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I am a KS2 teacher and an EFL teacher. I enjoy making resources for English language teaching, KS1 and KS2. I try to offer a balance of free (in the original spirit) and paid resources 😊 Please leave feedback. Thank you




I am a KS2 teacher and an EFL teacher. I enjoy making resources for English language teaching, KS1 and KS2. I try to offer a balance of free (in the original spirit) and paid resources 😊 Please leave feedback. Thank you
Division with remainders

Division with remainders

A worksheet to practise division with remainders using images to help with grouping. Suitable for Y3/4 Images from Pixabay
The Colours in Spanish

The Colours in Spanish

A presentation and 4 differentiated worksheets to identify and use the colours in Spanish. 2 Worksheets identifying the colours 2 worksheets writing the correct form of the adjective to go with the noun. In word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 6 Vocabulary

Year 6 Vocabulary

6 worksheets to practise increasing vocabulary in Year 6 . Great for class work, revision or homework. Using a thesaurus Synonyms and Antonyms Standard English In word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 6 SPAG Punctuation

Year 6 SPAG Punctuation

10 worksheets to practise the Year 6 punctuation objectives. Great for class work, revision or homework. Using hyphens x2 Bullet points x1 Commas x2 Colons, Semi-colons and dashes x1 Colons and Semi-colons in lists x2 Using brackets, dashes and commas x2 In word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 6 SPAG Grammar

Year 6 SPAG Grammar

8 worksheets to practise the Year 6 Grammar objectives. Useful for class work, revision or homework. The subjunctive Relative clauses Passive voice Linking ideas in paragraphs In word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from pIxabay
Year 5 Vocabulary

Year 5 Vocabulary

6 worksheets to practise increasing vocabulary in Year 5 using Suffixes x2 Prefixes x2 Expanded noun phrases x2 Word and PDF format Images from Pixabay
Year 5 SPAG Spelling

Year 5 SPAG Spelling

20 worksheets to practise the Year 5 spelling objectives Silent letters x2 ough x2 ie or cei x2 hyphens x2 homophones x4 fer+suffixes x2 ent, ant x2 cious, tious cial, tial Word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 5 SPAG Punctuation

Year 5 SPAG Punctuation

10 worksheets to practise the Year 5 punctuation objectives Colons in lists x2 Hyphens in compound adjectives x2 Commas x2 Colons, semi colons and dashes x1 Bullet points x1 Brackets, dashes and commas x2 Word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 5 SPAG Grammar

Year 5 SPAG Grammar

11 worksheets to practise the Year 5 Grammar objectives. Adverbials x3 Adverbs and modal verbs for possibility x2 Linking words in paragraphs x2 Relative clauses x2 Formal and informal language x2 In word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 4 SPAG Vocabulary

Year 4 SPAG Vocabulary

6 worksheets to practise forming vocabulary for Year 4 Word families Standard English Prefixes Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 4 SPAG Spelling

Year 4 SPAG Spelling

22 worksheets to practise the spelling objectives for Year 4. Great for spelling lessons, homework or early morning work. u,ue ture tion,sion, ssion, cian sure suffix with vowels ous ly sh as ch s as sc ation sion super sub mis dis inter re in il im ir anti auto plural apostrophe k as que g as gue k as ch i as y homophones and near homophones ay as ei, eigh,ey In word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay