Hello Amazing Fellow Educators!
I graduated with a Master of Arts in Child Study and Education and teaching specialization in French as an Additional Language from the University of Toronto in June 2022. My resources aim to make students´ learning of the English, French, and Spanish languages authentic and fun, emphasizing the essential language acquisition skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Hello Amazing Fellow Educators!
I graduated with a Master of Arts in Child Study and Education and teaching specialization in French as an Additional Language from the University of Toronto in June 2022. My resources aim to make students´ learning of the English, French, and Spanish languages authentic and fun, emphasizing the essential language acquisition skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
This grammar worksheet activity can be used in your French language classroom with your beginner/intermediate students to revise the present tense conjugations of the verbs “pouvoir” and “vouloir.”
Answer key included.
This grammar worksheet can be used in your French language classroom to teach your students about using double constructions (writing sentences with two verbs in the present tense (present tense of verb + infinitive).
This written activity can be used in your French language classroom to teach your students about the importance of perseverance when encountering obstacles and challenges in their lives.
Recommended for higher-ability students who are already familiar with the passé composé and imparfait tenses.
This cross-curricular lesson on kindness will allow your students to learn more about what it means to be kind and pay it forward in their daily lives, thereby empowering them to be active citizens who act out of kindness.
It can be used with primary and secondary students, but the difficulty level of the activities may need to be slightly modified depending on your group of students.
A link to a Google doc with the full lesson plan outline/slide activity instructions is included.
Socio-emotional learning skills will be developed as students learn to reflect on how they can show kindness and gratitude in their lives and with others.
This speaking evaluation can be used as an activity or assessment with your beginner/lower-ability students in your French language classroom to get them to practice forming full sentences to answer questions in French about themselves and others (ex. saying their name, their age, describing their physical appearance, hobbies, members of their household, etc.)
All of the questions on the worksheet are in French.
This vocabulary worksheet can be used in your French language classroom with your beginner/lower-ability students to help them learn basic commands for giving directions in French (ex. on the left, on the right, stop, go down, go up, etc.)
French and English translations are provided.
This grammar handout can be used in your Spanish language classroom to help your students understand the endings of nationality words in Spanish (gender/singular/plural agreement.)
This reading comprehension activity (My life online) in Spanish can be used in your Spanish language classroom with your lower-intermediate/lower ability students to help them read a short text in Spanish about someone’s life online and social media use. They will also learn vocabulary and expressions related to talking about what they like and do online (ex. “Me gusta/Me gustan” / Yo uso… / es divertido, es guay, etc.)
Answer key provided.
This oral comprehension activity can be used in your French language classroom with your beginner/lower-ability students to allow them to practice vocabulary related to talking about their origins (adjectives of nationality, cultural artifacts, symbols, etc.)
Answer key is provided.
This speaking game can be used in your Spanish language classroom with your beginner/lower ability students to allow them to practice describing people in Spanish by talking about their hair type, hair and eye colour.
This complete lesson on “La Navidad” (Christmas) can be used in your Spanish language classroom with your beginner to lower-intermediate students to teach them Christmas vocabulary in Spanish and how Christmas is celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries (Spain and Latin America.)
A Google doc link to vocabulary sheets is also provided with Spanish and English translations.
This two-part lesson can be used in your French language classroom with your lower-ability and beginner students to teach them about food words and vocabulary related to talking about different major celebrations in France and around the world (ex. New Year’s, Christmas, Pancake Day, etc.)
Answer keys are provided.
This writing activity (in French) can be used in your French language classroom with your intermediate/higher-ability students to help them practice le futur proche (the near future tense) and using common verbs to write about what they are doing for the Winter/Christmas holidays.
This listening quiz can be used with your beginner/lower-ability students in your French classroom to assess their knowledge on the colours in French.
Answer key is provided.
This quiz can be used in your Spanish language classroom with your beginner students and lower-ability learners to assess their knowledge on the months of the year, the days of the week, and the numbers from 1 to 20.
Answer key provided.
This Spanish Christmas vocabulary sheet (Vocabulario de Navidad) can be used in your Spanish language classroom with your beginner and lower-ability students.
English and Spanish translations provided.
This listening activity can be used with your beginner/lower-ability students in your French language classroom to revise greetings, talking about age, and describing what people are doing in French.
Answer key provided.
This quiz can be used as an assessment in your French language classroom to assess your students’ understanding of the months of the year, days of the week, and numbers from 1 to 20 in French.
Suitable for beginner and lower-ability students.
Comes with answer key and instructions in both English and French.
This reading comprehension activity is appropriate for your beginner/lower-ability students in your French language classroom. It can be used as a formative assessment to evaluate your students’ understanding of family words and other vocabulary and expressions used when presenting onself (ex. Je m’appelle, age, hobbies, family members, where I live, etc.)
Students will be assessed on the content of the text and identify conventions.
Includes an answer key.
This cross-curricular social studies unit aims to inspire responsible citizenship in promoting environmental sustainability. By integrating the social studies inquiry process with the language, visual arts, science, and mathematics curriculum, students can develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence in taking responsible action and participating in environmentally sustainable practices within their school community and beyond. This unit consists of eleven engaging lessons organized into two sections - awareness and action. The purpose of the first six lessons is to have students reflect on their perspective of and relationship to the environment. The awareness section also focuses on building a collective awareness of the principles of environmental sustainability. The remaining five lessons are structured to mobilize students to take action on an environmental issue of interest that was explored at the beginning of the unit (see Unit Overview Chart).
Note: The lessons in this unit plan are aligned with the Ontario Curriculum expectations.*
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