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Mrs Shaw's Shop

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High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.




High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.
Complex Sentences: Embedded Subordinate Clauses

Complex Sentences: Embedded Subordinate Clauses

Help your students to become better writers with this Powerpoint which explains how to construct complex sentences with embedded subordinate clauses. Students have several supported opportunities to practise the construction and the second section includes ten supported sentences where students have to come up with the embedded clause about X-Men superheroes. Finally, students create three sentences using the construction independently.
Travel Writing: Different Types of Sentences

Travel Writing: Different Types of Sentences

Teach your students to use a variety of interesting sentences in their writing, including complex sentences with this 13 slide Powerpoint that gives several examples of the most common types of sentence in modern persuasive travel writing.
Year 7 Animal Rights Non-Fiction Scheme of Work

Year 7 Animal Rights Non-Fiction Scheme of Work

This 76 slide Powerpoint contains everything that you need to explore the key themes within the animal rights debate. Students will learn to: Identify and use persuasive language and images. Write an article about an endagered species. Discuss whether zoos are right or wrong. Write a speech for a debate on an animal rights issue of their choice. Write a leaflet to rehabilitate the image of a maligned animal. Present their work to the class. Reflect on their attitudes to animal rights after the topic. This scheme of work is designed to support students to be creative for a practical audience and encourages them to carry out their own research. As a Powerpoint it is fully adaptable to suit you and your class’s needs.
Travel Guide Project

Travel Guide Project

Travel writing is one of the best ways to teach students to use language in a sophisticated way. In this project students choose a city or region of the world that they are interested in and create a travel guide on it using the example provided as a style model. The style model is about the Spanish city of Girona and the sections of the travel guide include: An introduction 3 Days in your chosen destination. Four of the best things to do there. Essential information with top tips for visiting. Final section original to the student. Students’ attention is drawn to the use of premodifying adjectives and imperatives, which are typical of this style of writing. Students are able to see how travel writers sell destination through interweaving information about history, modernity and cuisine to make their locations sound exciting and attractive. There is also the possibility to turn the travel guide into a speaking and listening activity as students imagine that they work for the tourist board of their destination and wish to promote it.
Halloween Ghost Story

Halloween Ghost Story

A 350 word ghost story callled “The Lighthouse” is animated on Powerpoint. The teacher reads the ghost story to the class to create a spooky atmosphere. Then students discuss how the writer creates irony and the supernatural atmophere. Finally, in pairs or groups, students write their own ghost story of no more than 350 words. A slide gives ideas for five different ghost stories. Teach your students the power of stories this Halloween or at any time with this perfectly structure, succinct story. A Word copy of the story is also included in the folder.
Idioms from Sailing

Idioms from Sailing

Teach your students the importance of the history of sailing and its effect on the language with three-part lesson. First read a timeline of the history of sailing. Then create sentences with seven idioms from the semantic field of sailing. (Both these terms are explained on the Powerpoint). Finally, students create and educational poster to explain the origin of idiomatic expressions from the world of sailing.
EFL Nationalities

EFL Nationalities

Teach your EFL/ESOL students over twenty different nationalities with this twenty-four slide Powerpoint. The first activity is to guess the nationality from the nation. The second is a sentence gap-filling exercise to embed the nationalities your students have just learnt. Using their research skills, students find the next 16 nationalities. A final worksheet embeds all the nationalities learnt. A full lesson on nationalities.
Numbers in Spanish Worksheet

Numbers in Spanish Worksheet

A colourful Word worksheet for students to stick in their books to help them remember numbers in Spanish from one to one million.
Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 3

Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 3

With this twenty-four slide Powerpoint students revise the use of the subjunctive to give advice and then learn how it is used to express possibility, probability, doubt, opinions and hopes. After completing various exercises, students write an article for a Spanish newspaper in which they express their opinions on the future of the world and their own hopes and dreams for the future. A vocabulary sheet is included in the folder.
Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 2

Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 2

This thirty-eight slide Powerpoint begins with exercises to revise the regular formation of the subjunctive in Spanish of the three verb forms. It then moves on to how to conjungate irregular verb forms. A Word practice sheet is included in the folder. Students are then taught how the Spanish is used to in impersonal expressions that give advice and with verbs that give advice. There are practice exercises that culminate in students writing a letter of advice to a Spanish friend on what to do when they visit their home town. The lesson ends with a quiz to translate the expressions that use the subjunctive into English. A natural follow-on lesson from Present Subjunctive: Introduction. It could also be used as a revision lesson.
Present Subjunctive: Introduction

Present Subjunctive: Introduction

This forty-four slide Powerpoint introduces students to the uses and conjugation of the present subjunctive in its regular forms in easy-to-digest, step-by-step slides. There are exercises to identify when the subjunctive is used, as well as how to conjugate the three verb forms. A consolidation Word worksheet is included that could be used for homework. Learners cannot progress in Spanish without knowing the subjunctive and this is a gentle introduction to what can be a very confusing subject for native English speakers.
Numbers 1-100 in Spanish

Numbers 1-100 in Spanish

Teach your students numbers from 1 - 100 in Spanish with this 110 slide Powerpoint. First numbers 1 - 10 are introduced and then practised. Next numbers 21 -30. After numbers 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100. Students repeat the numbers after their teacher and then there are ample opportunities for memorisation and practice. A worksheet to embed the learning is included in the folder.
Telling the time in Spanish

Telling the time in Spanish

Teach your class how to tell the time in Spanish with this easy to understand 64 slide Powerpoint. The cardinal numbers are introduced and practiced first, followed by the other divisions of time. The students are given visual clues and have to say the time as it appears on the slide. A worksheet with twenty-two times is for follow-up (answers provided). The lesson is completed with students practising real-life questions in pairs. The visuals on the Powerpoint make it fun and easy to understand.
Climate Change Open Letter

Climate Change Open Letter

In 2016 over three hundred scientists wrote an open letter to argue that the United States should not leave the Paris climate change agreement, which was under threat by Donald Trump. This folder contains a Word copy of the letter; a Word copy of the letter annotated with the language techniques used and a Powerpoint (30 slides)that introduces the letter; includes the letter; reviews the techniques and then suggests ideas for students to write their own open letters on a topic of interest to them. Step-by-step help to learn how to write to persuade and to argue a case.
La Casa de Bill Gates

La Casa de Bill Gates

Two-page word document with magazine text about Bill Gates’ new house in Spanish (three paragraphs); followed by ten comprehension questions in Spanish; followed by various follow-up activities: Translate a paragraph from Spanish into Engish. Research other philanthropists. Write a paragraph explaining what you like to do for your money. Enough activities to keep students occupied for an hour. Could be used for cover. Activities aimed at GCSE syllabus.
Travel Writing: Positive Adjectives

Travel Writing: Positive Adjectives

Teach your students the importance of using positive adjectives when selling a product through the medium of travel writing. Using two texts - one on the Algarve in Portugal and the other on Dubai, students learn how effective positive adjectives are through two fill-in-the-blank exercises. All answers are given on the powerpoint and all cloze exercises are on word documents. Finally, students use their new-found knowledge to sell their hometown using positive adjectives.
Words from French Quiz

Words from French Quiz

Approximately 7,000 words have come into English from French and there are several ‘true friends’, words that are the same in both languages. Surprise your students with how much French they know already with these forty clues to French words. If the clue is too difficult, the first letter of the word is also included on the slide. All answers provided. Students can work independently or in groups and mark their own work.
Words from Around the World: ANIMALS

Words from Around the World: ANIMALS

Forty-four clues to names of animals that have come into English from nine different languages. Teach students to recognise that English is a language full of borrowings from other languages in this fun powerpoint-based lesson. All answers provided on the slide to enable students to mark their own work. Can be completed individually or in groups.
Words from Spanish Quiz

Words from Spanish Quiz

Spanish is spoken widely around the world and many words have passed into English from this language. Have fun with your class guessing the forty words that have enriched English. The powerpoint first gives a clue and then the first letter of the word is given if needed. All answers are provided on the slides. A back-up worksheet is included to consolidate the learning.
Personify A Place Poem

Personify A Place Poem

Students learn how to personify their home town in a poem by studying two examples of poems that personify cities. Twenty-five slide powerpoint, plus worksheets with fill in the blanks exercises.