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Dan's History Highway

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300+ ready to use and fully resourced History lessons.




300+ ready to use and fully resourced History lessons.
Xia Dynasty – Myth or Reality?

Xia Dynasty – Myth or Reality?

This 45-slide PowerPoint lesson is always the first session I deliver in my unit on Ancient China. The lesson commences with an Odd One Out Starter Activity, during which students select one falsehood about Oracle Bones from a selection of four statements. Subsequently, there is an explanation of what Oracle Bones were and how they relate to the Xia Dynasty. The lesson title and progressive objectives (all will/most will/some will) are then introduced, followed by five slides of contextual information about the period for teacher exposition. The primary activity involves students walking around the classroom in groups to peruse information displayed in a Gallery Walk (consisting of 13 pictures, which need to be printed and affixed around the room). Groups are tasked with assigning roles within their team (coordinator, recorder, timekeeper, researcher, presenter, and proofreader — these can be doubled up if smaller groups are preferred). Some of the information presented during the Gallery Walk suggests the existence of the Xia Dynasty, while other aspects question whether it was merely a myth fabricated by later Dynasties. It’s an engaging lesson that allows students to explore beyond the classroom confines, potentially showcasing their activities to a wider audience within the school. The students collectively complete their information grids and share their findings from the Gallery Walk, leading to an extended writing task centred around the Key Question. The lesson objectives are revisited, and the session concludes with a plenary activity where students indicate their stance on whether they believe the Xia Dynasty was real or a myth by physically positioning themselves to the left or right of the room. I crafted this lesson during my tenure teaching History in China, so it holds sentimental value for me to share it with fellow educators. It is tailored for Key Stage 3 high school students but could be adapted for slightly younger learners as well. The content is presented in UK English.
Does Bloody Mary deserve her nickname?

Does Bloody Mary deserve her nickname?

This 51-slide PowerPoint lesson begins with a Starter Activity, during which students are invited to see how many world leaders’ monikers they know (Napoleon is The Little General, Churchill the British Bulldog, Mandela Madiba etc). Subsequently, there is an explanation of what Mary is best known for and how she acquired her nickname. The lesson title and progressive objectives (all will/most will/some will) are then introduced, followed by contextual information about the period for teacher exposition. The primary activity involves students walking around the classroom in groups to peruse information displayed in a Gallery Walk (consisting of 17 picture frames, which need to be printed and affixed around the room). Groups are tasked with assigning roles within their team (coordinator, recorder, timekeeper, researcher, presenter, and proofreader — these can be doubled up if smaller groups are preferred). Some of the information presented during the Gallery Walk suggests Mary does deserve the title Bloody, while other aspects remind us of the more positive aspects of her reign. It’s an engaging lesson that allows students to explore beyond the classroom confines, potentially showcasing their activities to a wider audience within the school. The students collectively complete their information grids and share their findings from the Gallery Walk, leading to an extended writing task centred around the Key Question. The lesson objectives are revisited, and the session concludes with a plenary activity where students indicate their stance on whether they believe Mary is deserving of her nickname by physically positioning themselves to the left or right of the room. It is tailored for Key Stage 3 high school students but could be adapted for slightly younger learners as well. The content is presented in UK English.
The Cold War in 8 Objects - Museum Lesson

The Cold War in 8 Objects - Museum Lesson

This 47-slide PowerPoint begins with a Starter Activity in which the class is invited to guess the top 6 things a museum exhibition requires to be successful (this is done in the form of a Family Feud-style game). This leads to a discussion of the purposes of a good exhibition with a clear theme/concept and quality content displayed in an accessible manner. This introduces the lesson title and graduated aims (all will/most will/some will). The class is then invited to consider some key areas of the period, and an example of each is given (e.g., for example dog tags for the Vietnam war, a photograph of Kennedy and Khruschev for the Cuban Missile Crisis etc). The class then create their own exhibitions, ensuring they only select a maximum of 8 items and explain and analyse them as they relate to the period. This takes a couple of lessons. When they present, the class peer-assesses using the criteria on the sheet (which link back to the Starter Activity). The lesson aims are revisited before the lesson concludes with a plenary in which the class is invited to take on the role of “Voices of the Cold War” or “Voices of the Future” and discuss their thoughts on a range of artifacts (these are provided in one slide, but it works best if you use those that students came up with themselves in their own exhibitions). I designed this lesson for high-achieving high school students, and it works well to introduce a topic on the Cold War or to conclude it. This lesson is written in UK English.
How similar and how different was Medieval food to today?

