World languages

Ma famille
Letter describing family life with comprehension exercises and a letter writing activity at the end.

les nationalites missing letters
Write in the missing letters to create the correct nationality vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.

Wanted poster
Example wanted poster to show to students so they can make their own - lots of personal info vocabulary.

Was hast du in den Sommerferien gemacht?
A worksheet with lots of activities building up to a writing task - writing a postcard about a past holiday. Accompanies Echo 2 or can be used as a stand alone worksheet.

les nationalites wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of nationalities. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.

Mein Haus
Powerpoint about rooms in the house. Using 'es gibt' plus the accusative and adding ',wo' to extend sentences.

les nationalites match up
Match up activity of useful nationalities vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.

Hausarbeit match up
Match up activity of useful household chores vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.

Meine Traumstadt
Worksheet about dream towns, with reading taken from boardworks with comprehension exercise and task to write about own dream town.

Was sollte eine Stadt haben?
Worksheet asking what should a town have - with translation exercise and structuring own sentence exercise.

ein Unfall match up
Match up activity of useful breakdown vocabulary for GCSE. Useful for starter/plenary.

les matieres
Starter activity for students to guess/work out the meaning of the school subjects before they are introduced. They can refer back to this at the end of the lesson to see if they were correct.

Le weekend dernier
A letter using the perfect tense to talk about what you did last weekend. There are various exercises, culminating in a writing task.

Irregular Verbs in the Perfect Tense
A worksheet with key irregular verbs for students to fill in, plus a multiple-choice exercise.

le temps wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of weather. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.