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Place Value LKS2 Starters Plenaries Games
Place Value Lower KS2 Plenaries and Starters
Place Value Counters
Base 10
Ordering Numbers
Comparing Numbers
English Boggle Style Game/Challenge
35 Boggle Cards - good for challenges and early finishers.
Nice pastel design.
MissCLT x
Maths Noggle Style Game/Challenge
I keep these laminated in a basket for challenges and early finishers. You can also copy them and put them on the screen for morning tasks.
50 Noggle challenges for all different numbers.
MissCLT x
Magic Maths (Harry Potter) Challenges
Seven different magic maths themed challenges, from subtraction, addition, fractions and multiplication.
Includes answers.
World War Location Signs
Ten different location signs relating to the World Wars, including:
The Front Line,
The Home Front,
The Trenches,
Flanders Field
Air Raid Shelters
Munitions Factory and more.
All designs by me - PDF download
World War One True or False Game
WW1 True or False Game - I used this as an end of unit assessment but you can use this whenever.
Powerpoint download.
World War One Fictional Letters and Questions
World War One ‘Letters’ with matching questions.
I wrote these for Year 4 but can be used for any KS2 class.
Powerpoint download.
Year 3 Place Value Maths - 9 Lessons and Planning
Powerpoint for the first nine lessons of Place Value for Year 3. Includes starter questions, lesson plans and some resources (not all).
Covering - Base 10, Place Value counters, writing numbers as words, basic number lines, some part whole models and partitioning.
Bitmoji Visual Timetable
I made this based off me so it is a girl with brown hair - if that fits you then this is perfect! There is 20 different cards and images and they can be edited.
Natural Disaster Class Assembly 32 Speaking Parts
Natural disaster class assembly written by me.
This covers volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wild fires and flooding.
It can be edited to fit your class - word document.
This has parts for 32 children of all reading abilities.
Animals Including Humans Activities/Games and Tasks for Year 3
I used these as continuous provision for my Year 3 Science corner. The children loved them - I taught Year 3.
Dictionary Skills - Alphabetical Order and Word Meaning
Powerpoint of four lessons - you will need dictionaries. I had one per two children. Alphabetical ordering and word meaning sheets.
Morning Slides and Tasks for Everyday
21 Powerpoint Slides that can be edited to suit your classes needs - each has a new challenge for that morning e.g. complete the drawing, reflect on your weekend/the week, imaginative writing.
Year 2 Science Retrieval Quiz Knowledge Recap
Recapping Science objectives from Year 1 - 22 different questions
Roald Dahl Quotes for Reading Displays
Eight quotes designed by me for a Roald Dahl display.
PDF download.
Places of Worship Display Signs
Display signs for common places of worship e.g. Church, Gurdwara, Temple, Mosque etc.
Designed by me.
British Values Display
British Values display created by me, contains PDF’s of:
British values poster,
British values landscape,
Speech bubble prompts.
The Christmas Truce Playscript Unit of Work LKS2
A unit of work for the Christmas Truce based off the Sainbury’s advert, this includes:
A context worksheet,
An example playscript,
A wordmat for the play,
Wordsheets to support writing,
A retelling the story sheet,
Speech bubbles prompt.
Archie's War Setting Description Slides and Plan World War LSK2
A writing plan,
Some slides to us as prompts,
Worksheets to go along with the slides,
Similes work.
Natural Disaster Research Tasks (Tornados, Volcanoes and Earthquakes)
Four pages of research tasks for natural disasters - including tornados, earthquakes and volcanoes.