How similar and how different was Medieval food to today?

This 46-slide PowerPoint begins with a Starter Activity, inviting students to choose what young people in the Medieval era would drink, with beer as the answer due to its safety over water. The lesson title and aims are then introduced, graduated into ‘all will/most will/some will’. Following this, students translate a source from an early Medieval cookbook, with background information provided for teacher exposition on food for nobles, peasants, and religious groups. The main activity involves students being assigned into groups with specific roles and completing sheets on 9 gallery points, followed by creating a role play of a modern student transported back in time to the Medieval period to investigate dining and food. An example play is provided for guidance. The lesson objectives are revisited, and the session concludes with a plenary activity where students add post-it notes to baskets to answer the Key Question and demonstrate similarities and differences. Tailored for Key Stage 3 high school students, it’s adaptable for slightly younger learners and presented in UK English.
Legalism, Confucianism, and Daoism – Blind Date

Legalism, Confucianism, and Daoism – Blind Date

Welcome to “Exploring Ancient Chinese Philosophy”, where we delve into the rich tapestry of thought from ancient China. In this session, we embark on a journey through the philosophical influences that shaped ancient Chinese society, including Legalism, Confucianism, and Daoism. Our class begins with a stimulating Starter Activity, prompting students to engage in discussion with a friend about images which stemmed from these philosophies, using three-word prompts. As we progress, our Graduated Aims guide us: all will/most will/some will. Through teacher exposition, we provide background information on Legalism, Confucianism, and Daoism. The main activity, introduced thereafter, takes the form of Blind Date Style Responses, where students, grouped in threes, prepare and share responses embodying one of the philosophies. Example responses serve as inspiration. It’s a creative way to develop real understanding on a complicated topic. A revisit to our objectives precedes the plenary, where students engage in a lively vote on the most compelling ‘date’. I’d be so grateful if you can find time to add a positive review if you enjoyed this lesson.
Ancient Rome in 8 Objects – Museum Lesson

Ancient Rome in 8 Objects – Museum Lesson

This 42-slide PowerPoint begins with a Starter Activity in which the class is invited to guess the top 6 things a museum exhibition requires to be successful (this is done in the form of a Family Feud-style game). This leads to a discussion of the purposes of a good exhibition with a clear theme/concept and quality content displayed in an accessible manner. This introduces the lesson title and graduated aims (all will/most will/some will). The class is then invited to consider some key areas of the period, and an example of each is given (e.g., for example a statue of Romulus and Remus for the founding of Rome, a Carthaginian helmet to represent the Punic Wars etc). The class then create their own exhibitions, ensuring they only select a maximum of 8 items and explain and analyse them as they relate to the period. This takes a couple of lessons. When they present, the class peer-assesses using the criteria on the sheet (which link back to the Starter Activity). The lesson aims are revisited before the lesson concludes with a plenary in which the class is invited to take on the role of “Voices of Ancient Rome” or “Voices of the Future” and discuss their thoughts on a range of artifacts (these are provided in one slide, but it works best if you use those that students came up with themselves in their own exhibitions). I designed this lesson for high-achieving high school students, and it works well to introduce a topic on Ancient Rome or to conclude it. This lesson is written in UK English.
Why did the Han Dynasty collapse?

Why did the Han Dynasty collapse?

