Individual worksheet about Space for shadow matching.
Individual work.
Shadow matching.
Space key concepts (planet, astronaut, comet, telescope).
The resource includes:
Worksheet template.
**Notes: **
This resource is also available in Spanish - Ficha de relación con sombras sobre el Espacio
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
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Ficha individual sobre el Espacio para relacionar las sombras con sus respectivos ítems.
Contenido a trabajar:
Trabajo individual.
Relación con sombras.
Términos sobre el espacio (planeta, telescopio, astronauta, cometa).
El recurso incluye:
Ficha de trabajo.
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - Space shadow matching worksheet
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!**
Editable poster to work the numbers.
Take Aways
Previous and next concepts.
The resource includes:
Poster template
PDF with rhymes about how to write numbers 0-9.
External material for the activity:
Laminating sheets
Whiteboard marker
Blue Tack
**Notes: **
This resource is also available in Spanish - Todo sobre el número
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional €2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Poster editable para trabajar los números.
Conceptos anterior y posterior.
El recurso incluye
Plantilla del poster
PDF con rimas sobre como escribir los números
Material externo para la actividad:
Láminas para plastificar
Rotulador de pizarra blanca.
Blue Tack
**Notas: **
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - All about number
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Great poster to learn key vocabulary in Spanish.
Buenos días/tardes
De nada
Por favor
This pack includes:
PDF that includes poster
If you like this resource, you might be interested in:
My magic words (10 Languages) - European Day of Languages
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
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This pack is made up of 4 different Saint Patrick’s items symmetry drawing templates (right and left sides).
On each page is half of an item. The task for the children is to sketch out and colour the other half of the item with colour pencils/water colours.
If you like this resource, you might be interested in:
Saint Patrick’s Write-in Flashcards
Beginning Sounds Fill-In Cards (Saint Patrick)
We’re going on a hunt (Saint Patrick)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Editable template for Cooperative questions.
Activity designed to be done as a group, but you can also use the cards for individual work.
I advise carrying out the task at the start of a lesson to assess the students’ prior knowledge of a unit or at the conclusion as a revision of the unit.
The answers can be assessed by the peers or the teacher.
Adjustable to any subject.
The resource includes:
Question-card template.
Material externo para la actividad:
Laminator (optional)
Laminating sheets (optional)
This resource is also available in Spanish - Preguntas cooperativas
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Excelente recurso sobre la asistencia a clase.
El recurso incluye:
PDF con ejemplo
PDF con plantilla
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - How many children are at school today?
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Excellent resource for classroom attendance.
The resource includes:
PDF with example
PDF with template (laminating is recommended)
This resource is also available in Spanish - ¿Cuántos niños/as hay en clase?
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.**
Beginning Sounds Fill-In Cards are the best way to practice beginning sounds and letter identification.
Children work on phonics skills by identifying the picture name and then the associated beginning sound. The beginning sound is left blank for the children to fill in with magnetic letters, or with dry erase markers/pencils.
Laminating the product is highly recommended for longer duration.
Beginning sounds
Letter identification
Saint Patrick’s Day key words (leprechaun, hat, Saint Patrick, pot of gold, flag, Ireland, shamrock, harp, corned beef and cabbage)
The resource includes:
PDF with labels.
If you like this resource, you might be interested in:
Saint Patrick Symmetry - Drawing templates
Saint Patrick’s Write-in Flashcards
We’re going on a hunt (Saint Patrick)
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Plantilla editable para Preguntas Cooperativas.
Actividad diseñada para realizarse en grupo, pero también puede usarse de forma individual. Aconsejo implementar la actividad al comienzo de la lección para evaluar el conocimiento inicial del alumnado or al final, como revisión de la unidad.
Las respuestas puedes ser evaluadas por los compañeros/as o el profesor.
Contenido a trabajar:
Ajustable a cualquier asignatura.
