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Resources for the busy teacher
A-level Physics revision notes Mechanics Further Mechanics Electric Magnetic fields Thermodynamics

A-level Physics revision notes Mechanics Further Mechanics Electric Magnetic fields Thermodynamics

A-level Physics booster improve understanding revise key terms sections definitions equations labelled diagrams Oxford Cambridge British United Kingdom UK resource concise OCR Edexcel AQA international Working as a Physics Thermodynamics Mechanics Further Mechanics Electric fields Magnetic fields Nuclear Particle accelerators Print off and laminate, or stick into books, punch holes and place in files, use in group activities. These 2 summary sheets are concise A4 sheets that can be enlarged or reduced. Use in group activities, or as revision tools. Give to struggling students or those who have missed school because of sickness or school trips. These notes will bring a student up to speed with the most important information. No need for you to teach everything again twice. Use as consolidation resource at the end of topic.
A-level Physics Emf and internal resistance

A-level Physics Emf and internal resistance

Complete lesson resource powerpoint worksheet quiz for an hour lesson Edexcel AQA OCR Cambridge Oxford UK British system A-level AS level Emf internal resistance photographs of apparatus needed interactive
Hazards and uses and ionising radiation

Hazards and uses and ionising radiation

A complete lesson containing information about the uses and hazards of ionising radiation. Included with the power point is a worksheet for students to use and answer while you explain the powerpoint to check their understanding and to make the presentation more interactive. Printable worksheet with answers at the end of the powerpoint to help students check their work.
Radiation - Uses in Medicine

Radiation - Uses in Medicine

A complete lesson broken into 4 parts -Hazards and uses of Radiation, Irradiation, Uses of radiation in medicine, Using nuclear radiation. Quiz at the end allows for pupils to consolidate their learning. Reveal information as you go in order to allow for class discussion. No textbook needed, as the powerpoint contains a lot of information. Pupils can be encouraged to summarise each slide as the lesson progresses to make for more interactive learning.
Nuclear Radiation - in depth study

Nuclear Radiation - in depth study

This complete lesson covers the following: Quiz at the end tests the students understanding Types of Radiation Alpha, Beta Gamma detailed descriptions of their composition and how they are formed Uses of Radiation Medical tracers Radiotherapy Brachytherapy Dangers of Radiation Irradiation The well designed Powerpoint transitions between work very well so that students are able to digest the work better.
Uses of Ionising Radiation

Uses of Ionising Radiation

A complete lesson about the uses of ionising radiation. This in depth power point presentation completes with a quiz to test the students knowledge, understanding and concentration during the lesson. detailed notes can be made with out the need for a textbook.
Physics Class posters

Physics Class posters

Physics Mechanics Energy Momentum Further Angular Velocity Nuclear Particle Physics Electric Fields Magnetic Fields Made in the UK
Lesson 3 - Hazards and Uses of Nuclear Radiation

Lesson 3 - Hazards and Uses of Nuclear Radiation

A complete lesson containing a Powerpoint with end Quiz, and a printable worksheet (activity) Presentation includes information on: Contamination Types of Radiation Medical Tracers Irradiation Radiotherapy Printable worksheet allows pupils to show their understanding during the lesson, and Quiz at the end is an opportunity for students to consolidate their learning.
Nuclear Radiation - Uses in medicine

Nuclear Radiation - Uses in medicine

Complete lesson with Power point ending in Quiz, printable worksheet with answers. Powerpoint covers: Radiactive contamination Using Medical Tracers Irradiation Uses of Radiation in medicine Radiotherapy Brachytherapy Interactive worksheet that allows pupils to follow along as the work is being delivered. Quiz at the end of the presentation allows students to demonstrate progress being made.
Uses and Hazards of Ionising Radition

Uses and Hazards of Ionising Radition

A complete lesson containing a powerpoint, and printable worksheet. The answers to the worksheet are found on the last slide so pupils can mark their own work or peer assess their classmates level of understanding.
Radiation - Uses and Hazards of ionising radiation

Radiation - Uses and Hazards of ionising radiation

Power point and worksheet for a complete lesson. Explains the medical uses of ionising radiation as well as the damage that radiation can do to the human body. Printable worksheet activity for pupils to answer while the presentation is being explained. Quiz at the end used to test the students understanding 1 complete lesson.
Medical uses of Nuclear Radiation

Medical uses of Nuclear Radiation

A complete lesson the covers detailed information on Nuclear contamination Medical tracers Radiotherapy Brachytherapy This attractive powerpoint reveals information gradually to allow students to digest information and make summary notes.
Hazards and Uses of Radiation

Hazards and Uses of Radiation

Complete lesson with detailed Powerpoint, printable worksheet and answers on Powerpoint, linked to Final timed Quiz. Interactive complete lesson. Information containing detailed slides on : Contamination Types of Radiation Irradiation Uses of Radiation in Medicine Radiotherapy Brychytherapy Benefits of using Nuclear Radiation Printable worksheet to provide activities during the presentation for the students to document and test their understanding Timed Quiz - tests the understanding of your students at the end of the lesson
Uses and Hazards of Nuclear Radiation

Uses and Hazards of Nuclear Radiation

This complete lesson contains a power point, printable worksheet, and plenary quiz. Detailed information on: Radioactive Contamination Medical Tracers Irradiation Uses of Radiation in Medicine Radiotherapy Brachytherapy Benefits of using Nuclear Radiation Evaluating the Risks of using Nuclear therapy The worksheet allows students to be active during the lesson. Quiz at the end provides and excellent consolidation activity.
Hazards and Uses of Nuclear Radiation

Hazards and Uses of Nuclear Radiation

Complete lesson about Nuclear Radiation and it’s medical uses Power point with an interactive Quiz at the end. A printable worksheet to provide and activity in the main body of the lesson. Areas covered include: Radioactive Contamination Medical Tracers Irradiation Uses of Radiation in Medicine Radiotherapy Brachytherapy Quiz with answers as a plenary to check students progress in the lesson.


This extremely detailed lesson on “satellites” covers the history of satellite launches all the way up to modern times. Geostationary, Low Earth Orbit, GPS. You name it, this presentation covers it. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of satellite identified. A student activity in the form of a printable worksheet is given. The presentation concludes with a quiz. Science Physics GCSE, or Astronomy. This presentation should definitely be added to your collection of resources. UK, United Kingdom, Oxford Cambridge. Two hours worth of high quality content.