This 25-slide PowerPoint begins with an odd one out Starter Activity in which students pick out one misconception about the Han Dynasty. They are then introduced to the lesson title and graduated aims (all will/most will/some will). There is then some background information to enable teacher exposition. This is followed by a series of slides in which 12 people offer reasons for the collapse, some of which relate to internal problems (taxes, loss of traditional values, etc.) and some of which relate to external pressures (bandits on the Silk Road, attacks by nomadic tribes such as Xiongnu, etc.). Students act as journalists and jot down notes from these characters before using the information to create a newspaper to answer the Key Question. The lesson objectives are revisited, and the lesson concludes with a plenary in which the class is asked to come up with eight reasons for the collapse of the Han Dynasty and to write them on a flower with eight petals. I created this lesson while I taught History in China, and it was designed for high school students. It is written in UK English.
The triangular trade in 8 objects

The triangular trade in 8 objects

This 42-slide PowerPoint commences with a Starter Activity, inviting the class to speculate on the top 6 requisites for a successful museum exhibition, presented in the form of a Family Feud-style game. This initiates a discussion on the objectives of an effective exhibition, emphasising the importance of a clear theme/concept and the presentation of quality content in an accessible manner. Subsequently, the lesson title and graduated aims (all will/most will/some will) are introduced. The class is then prompted to explore key aspects of the period, with examples provided for each (e.g., aggra beads for slave capture and bilboes for the Middle Passage, etc.). Following this, students are tasked with creating their own exhibitions, limited to a maximum of 8 items, and are required to explain and analyse them within the context of the period. This activity spans across a couple of lessons. During presentations, peer-assessment is conducted using criteria linked back to the Starter Activity. The lesson aims are revisited before concluding with a plenary, wherein the class assumes the roles of “Voices of the Triangular Trade” or “Voices of the Future” to discuss their perspectives on a variety of artifacts. Although provided in one slide, it is suggested to incorporate artifacts selected by students for their own exhibitions. This lesson, designed for high-achieving high school students, serves as an effective introduction to or conclusion of a topic on the Triangular Trade. It is written in UK-English.
What was life like for a Crusader?

What was life like for a Crusader?

This lesson is titled “What was life like for a Crusader?” This lesson begins with an Odd One Out Starter Activity in which the class are asked to pick out one untruth from a choice of four. This then introduces the Key Question and aims and there are graduated learning objectives (all will/most will/some will). There are then slides of background knowledge for teacher exposition. After this, students are placed in groups of four and given a character card. They need to then walk around 10 portraits in a Gallery Walk exercise to jot down knowledge and information to help them create a TV Chat show to answer the Key Question. After this they perform their responses. The lesson objectives are revisited to ensure students have made progress and the lesson concludes with a plenary activity in which they are invited to write on speech bubbles on a Crusader to help explain what life was like for him. Wishing you a terrific day.
What caused the Great Fire of London?

What caused the Great Fire of London?

This lesson is titled “What caused the Great Fire of London?” The lesson begins with a Starter Activity in which the class are invited to spot the one fact which is not true. This then leads to the introduction of the Key Question and lesson aims. Lesson objectives are introduced, and these are graduated (all will/most will/some will). There are then background information slides to allow for teacher exposition. After this, students are given one of four character cards and asked to make notes as journalists by interviewing the other three but only after they have completed a 21 piece Diamond 21 activity on the most important reasons. They are are then asked to create a newspaper outlining the causes and a beginning example is given. After this, students present their findings. The lesson objectives are revisited, and the lesson concludes a Have I Got News for You style fill in the gaps plenary activity to test knowledge acquired. Wishing you a terrific day.
What was religion like in Ancient Rome?

What was religion like in Ancient Rome?

This product is titled “What was religion like in Ancient Rome?” The lesson begins with an Odd One Out Starter Activity which introduces the class to some facts about religion in Ancient Rome. They are then informed of the Key Question and aims as well as graduated objectives are discussed (all will/most will/some will). There are then background slides of information to allow for teacher exposition. After this, students are given the task of creating a diorama in which the Roman Gods are symbolised by modern superheroes (Superman is Jupiter because he is all powerful for example). The class explain their work and the lesson concludes with a fill in the gaps Have I Got News for You style plenary in which they test their knowledge acquired in this lesson. Wishing you a terrific day.
What were the roles of religion in the Middle Ages?

What were the roles of religion in the Middle Ages?