El recurso incluye:
Plantilla “tarjeta-pregunta”
Material externo para la actividad:
Plastificadora (opcional)
Láminas para plastificar (opcional)
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - Cooperative questions
Por el precio de £2 más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
This Hangman (El Ahorcado) template includes a Spanish alphabet pronunciation guide and the model questions "¿Hay una ‘c’? and "¿Hay una ‘c’?.
Spanish Alphabet
This resource includes:
PDF with template for each player and example (2 Formats).
I recommend laminating the product so it lasts longer.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
This is a great activity that not only helps children to name and recognise the properties of 2D shapes but also helps to develop their fine motor skills by modelling the shapes with cotton buds and Play Dough.
2-D Shapes (square, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octogon)
2-D Shapes properties
This resource includes:
PDF with templates ready to print
External materials:
Cotton Buds
Scissors (to cut the cotton buds if needed)
Play Dough
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Template for Word of the day.
New words
History of words
This pack includes:
PDF (example)
pptx template for editing
Link to Google Slides
Please, make sure to click on “make a copy” before editing.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Cover handover document
Classroom Key Info
Marking expectations
This pack includes:
PDF with template
Link to Google Docs
docx file.
Please, make sure to click on “make a copy” before editing.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Timetable for the day
Daily timetable
This pack includes:
Power Point Template (pptx)
Text Edit with links to Google Slides and the clocks.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Use this template to save time and let your children know what supplies they need before the lesson begins.
The template (background) and the materials can be printed, laminated, and stuck with blue tack whenever you want (I recommend using size A3), or you can edit the file and copy and paste the materials as you need them so they can see it on the smartboard.
This pack include:
PDF with template
Microsodt Powerpoint template for editing
Link to Canva for editing
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Key words in Spanish - Giving directions (in the city)
Key words
Giving directions
In the city
This resource includes:
PDF with flashcards containing key words and phrases for giving directions in the city in Spanish divided into 3 categories:
Comandos (Gira a la izquierda / Gira a la derecha / Sigue recto)
Lenguaje preposicional (delante de / Detrás de / Al lado de / Opuesto a / En frente de / Lejos / Afuera / Entre / Dentro / Debajo /Encima /Cerca / En la esquina)
Sustantivos (Semáforo / Rotonda / Salida / Carretera )
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Summer term)
Key words
Early Years
My first Spanish lessons
This pack includes:
1 PDF with key words in Spanish with colourful images and translations to English.
The PDF is divided into different categories:
Los animales (Oso/Pájaro/Rana/Gato/Caballo/Pato/Perro)
Los colores (Rojo/Amarillo/Verde/Azul/Marrón/Morado/Blanco)
Los números (Uno/Dos/Tres/Cuatro/Cinco/Seis/Siete/Ocho/Nueve/Diez)
La granja (Granja/Vaca/Cerdo)
El verano (Sol/Playa/Arena/Ola/Mar)
Los animales de mar (Tiburón/Pez/Dolfín/Cangrejo/Pulpo)
If you are interested in this resource, have a look to these:
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Autumn Term)
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Spring Term)
BUNDLE (Get 25% off) - Key words in Spanish - Reception (Whole year)
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Spring term)
Key words
Early Years
My first Spanish lessons
This pack includes:
1 PDF with key words in Spanish with colourful images and translations to English. The pack includes key vocabulary for seasonal festivities (Halloween and Christmas)
The PDF is divided into different categories:
Los días de la semana (Lunes/Martes/Miércoles/Jueves/Viernes/Sábado/Domingo)
La comida (Mazana/Pera/Ciruela/Fresa/Naranja/Queso/Pastel/Helado/Salchicha)
La oruga glotona (Hoja/Oruga/Mariposa)
Los números (Uno/Dos/Tres/Cuatro/Cinco/Seis/Siete)
Los colores (Rojo/Amarillo/Verde/Azul/Naranja)
Ensalada de frutas (Melón/Limón/Frambuesa)
Pascua (Pascua/Conejo)
If you are interested in this resource, have a look to these:
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Autumn Term)
Key words in Spanish - Reception (Summer term)
BUNDLE (Get 25% off) - Key words in Spanish - Reception (Whole year)
Key words in Spanish for Summer term coming soon