale
Edith Cavell
Rosa Parks
Fantastic Value
These Year 2 SATs style comprehension booklets cover Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Christmas.
There are 12 topics:
The Gunpowder Plot
How to build a bonfire
Bonfire and Fireworks Safety
Bonfire Night Food
Remembrance Day
Angel Gabriel visits Mary
The birth of Jesus
The shepherds visit Jesus
The Wise Men Visit Jesus
Christmas Pudding Recipe
Mince Pie Recipe
Trifle Recipe
Each topic is split into 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘where,’ and ‘who’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. Each booklet is based on the reading SATs paper, containing a similar style of questions and the same layout.
No further preparation required.
This resource is a selection of 20 interactive lessons aimed at whole class or group phonics. They are PowerPoint presentations that allow children to learn or revisit initial consonant blends from phase 4. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes.
The PowerPoints are split into different sections:
- Revision of phase 3 and 4 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to consonant blend and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out
- Reading words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with sound/filling in missing words
- Writing a sentence
- Revision of phase 4 tricky words
***Fantastic Value***
A huge bundle of 17 non-fiction SATs style reading comprehensions for year 2. The bundle covers the entire Science curriculum for year 2, so is perfect for cross-curricular learning.
Each comprehension booklet has three differentiated levels and includes answers. They are all based on the SATs reading papers from recent years.
The following are included:
Inventors of materials
Materials and forces
Properties of materials
Staying healthy
Basic needs for survival
How animals change as they grow
The ocean
The seashore
Rainforest animals
Food chains
Is it alive, dead or has never been alive?
**FANTASTIC VALUE** This resource is a giant interactive PowerPoint with interactive phonics lessons for ALL phase 5 phonemes- 19 sounds!
Simply click on the sound and you will be taken to the appropriate lesson. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes and is split into the following sections:
- Revision of phase 3 and 4 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out
- Reading words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with sound/filling in missing words
- Writing a sentence
- Revision of tricky words
This resource contains over 1000 slides! It means you can be prepared for 4 weeks worth of phonics lessons. Simply open the PowerPoint each day and you are ready to teach!
Each lesson is available individually on my shop for £3 or save 60% by buying in this giant PowerPoint.
A pack of 20 year 2 SATs style non-fiction comprehensions.
This is the second pack we have uploaded and contains a wide range of topics, including:
Asian countries (x3)
Habitats (x3)
Historical figures from the history curriculum (x4)
Space (x2)
How tos (x5)
Living things (x3)
Each booklet comes in 3 differentiated levels. They are all based on the reading SATs paper, containing a similar style of questions and a similar layout. Perfect to use in the run-up to SATs as either a start of day activity, a main part of a lesson or to send home to parents for children to practise at home.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
Save 68%
This resource is a giant interactive PowerPoint with interactive lessons for ALL phase 3 phonemes- 26 sounds!
Simply click on the sound and you will be taken to the appropriate lesson. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes and is split into the following sections:
Revision of phase 2 and 3 phonemes in a random order
Introduction to new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
Spotting the odd one out
Reading words
Phoneme counting
Phoneme spotting in sentences
Writing words with sound/filling in missing words
Writing a sentence
Revision of tricky words
This resource contains over 1300 slides! It means you can be prepared for at least 5 weeks worth of phonics lessons. Simply open the PowerPoint each day and you are ready to teach!
This resource contains 17 lesson plans and accompanying resources to teach children all about the Christian year. They can all be used individually or as a whole year's RE to teach about Christianity. They are suitable for ages 7 -11. The seven lessons are:
Ash Wednesday/Start of Lent
Lent - Giving Something Up
Lent - Doing Good Deeds
Palm Sunday
The Last Supper
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Pentecost x 3
Harvest x 3
Angel Gabriel Visits Mary (Annunciation)
The Birth of Jesus
The Shepherds Visit Jesus
The Wise Men Visit Jesus (Epiphany)
Each pdf plan contains detailed instructions, a list of objectives for three levels of abilities, a list of resources and cross-curricular links.
The lessons contain wide-ranging activities to maintain the children's interest, from poetry writing, to drama activities, to philosophical discussions.
Each lesson contains a non-editable PowerPoint with a Bible story or relevant facts to help you teach the content of the lesson. There are also templates which can be used for the activities.
No further preparation is required!
Each lesson is also available individually or as part of smaller bundles for Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Harvest or Christmas.
Teach your KS1 class about every Christian celebration and festival throughout the year, with this bumper lesson pack.
Each pdf plan contains detailed instructions, a list of objectives for three levels of ability, a list of resources and cross-curricular links.
All lessons are highly interactive. They contain a huge variety of activities, such as poetry writing, art and drama. The following festivals are included:
- Harvest (x 2)
- Christmas (x 4)
- Lent (x 3)
- Easter (x 4)
-Pentecost (x 3)
Perfect to help you teach an entire year's worth of Christianity, with no further preparation!
(Each lesson is also available individually or as part of smaller bundles.)
Save 72%
This resource is a giant interactive PowerPoint with interactive lessons for ALL phase 4 phonemes- over 36 sounds!
Simply click on the sound and you will be taken to the appropriate lesson. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes and is split into the following sections:
- Revision of phase 3 and 4 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out
- Reading words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with sound/filling in missing words
- Writing a sentence
- Revision of phase 4 tricky words
This resource contains almost 2000 slides! It means you can be prepared for at least 7 weeks worth of phonics lessons. Simply open the PowerPoint each day and you are ready to teach!
(Phase 4 sounds are also available individually or as small bundles of certain groups of sounds)
This resource contains 3 giant interactive PowerPoints with interactive lessons for ALL phase 3 - 5 phonemes. That’s 81 sounds!
Simply click on the sound and you will be taken to the appropriate lesson. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes and is split into the following sections:
- Revision phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out
- Reading words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with sound/filling in missing words
- Writing a sentence
- Revision of tricky words
Simply open the PowerPoint each day and you are ready to teach!
Save 65%
A collection of 39 non-fiction reading comprehension booklets for year 2 - one for every week of the school year!
Every booklet comes in 3 differentiated levels and includes answers. They are all based on the SATs reading paper, containing a similar style and range of questions. They are also laid out in the same way as a SATs booklet to provide the children with greater experience of the test format.
A very wide range of topics is included in the pack to make the booklets suitable for using throughout the school year. They are sorted into the following categories:
1. Harvest Around the World
2. The History of Halloween
3. Bonfire Night Safety
4. Building a Bonfire
5. How to make mince pies
6. Christmas in France
7. Christmas in Italy
8. How to make pancakes
9. Mardi Gras
10. Easter Food
11. Mother’s Day
Historical Figures
Rosa Parks
Florence Nightingale
Tim Berners-Lee
Queen Victoria
Neil Armstrong
Food Chains
Keeping Healthy
Life in Space
Rainforest Animals
Animal Superheroes
Ocean Animals
Spring Animals
Perfect for cross-curricular and topic-based learning, whilst also preparing your class for SATS.
Each set of comprehensions is also available individually from our shop.
PDF file format.