This lesson is titled “What were the roles of religion in the Middle Ages?” The lesson begins with an Odd One Out Starter Activity which gets students thinking about the Key Question. Lesson aims and graduated objectives (all will/most will/some will) are then introduced. After this there are slides of background information to allow for teacher exposition. The main activity is a Gallery Walk where students get out of their seats and walk around the classroom making notes on the social, economic, spiritual, and political aspects of religious life in the Middle Ages. From here students create mind maps and show them to their peers. The lesson objectives are revisited. The lesson concludes with a trash can plenary in which students are invited to come to the board and place a post it note with knowledge acquired in the correct category. I hope your classes enjoy this lesson as much as mine always do. Wishing you a terrific day.
How were the pyramids built?

How were the pyramids built?

This lesson is titled “How were the Pyramids built?” The lesson begins with three anagrams designed to introduce the topic in a Countdown Style Starter Activity. The Key Question is made clear along with aims and lesson objectives are graduated (all will/most will/some will). There are then slides of background information to allow for teacher exposition. The main activity takes the form of a jigsaw classroom approach. Students are given one of five fact files on an alternative theory which explains how the pyramids may have been built (water theory, slave theory, social cohesion theory, and ramp theory. I have also included alien theory for fun if you want to use it but obviously this one isn’t correct!). The students then break away and research their respective area of expertise before rejoining the group. The challenge is for them to then persuade the others in their ‘jigsaw’ that their theory is the correct one. Following this the lesson objectives are revisited, and a piece of written work is set. The lesson concludes with a starfish plenary in which students are asked to vote on which of the five theories they felt was most persuasive. This was a lesson I created whilst teaching at an international school in Cairo, so it means a lot to me to pass it on to other educators. I hope your students enjoy it as much as mine always did. It is pitched toward high school students but could be adapted for slightly younger students. Wishing you a terrific day.
What was life like on the Home Front in Britain during WWII?

What was life like on the Home Front in Britain during WWII?

This lesson is titled “What was life like on the Home Front in Britain during the Second World War?” The lesson begins with three anagrams designed to introduce the topic in a Countdown Style Starter Activity. The Key Question is made clear along with aims and lesson objectives are graduated (all will/most will/some will). There are then slides of background information to allow for teacher exposition. The main activity takes the form of a jigsaw classroom approach. Students are given one of five fact files on an alternative aspect of life on the Home Front (children and evacuation, women, those too old for active service, propaganda, and the Blitz). The students then break away and research their respective area of expertise using the fact file given (as well as a library book box/internet) before rejoining the group. The challenge is for them to then persuade the others in their ‘jigsaw’ that their aspect of life changed the most. Following this the lesson objectives are revisited, and a piece of written work is set. The lesson concludes with a starfish plenary in which students are asked to vote on which of the five aspects of life on the Home Front they felt was the biggest change for the people of Britain. I hope your students enjoy it as much as mine always do. It is pitched toward high school students and requires them to have some research skills. Wishing you a terrific day.
What were the causes of the French Revolution?

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

This lesson is titled “What were the causes of the French Revolution?” The lesson begins with a Blankety Blank style Starter Activity in which students are invited to fill in the missing word. This then leads to the Key Question and the introduction of aims and graduated objectives (all will/most will/some will). After this there are slides of background information to enable teacher exposition. Students are then placed in groups of three and given a one slide fact file on either social, economic, or political causes. Their jigsaw activity is to research their topic using the cards as well as internet/library to then return to their group as an expert and convince them of the importance of their single factor. After this they are asked to work together to complete a piece of writing to answer the Key Question. The lesson objectives are revisited, and the lesson concludes with a plenary activity in which students vote on the most convincing reason. This lesson has been designed for high school students. I hope yours get as much from it as much as mine do. Please be aware this lesson is pitched to students who have reasonable research skills. Wishing you a terrific day.
Was William Wallace a hero or a villain?

Was William Wallace a hero or a villain?

This lesson is titled “Was William Wallace a hero or a villain? Braveheart.” The lesson begins with a Starter Activity in which students are asked to place four historical figures in order of height. This introduces the class to the idea of myth (Wallace was probably not the giant legend states). The Key Question is then stated. Aims and lesson objectives are graduated (all will/most will/some will). There are slides of background information to allow for teacher exposition. Students are then placed in a pair and given one of two character cards (for and against Wallace). They work together to sift through 12 evidence cards to decide if the evidence suggests he was a hero or a villain. A plain version is provided as well as a colour coded one for those who need a little more help. Using this they then attempt the second part of the main activity which is to write a two-sided newspaper report. The lesson objectives are revisited. The lesson concludes with two plenaries. First, they are asked to come to the board and fill up an eight-petalled flower with compelling evidence. They then vote with their feet by standing to the side of the classroom they mostly agree with (i.e. he was a hero, or he was a villain). I hope your students get as much from this lesson as mine do. Wishing you a terrific day.
Why did the Roman Empire collapse?

Why did the Roman Empire collapse?

This lesson is titled “Why did the Roman Empire collapse?” This lesson begins with a Blankety Blank style Starter Activity which introduces students to the concept of collapse. The Key Question is introduced along with aims and graduated lesson objectives (all will/most will/some will). After this there are slides of background information to allow for teacher exposition. Students are then introduced to the five key reasons and placed into jigsaw groups. Each is given a factor to research using the 5 x fact files given (as well as internet or library). Their challenge is to return to their group and to convince the others of the importance of their single factor. Once they have listened to all five reasons (political, social, and economic problems, as well as barbarian invasions, and military overspending) they write a written response to the Key Question. The lesson objectives are revisited and the lesson concludes with a starfish plenary in which students are invited to come up to the board and vote on which of the five factors was most significant and why. It has been written for high school students and I hope your class enjoy this lesson as much as mine do. Wishing you a terrific day.
How was Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914?

How was Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914?

This lesson is titled “How was Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914?” The lesson begins with an Odd One Out activity designed to introduce the class to the concept of political assassination. The Key Question is shown along with aims and graduated learning objectives (all will/most will/some will) before slides of background knowledge to enable teacher exposition. The class are then set a heads and tails card sort activity which they cut and glue into their books to tell the chronology of the assassination. They are then placed in groups of six (or less) and given their own character cards. From here the main activity begins. A four scene role play is explained to them and they have to work together to create a role play involving their characters. A summary of the four acts is provided on one single slide for ease of reference. Students revisit the learning objectives as they act out their performances. The lesson concludes with a flower plenary in which they are invited to add eight pieces of newly acquired knowledge to 8 petals. This lesson has been designed with high school students in mind and I hope your students get a much from it as mine always do. Wishing you a terrific day.
Why was Boudicca's Revolt unsuccessful?

Why was Boudicca's Revolt unsuccessful?

This lesson is titled “Why was Boudicca’s Revolt unsuccessful?” The lesson begins with a Blankety Blank style Starter Activity in which students are invited to fill in the missing word. This then leads to the Key Question and the introduction of aims and graduated objectives (all will/most will/some will). After this there are slides of background information to enable teacher exposition. Students are then placed in groups of five and given a one slide fact file on either leadership issues, the superiority of the Roman Army, strategic mistakes, organizational issues, and internal divisions. Their jigsaw activity is to research their topic using the cards as well as internet/library to then return to their group as an expert and convince them of the importance of their single factor. After this they are asked to work together to complete a piece of writing to answer the Key Question. The lesson objectives are revisited, and the lesson concludes with a plenary activity in which students vote on the most convincing reason. This lesson has been designed for high school students. I hope yours get as much from it as much as mine do. Please be aware this lesson is pitched to students who have reasonable research skills. Wishing you a terrific day.
Was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain?

Was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain?

This lesson is titled “Was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain?” The lesson begins with a Starter Activity in which students are asked to place identify which of four statements is not true. The Key Question is then stated. Aims and lesson objectives are graduated (all will/most will/some will). There are slides of background information to allow for teacher exposition. Students are then placed in a pair and given one of two character cards (for and against Cromwell). They work together to sift through 12 evidence cards to decide if the evidence suggests he was a hero or a villain. A plain version is provided as well as a color coded one for those who need a little more help. Using this they then attempt the second part of the main activity which is to write a two-sided newspaper report. The lesson objectives are revisited. The lesson concludes with two plenaries. First, they are asked to come to the board and fill up an eight-petalled flower with compelling evidence. They then vote with their feet by standing to the side of the classroom they mostly agree with (i.e. he was a hero, or he was a villain). I hope your students get as much from this lesson as mine do. Wishing you a terrific day.